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import config from '../../config'
import bluebird from 'bluebird'
import PostgresHelper from './postgres'
import * as data_access from '../../utils/data_access'
import fs from 'fs'
const dbClient = new PostgresHelper()

 * Returns a list of (country code, source name, shapefile set} for the given search key
 * @param   {String} key - the search key
 * @return  {Promise} fulfilled when records are returned
export function getCountriesAndSourceData(key) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    switch (key) {
      case 'mobility': {
        let path = './public/aggregations/' + key + '/'
        let filenames = walkSync(path, [])
        let results = createArrayOfCountries(filenames)
        return resolve(results)

 * Transforms a list of filenames into an array of objects in desired format
 * @param   {Array} filenames - list of filenames to be transformed
 * @return  {Array} unique_results - array of unique objects in our desired format
function createArrayOfCountries(filenames) {
  let results = filenames
  .filter(line => {
    return line.match(/csv/i)
  .map(line => {
    return line.split('/').slice(0, 3) // discard csv in path
  }).reduce((arr, line) => {
    let obj = {
      'country': line[2], 'source': line[0], 'series': line[1],
      // rebuild path in case apps need it later
      'path': `/mobility/sources/${line[0]}/series/${line[1]}/countries/${line[2]}`,
      'version': '/api/v1'
    return arr
  }, [])
  // de-duplicate values in the array
  let unique_results = Object.values(results.reduce((h, e) => {
    h[e.country + e.source + e.shapefile] = e
    return h
    }, {}))
  return unique_results

 * Traverses a directory recursively and returns the full pathnames of the files
 * at the deepest level
 * @param   {String} dir path for the base directory
 * @param   {Array} filelist list of filenames to be returned
 * @return  {Array} list of filenames at the deepest level
function walkSync(dir, filelist) {
  let files = fs.readdirSync(dir)
  filelist = filelist || [];
  files.forEach(file => {
    if (fs.statSync(dir + file).isDirectory()) {
      filelist = walkSync(dir + file + '/', filelist)
    } else {
      filelist.push(dir.split('/').slice(4).join('/') + file)

  return filelist

 * Returns name of the a country's shapefile from` the List of shapefiles
 * @param  {List} shapefiles List of shapefiles
 * @param  {String} country  Name of the country
 * @return {String} fileName Name of the shapefile for specified country, empty string if not found
const getFile = (shapefiles, country) => {
  let fileName = ''
  let files = shapefiles.filter(shapefile => {
    fileName = shapefile.split('/')[1]
    return fileName.split('_')[0] === country
  if (files.length > 0) {
    fileName = files[0]
  return fileName

 * Return an object with list of countries and aggregated data for each country
 * @param {String} kind - Type of data requested (population or mosquito)
 * @param {String} source - source from which data should be fetched
 * @param {String} country - country for which data should be fetched,
 *                          if not specified fetch data for all countries
 * @return{Promise} Fulfilled when records are returned
export const countries_with_this_kind_data = (kind, source, country) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Get country name for each shapefile
    getShapeFiles(kind, source)
      .then(shapefileSet => {
        if (country) {
          let fileName = getFile(shapefileSet.shapefiles, country)
          if (fileName.length > 0) {
            shapefileSet.country = country
            shapefileSet.fileName = fileName
            shapefileSet.shapefiles = []
            return getGeoProperties(shapefileSet)
          } else {
            return reject('country not found')
        } else {
          return aggregateShapeFiles(shapefileSet)
      .then(population => {
        return resolve(population)

 * Returns geo-properties for a country
 * @param   {object} shapefileSet Object with information regarding requested data
 *                               e.g. country, name of shapefile etc.
 * @return  {Promise} Fulfilled  when geo-properties are returned
const getGeoProperties = (shapefileSet) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let fileName = shapefileSet.fileName
    let geo_props_file_name = fileName.match(/[a-z]{3}_\d/)[0].toUpperCase() +
    data_access.read_file('geo-properties', 'gadm2-8', geo_props_file_name)
      .then(admin_properties => {
        shapefileSet.admin_properties = admin_properties
        return resolve(shapefileSet)
      .catch(error => {
        return reject(
          'Error getting geo-properties for ' + shapefileSet.country

