#ifndef RenderingtUtil_hpp
#define RenderingtUtil_hpp
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
namespace RenderingUtil {
* Converts a list of ids to a string.
std::string idVecToStr(std::vector<uint32_t> ids, const std::string& seperator);
* Same as SFML's mapCoordToPixel but applies a scaling factor.
sf::Vector2f mapCoordToPixelScaled(const sf::Vector2f& position, const sf::RenderWindow& window,
const sf::View& view, const sf::Vector2f scaling_factor);
* Creates a line that is colored evenly in strips.
* @start_point: starting point of line.
* @direction: direction of line, assumed to be a unit vector.
* @strip_length: length of each individaul strip.
* @colors: list of colors. The length of the line will be (colors.size() * strip_length).
sf::VertexArray strippedLine(sf::Vector2f start_point, sf::Vector2f direction,
float strip_length, std::vector<sf::Color> colors);
} // namespace RenderingUtil
#endif /* RenderingtUtil_hpp */