#ifndef ClientGameController_hpp
#define ClientGameController_hpp
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <random>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "../../common/bots/Bot.hpp"
#include "../../common/systems/GameController.hpp"
#include "../rendering/Animation.hpp"
#include "../rendering/AnimationController.hpp"
#include "../rendering/GUIController.hpp"
#include "../rendering/RenderingController.hpp"
#include "../systems/InputController.hpp"
#include "NetworkingClient.hpp"
class ClientGameController : public GameController {
explicit ClientGameController(bool is_headless = false, bool is_bot = false,
BotStrategy strategy = BotStrategy::Random,
const std::string& server_ip = GAME_SETTINGS.LOCALHOST_IP,
uint32_t server_tcp_port = GAME_SETTINGS.SERVER_TCP_PORT,
LevelKey level_key = LevelKey::empty);
void start() override;
// Overrides
void update(const InputDef::PlayerInputs& pi, sf::Int32 delta_ms) override;
void preUpdate() override;
void postUpdate(sf::Int32 update_time) override;
InputDef::PlayerInputs getPlayerInputs() override;
void incrementTick() override;
// Methods
std::pair<InputDef::ReliableInput, InputDef::UnreliableInput> getBotMove(uint32_t bot_player_id,
BotStrategy strategy);
uint32_t getTick();
void setTick(uint32_t tick);
* Register the client via the NetworkingClient.
* @returns: The client's player id.
void registerClient();
void postRegisterInit();
void draw();
* Update game state by stalling, interpolating and/or extrapolating.
void updateGameState(const InputDef::PlayerInputs& pi, sf::Int32 delta_ms);
* Interpolate game state from start_tick to to_tick using end_tick's game state.
* For example, if start tick is 10, end tick is 20 and to_tick is 11 then we will interpolate
* 10% from the local game state to the game state passed in.
void interpolateGameState(uint32_t start_tick, uint32_t to_tick, uint32_t end_tick,
const GameState& game_state);
* Locally apply game state events recieved from the server.
void applyGameStateEvents(const GameStateEvent& game_state_event);
* Handle local state is behind smallest server game state in the buffer.
void behind(uint32_t client_tick, uint32_t smallest_server_tick,
const GameState& smallest_server_game_state);
* Handle local state is ahead of smallest server game state buffer.
void ahead(uint32_t client_tick, uint32_t smallest_server_tick,
std::map<uint32_t, GameState>& game_state_buffer);
* Send client input to server
void sendInputs(std::pair<InputDef::ReliableInput, InputDef::UnreliableInput> inputs);
// Variables
uint32_t m_playerId = 0;
bool m_headless, m_isBot;
BotStrategy m_strategy;
Bot m_bot;
std::string m_serverIP;
sf::RenderWindow m_window;
TemporalMetric m_tickDeltaMetric{
4 * 15, sf::seconds(0.25f)}; // Tracks the absolute tick delta between the client and target
// server state. Each count is a tick delta.
TemporalMetric m_behindGameStateMetric{
4 * 15, sf::seconds(0.25f)}; // Tracks of the number of ticks the client is behind the
// target server state. Each count is a tick delta.
TemporalMetric m_aheadGameStateMetric{
4 * 15, sf::seconds(0.25f)}; // Tracks the number of ticks the client is ahead the target
// server state. Each count is a tick delta.
TemporalMetric m_interpolateGameStateMetric{
4 * 15, sf::seconds(0.25f)}; // Tracks the number of ticks away the state was interpolated
// to. Each count is a tick delta.
TemporalMetric m_stallGameStateMetric{
4 * 15, sf::seconds(0.25f)}; // Tracks the number of ticks where the game was stalled and no
// new game state was applied. Each count is a stall.
TemporalMetric m_noGameStateMetric{
4 * 15, sf::seconds(0.25f)}; // Tracks the number of ticks where there weren't any server
// game states in the buffer.
std::unique_ptr<NetworkingClient> m_networkingClient;
std::unique_ptr<InputController> m_inputController;
std::unique_ptr<RenderingController> m_renderingController;
#endif /* ClientGameController_hpp */