#!/usr/bin/env perl
# git-森林
# text-based tree visualisation
# Copyright © Jan Engelhardt <jengelh [at] medozas de>, 2008
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the license.
use Getopt::Long;
use Git;
use strict;
use utf8;
use Encode qw(encode);
my $Repo = Git->repository($ENV{"GIT_DIR"} || ".");
my $Pretty_fmt = "format:%s";
my $Reverse_order = 0;
my $Show_all = 0;
my $Show_rebase = 1;
my $Style = 1;
my $Subvine_depth = 2;
my $With_sha = 0;
my %Color = (
"default" => "\e[0m", # ]
"at" => "\e[1;30m", # ]
"hhead" => "\e[1;31m", # ]
"head" => "\e[1;32m", # ]
"ref" => "\e[1;34m", # ]
"remote" => "\e[1;35m", # ]
"sha" => "\e[0;31m", # ]
"tag" => "\e[1;33m", # ]
"tree" => "\e[0;33m", # ]
sub main
&Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(bundling pass_through));
"all" => \$Show_all,
"no-color" => sub { %Color = (); },
"no-rebase" => sub { $Show_rebase = 0; },
"a" => sub { $Pretty_fmt = "format:\e[1;30m(\e[0;32m%an\e[1;30m)\e[0m %s"; }, # ]]]]
"pretty=s" => \$Pretty_fmt,
"reverse" => \$Reverse_order,
"svdepth=i" => \$Subvine_depth,
"style=i" => \$Style,
"sha" => \$With_sha,
if (substr($Pretty_fmt, 0, 7) ne "format:") {
die "If you use --pretty, it must be in the form of --pretty=format:";
$Pretty_fmt = substr($Pretty_fmt, 7);
while ($Pretty_fmt =~ /\%./g) {
if ($& eq "\%b" || $& eq "\%n" || ($&.$') =~ /^\%x0a/i) {
die "Cannot use \%b, \%n or \%x0a in --pretty=format:";
if ($Show_all) {
# Give --all back. And add HEAD to include commits
# in the rev list that belong to a detached HEAD.
unshift(@ARGV, "--all", "HEAD");
if ($Reverse_order) {
tie(*STDOUT, "ReverseOutput");
if ($Reverse_order) {
untie *STDOUT;
sub get_line_block
my($fh, $max) = @_;
while (scalar(@h::ist) < $max) {
my $x;
$x = <$fh>;
if (!defined($x)) {
push(@h::ist, $x);
my @ret = (shift @h::ist);
foreach (2..$max) {
push(@ret, $h::ist[$_-2]);
return @ret;
sub process
my $refs = &get_refs();
my($fh, $fhc) = $Repo->command_output_pipe("log", "--date-order",
"--pretty=format:<%H><%h><%P>$Pretty_fmt", @ARGV);
while (my($line, @next_sha) = get_line_block($fh, $Subvine_depth)) {
if (!defined($line)) {
chomp $line;
my($sha, $mini_sha, $parents, $msg) =
($line =~ /^<(.*?)><(.*?)><(.*?)>(.*)/s);
my @next_sha = map { ($_) = /^<(.*?)>/ } @next_sha;
my @parents = split(" ", $parents);
&vine_branch(\@vine, $sha);
my $ra = &vine_commit(\@vine, $sha, \@parents);
if (exists($refs->{$sha})) {
print &vis_post(&vis_commit($ra),
} else {
print &vis_post(&vis_commit($ra, " "));
if ($With_sha) {
print $msg, $Color{at}, encode('UTF-8', "──("), $Color{sha}, $mini_sha,
$Color{at}, ")", $Color{default}, "\n";
} else {
print $msg, "\n";
&vine_merge(\@vine, $sha, \@next_sha, \@parents);
$Repo->command_close_pipe($fh, $fhc);
sub get_refs
my($fh, $c) = $Repo->command_output_pipe("show-ref");
my $ret = {};
while (defined(my $ln = <$fh>)) {
chomp $ln;
if (length($ln) == 0) {
my($sha, $name) = ($ln =~ /^(\S+)\s+(.*)/s);
if (!exists($ret->{$sha})) {
$ret->{$sha} = [];
push(@{$ret->{$sha}}, $name);
if ($name =~ m{^refs/tags/}) {
my $sub_sha = $Repo->command("log", "-1",
"--pretty=format:%H", $name);
chomp $sub_sha;
if ($sha ne $sub_sha) {
push(@{$ret->{$sub_sha}}, $name);
$Repo->command_close_pipe($fh, $c);
my $rebase = -e $Repo->repo_path()."/.dotest-merge/git-rebase-todo" &&
if ($rebase) {
if (open(my $act_fh, $Repo->repo_path().