 * Returns list of shapefiles from specified source for specified kind of data
 * @param   {String} kind - Type of data requested (population or mosquito)
 * @param   {String} source - source from which data should be fetched
 * @return  {Promise} Fulfilled  when shapefiles are returned
export const getShapeFiles = (kind, source) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    data_access.get_file_list(kind, source)
      .then(directories => {
        let dirs_shapefiles = extract_dirs(directories.entries.directories)
        let shapefiles = []
        bluebird.each(dirs_shapefiles, directory => {
            return data_access.get_file_list(kind, source + '/' + directory)
              .then(fileList => {
                fileList.entries.files.forEach(file => {
                  shapefiles.push(directory + '/' + file.name)
          }, {
            concurrency: 1
          .then(() => {

 * Extracts and returns data from shapefiles
 * @param  {object} shapefileSet Object with information regarding requested data
 *                               e.g. country, name of shapefile etc.
 * @return {Promise} Fulfilled  when aggregated data is returned
export const aggregateShapeFiles = (shapefileSet) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let population = {}
    shapefileSet.shapefiles.forEach(shapefile => {
      const fileName = shapefile.split('/')[1]
      const record = file_to_record(fileName);
      if (population[record.country]) {
      } else {
        population[record.country] = [record];
    return resolve(population);

 * Reads and returns content of a shapefile
 * @param  {object} shapefileSet Object with information regarding requested data
 *                               e.g. country, name of shapefile etc.
 * @return {Promise} Fulfilled  when a shapefile is read
const readShapeFile = (shapefileSet) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let {
    } = shapefileSet
    const [database, file] = fileName.split('/')
    data_access.read_file(kind, source + '/' + database, file)
      .then(content => {
        shapefileSet.shapefile = content

 * This function will merge geo-properties with shapefile content
 * @param  {object} shapefileSet Object with information regarding requested data
 *                               e.g. country, name of shapefile etc.
 * @return {Promise} Fulfilled  when geo-properties are merged with shapefile content
const mergePropertiesWithShapefile = (shapefileSet) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let {
      source: dir,
    } = shapefileSet
    let [raster, source] = fileName.split('^').slice(1, 3)
    let admin_to_value_map = {}
    admin_to_value_map.raster = raster
    // source refers to raster source
    admin_to_value_map.source = source
    admin_to_value_map.values = {}
    let value_map = shapefile.reduce((ary, element) => {
      let tempList = Object.keys(element).filter(key => {
        return (key.startsWith('id_'))
      }).map(key => {
        return element[key]
      let temp_map = {}
      // config[kind].val_type is sum or mean
      // element[config[kind].val_type] is a floating point
      temp_map[country + '_' +
        tempList.join('_') + '_' +
        dir] = element[config[kind].val_type]

      // Enrich each object with the feature properties from the original shapefile
      let admin_props = assign_correct_admin_from_admins(
            admin_id: country +
              '_' +
              tempList.join('_') +
              '_' +
              // gadm2-8 or santiblanko: gadm2-8/afg_2_gadm2-8^popmap15adj^worldpop^42348516^248596^641869.188.json
              // a bit of a hack to put the shapefile source in the id
            value: element[config[kind].val_type]
      return ary
    }, []);
    admin_to_value_map.values = value_map;

 * Return object for raster that contains metadata gleaned from the raster file name
 * @param   {Object} file_obj - raster blob object from storage
 * @return  {Object} Raster metadata
function file_to_record(file_obj) {
  let [ary, raster, data_source, sum, sq_km] = file_obj.split(/\^/);
  let [country, admin_level, shapefile] = ary.split('_')
  sum = parseFloat(sum);
  sq_km = parseInt(sq_km.replace(/.json/, ''));
  raster = raster.replace(/.json$/, '')
  let density = (sum / sq_km)

  return {

 * Returns directory names from an array of directory properties
 * @param  {List} ary Array of directory properties
 * @return {List}     List of names of directories
function extract_dirs(ary) {
  return ary.map(e => {
    return e.name;

