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class CmsMappingManager
  # Broken and not in-use (https://unep-wcmc.slack.com/archives/GR2EA1B0C/p1706268513001039)
  # class << self

  #   def sync
  #     config_location ||= Rails.root.join('config/secrets.yml')
  #     @config = YAML.load_file(config_location)[Rails.env]
  #     index_url = @config['cms']['index']
  #     @show_url = @config['cms']['show']
  #     puts "#{index_url}"
  #     url = URI.escape(index_url)
  #     cms = Taxonomy.where(:name => Taxonomy::CMS).first
  #     species = JSON.parse(RestClient.get(url))
  #     species.each do |sp|
  #       taxon_concept = TaxonConcept.where(:full_name => sp["scientific_name"],
  #                                          :taxonomy_id => cms.id).first
  #       mapping = CmsMapping.find_or_create_by(
  #         taxon_concept_id: taxon_concept.try(:id), cms_taxon_name: sp["scientific_name"], cms_uuid: sp["node_uuid"])

  #       analyse mapping
  #     end
  #   end

  #   def analyse(mapping)
  #     url = URI.escape(@show_url + mapping.cms_taxon_name)
  #     species = JSON.parse(RestClient.get(url)).first
  #     if species
  #       puts "setting mapping details for #{mapping.cms_taxon_name}"
  #       mapping.cms_author = species["taxonomy"]["author"]
  #       taxon_concept = mapping.taxon_concept
  #       mapping.details = {
  #         'distributions_splus' => taxon_concept && taxon_concept.distributions.size,
  #         'distributions_cms' => species["geographic_range"]["range_states"].size,
  #         'instruments_splus' => taxon_concept && taxon_concept.instruments.map(&:name).join(", "),
  #         'instruments_cms' => species["assessment_information"].map do |ai|
  #           ai["instrument"] && ai["instrument"]["instrument"]
  #         end.join(", "),
  #         'listing_splus' => taxon_concept && taxon_concept.listing_changes.first &&
  #           "#{taxon_concept.listing_changes.first.species_listing.name}: #{taxon_concept.
  #             listing_changes.first.effective_at.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")}",
  #         'listing_cms' =>
  #           if species["appendix_1_date"]
  #             "Appendix I: #{Date.parse(species["appendix_1_date"]).strftime("%d/%m/%Y")}"
  #           elsif species["appendix_2_date"]
  #             "Appendix II: #{Date.parse(species["appendix_2_date"]).strftime("%d/%m/%Y")}"
  #           else
  #             nil
  #           end
  #       }
  #       mapping.save
  #     end
  #   end

  #   # Finds CITES' taxon concepts that match the CMS Species or Subspecies and
  #   # copies the distributions and distribution references from the CITES to the CMS taxon concept.
  #   # It also creates a taxon_relationship of EQUAL_TO between both taxon concepts
  #   def fill_cms_distributions
  #     species = Rank.where(:name => Rank::SPECIES).first
  #     subspecies = Rank.where(:name => Rank::SUBSPECIES).first
  #     cms = Taxonomy.where(:name => Taxonomy::CMS).first
  #     cites = Taxonomy.where(:name => Taxonomy::CITES_EU).first
  #     equal_to = TaxonRelationshipType.where(:name => TaxonRelationshipType::EQUAL_TO).first
  #     TaxonConcept.where(:rank_id => [species.id, subspecies.id],
  #                        :taxonomy_id => cms.id).each do |taxon|
  #       matching_cites_taxon = TaxonConcept.where(:rank_id => taxon.rank_id,
  #                                                 :full_name => taxon.full_name,
  #                                                 :taxonomy_id => cites.id).first
  #       next unless matching_cites_taxon
  #       puts "found a match for #{taxon.full_name} #{taxon.id} matches #{matching_cites_taxon.id}"
  #       matching_cites_taxon.distributions.each do |dist|
  #         distribution = Distribution.find_or_initialize_by(
  #           taxon_concept_id: taxon.id, geo_entity_id: ist.geo_entity_id)
  #         distribution.tag_list = dist.tag_list
  #         distribution.save
  #         dist.distribution_references.each do |reference|
  #           DistributionReference.find_or_create_by(
  #             distribution_id: distribution.id, reference_id: reference.reference_id)
  #         end
  #       end
  #       puts "creating taxon relationship"
  #       TaxonRelationship.create(:taxon_concept_id => matching_cites_taxon.id,
  #                                :other_taxon_concept_id => taxon.id,
  #                                :taxon_relationship_type_id => equal_to.id)
  #     end
  #   end
  # end