 * Returns files having case data of specified kind
 * @param  {String} key      Type of data requested (cases)
 * @param  {String} kind     Name of the epidemic
 * @param  {String} weekType Week type (epi or iso)
 * @param  {String} week     first day of week, if not specified it will fetch data for all the weeks
 * @return {Promise} Fulfilled  when case files are returned
export const getCaseFiles = (key, kind, weekType, week) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let casesPath = config[key][kind].path + '/' + weekType
    data_access.get_file_list(key, casesPath)
      .then(files => {
        files = files.entries.files
        if (week !== undefined) {
          files = files.filter(file => {
            return file.name.replace(/.json/g, '') === week;
          if (files.length !== 1) {
            console.error('Error -> File not found', week);
            return reject()
        return resolve({

 * Returns case data from the files
 * @param  {object} caseFiles Object with information regarding requested data
 *                               e.g. kind, list of case files etc.
 * @return {Promise} Fulfilled  when case data is read and returned
export const readCaseFiles = (caseFiles) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let returnObj = {}
    let {
      key: key,
      kind: kind,
      weekType: weekType
    } = caseFiles
    bluebird.each(caseFiles.files, file => {
        let objKey = file.name.replace(/.json/g, '');
        let filePath = config[key][kind].path + '/' + weekType
        return data_access.read_file(key, filePath, file.name)
          .then(content => {
            returnObj[objKey] = content.countries
          .catch(error => {
            console.log('Error', error)
      }, {
        concurrency: 1
      .then(() => {
        return resolve(returnObj)

 * Fetches cases of specified kind for specified week. To get all the cases set week to null
 * @param  {String} key       Key for azure_helper (should always be cases)
 * @param  {String} kind      name of disease
 * @param  {String} weekType  type of week (epi or iso)
 * @param  {String} week      Last day of the week
 * @return {Promise} Fulfilled when records are returned
export const get_cases = (key, kind, weekType, week) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    getCaseFiles(key, kind, weekType, week)
      .then(cases => {

 * Returns list of properties for given query
 * @param  {String} queryString string specifing key for properties
 * @return {Promise} Fulfilled when records are returned
export const getProperties = (queryString) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let queryParts = queryString.split('_')
    let key = queryParts[0]
    let path = ''
    switch (key) {
      case 'population':
          if (queryParts.length === 2) {
            if (queryParts[1] === 'worldpop') {
              path += 'worldpop/' + config.population.default_database
            } else {
              data_access.read_file(key, 'worldbank', 'population.json')
                .then(content => {
                  let properties = {
                    key: queryParts.join('_'),
                    properties: Object.keys(content)
                  return resolve(properties)
          fetchProperty(key, path, '_', 0)
          .then(propertyList => {
            let properties = {
              key: queryParts.join('_'),
              properties: propertyList
            return resolve(properties)
      case 'mobility':
          if (queryParts.find(e => {
              return e.match(/\.csv$/)
            })) {
            let file = queryParts.pop();
            path = queryParts.slice(1).join('/')
            return resolve(data_access.read_file(key, path, file))
          path = queryParts.slice(1).join('/')
          fetchProperty(key, path, '_', 0)
          .then(propertyList => {
            let properties = {
              key: queryParts.join('_'),
              properties: propertyList
            return resolve(properties)
      case 'mosquito':
          if (queryParts.length === 2) {
            path += queryParts[1] + '/' +
              config.mosquito.default_source + '/' +
          fetchProperty(key, path, '_', 0)
          .then(propertyList => {
            let properties = {
              key: queryParts.join('_'),
              properties: propertyList
            return resolve(properties)
      case 'cases':
          if (queryParts.length > 1) {
            path += config.cases[queryParts[1]].path +
          fetchProperty(key, path, '.', 0)
          .then(propertyList => {
            let properties = {
              key: queryParts.join('_'),
              properties: propertyList
            return resolve(properties)

 * Reads directory specified by key and path and returns list of properties
 * @param  {String} key     Key of the requested data
 * @param  {String} path    Path of the resource
 * @param  {String} splitOn string specified part of the properties to ignor (e.g. '.json' in case of JSON files)
 * @param  {int} part    specifies which part to select after spliting the property string
 * @return {Promise} Fulfilled when records are returned
const fetchProperty = (key, path, splitOn, part) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    data_access.get_file_list(key, path)
      .then(fileList => {
        let propertyList = fileList.entries.directories.length > 0 ?
          fileList.entries.directories : fileList.entries.files;
        propertyList = propertyList.reduce((list, element) => {
          return list
        }, [])
        return resolve(propertyList)

 * Returns population metadata available from specified source for specified country.
 * If country is not specified it will return data for all countries.
 * @param  {String} key      key
 * @param  {String} source      Source for the population data
 * @param  {String} country     country for which we need the data
 * @return {Promise} Fulfilled  when records are returned
export const getPopulation = (key, source, country) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    source = (source !== undefined) ? source : config[key].default_source
    switch (source) {
      case 'worldpop':
          countries_with_this_kind_data(key, source, country)
          .then(data => {
            return resolve(data)

 * Returns mosquito metadata available from specified source for specified country.
 * If country is not specified it will return data for all countries.
 * @param  {String} key      key
 * @param  {String} kind      Source for the mosquito data
 * @param  {String} country     country for which we need the data
 * @return {Promise} Fulfilled  when records are returned
export const getMosquito = (key, kind, country) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    countries_with_this_kind_data(key, kind +
        '/' + config.mosquito.default_source, country)
      .then(data => {
        return resolve(data)
      .catch(error => {
        return reject(error)

 * Return admin properties that matches spark output ids
 * @param  {Array} admin_properties_ary admin properties per a country
 * @param  {Array} spark_output_ids ids from spark aggregation output
 * @return{Promise} Fullfilled Admin poperties obj
function assign_correct_admin_from_admins(
  admin_properties_ary, spark_output_ids
) {
  let index_short_cut = parseInt(
    spark_output_ids[spark_output_ids.length - 1]
  ) - 1;
  return admin_properties_ary.slice(index_short_cut).find(p => {
    let count = 0;
    const temp_admin_id = Object.keys(p).reduce((ary, k) => {
      if (k == 'ID_' + count) {
        count += 1;
      return ary;
    }, [])

    return temp_admin_id.join('_') === spark_output_ids.join('_');

 * Fetches schools based on country and other options specified
 * @param  {object} options other options as connectivity, environment, water etc.
 *                          to limit number of schools use option max_limit
 * @return{Promise} Fullfilled when schools are returned
export const getCountriesWithSchools = (options) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let select = 'SELECT country_code FROM schools'
    dbClient.execute(select, options)

 * Fetches schools based on country and other options specified
 * @param  {string} country country code
 * @param  {object} options other options as connectivity, environment, water etc.
 *                          to limit number of schools use option max_limit
 * @return{Promise} Fullfilled when schools are returned
export const getSchools = (country, options) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let select = 'SELECT  id, lat, lon, speed_connectivity, ' +
    'type_connectivity FROM schools'
    options.country_code = country
    // let select = 'SELECT * from home_temp'
    // options.dept = country
    dbClient.execute(select, options)

 * getSchool - Description
 * @param {type} id      school id
 * @param {type} options schools options
 * @return {type} promise
export const getSchool = (id, options) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let select = 'SELECT address, admin0, admin1, admin2, admin3, admin4, ' +
      'admin_code, admin_id, altitude, availability_connectivity, ' +
      'connectivity, country_code, datasource, description, educ_level, ' +
      'electricity, environment, frequency, latency_connectivity, lat, ' +
      'lon, name, num_classrooms, num_latrines, num_teachers, num_students, ' +
      'num_sections, phone_number, postal_code, speed_connectivity, ' +
      'type_connectivity, type_school, water, created_at, updated_at, ' +
      'probe_id, probe_provider, isp_id, school_id, ' +
      'id_0, id_1, id_2, id_3, id_4, id_5 FROM schools';
    options.id = id
    dbClient.execute(select, options)