"/.dotest-merge/git-rebase-todo")) {
my($curr) = (<$act_fh> =~ /^\S+\s+(\S+)/);
$curr = $Repo->command("rev-parse", $curr);
chomp $curr;
unshift(@{$ret->{$curr}}, "rebase/cn");
close $act_fh;
chomp(my $up = $Repo->command("rev-parse", ".dotest-merge/upstream"));
chomp(my $onto = $Repo->command("rev-parse", ".dotest-merge/onto"));
chomp(my $old = $Repo->command("rev-parse", ".dotest-merge/head"));
unshift(@{$ret->{$up}}, "rebase/upstream");
unshift(@{$ret->{$onto}}, "rebase/onto");
unshift(@{$ret->{$old}}, "rebase/saved-HEAD");
my $head = $Repo->command("rev-parse", "HEAD");
chomp $head;
if ($rebase) {
unshift(@{$ret->{$head}}, "rebase/new");
unshift(@{$ret->{$head}}, "HEAD");
return $ret;
# ref_print - print a ref with color
# @s: ref name
sub ref_print
foreach my $symbol (@{shift @_}) {
print $Color{at}, "[";
if ($symbol eq "HEAD" || $symbol =~ m{^rebase/}) {
print $Color{hhead}, $symbol;
} elsif ($symbol =~ m{^refs/(remotes/[^/]+)/(.*)}s) {
print $Color{remote}, $1, $Color{head}, "/$2";
} elsif ($symbol =~ m{^refs/heads/(.*)}s) {
print $Color{head}, $1;
} elsif ($symbol =~ m{^refs/tags/(.*)}s) {
print $Color{tag}, $1;
} elsif ($symbol =~ m{^refs/(.*)}s) {
print $Color{ref}, $1;
print $Color{at}, encode('UTF-8', "]──"), $Color{default};
# vine_branch -
# @vine: column array containing the expected parent IDs
# @rev: commit ID
# Draws the branching vine matrix between a commit K and K^ (@rev).
sub vine_branch
my($vine, $rev) = @_;
my $idx;
my($matched, $master) = (0, 0);
my $ret;
# Transform array into string
for ($idx = 0; $idx <= $#$vine; ++$idx) {
if (!defined($vine->[$idx])) {
$ret .= " ";
} elsif ($vine->[$idx] ne $rev) {
$ret .= "I";
if (!$master && $idx % 2 == 0) {
$ret .= "S";
$master = 1;
} else {
$ret .= "s";
$vine->[$idx] = undef;
if ($matched < 2) {
print &vis_post(&vis_fan($ret, "branch")), "\n";
# vine_commit -
# @vine: column array containing the expected IDs
# @rev: commit ID
# @parents: array of parent IDs
sub vine_commit
my($vine, $rev, $parents) = @_;
my $ret;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$vine; ++$i) {
if (!defined($vine->[$i])) {
$ret .= " ";
} elsif ($vine->[$i] eq $rev) {
$ret .= "C";
} else {
$ret .= "I";
if ($ret !~ /C/) {
# Not having produced a C before means this is a tip
my $i;
for ($i = &round_down2($#$vine); $i >= 0; $i -= 2) {
if (substr($ret, $i, 1) eq " ") {
substr($ret, $i, 1) = "t";
$vine->[$i] = $rev;
if ($i < 0) {
if (scalar(@$vine) % 2 != 0) {
push(@$vine, undef);
$ret .= " ";
$ret .= "t";
push(@$vine, $rev);
if (scalar(@$parents) == 0) {
# tree root
$ret =~ tr/C/r/;
return $ret;
# vine_merge -
# @vine: column array containing the expected parent IDs
# @rev: commit ID
# @next_rev: next commit ID in the revision list
# @parents: parent IDs of @rev
# Draws the merging vine matrix between a commit K (@rev) and K^ (@parents).
sub vine_merge
my($vine, $rev, $next_rev, $parents) = @_;
my $orig_vine = -1;
my @slot;
my($ret, $max);
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$vine; ++$i) {
if ($vine->[$i] eq $rev) {
$orig_vine = $i;
if ($orig_vine == -1) {
die "vine_commit() did not add this vine.";
if (scalar(@$parents) <= 1) {
# A single parent does not need a visual. Update and return.
$vine->[$orig_vine] = $parents->[0];
# Put previously seen branches in the vine subcolumns
# Need to keep at least one parent for the slot algorithm below.
for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#$parents && $#$parents > 0; ++$j) {
for (my $idx = 0; $idx <= $#$vine; ++$idx) {
if ($vine->[$idx] ne $parents->[$j] ||
!grep { my $z = $vine->[$idx]; /^\Q$z\E$/ }
@$next_rev) {
if ($idx == $orig_vine) {
die "Should not really happen";
if ($idx < $orig_vine) {
my $p = $idx + 1;
if (defined($vine->[$p])) {
$p = $idx - 1;
if (defined($vine->[$p])) {
$vine->[$p] = $parents->[$j];
str_expand(\$ret, $p + 1);
substr($ret, $p, 1) = "s";
} else {
my $p = $idx - 1;
if (defined($vine->[$p]) || $p < 0) {
$p = $idx + 1;
if (defined($vine->[$p])) {
$vine->[$p] = $parents->[$j];
str_expand(\$ret, $p + 1);
substr($ret, $p, 1) = "s";
splice(@$parents, $j, 1);
--$j; # outer loop
last; # inner loop
# Find some good spots to split out into and record columns
# that will be used soon in the @slot list.
push(@slot, $orig_vine);
my $parent = 0;
for (my $seeker = 2; $parent < $#$parents &&
$seeker < 2 + $#$vine; ++$seeker)
my $idx = ($seeker % 2 == 0) ? -1 : 1;
$idx *= int($seeker / 2);
$idx *= 2;
$idx += $orig_vine;
if ($idx >= 0 && $idx <= $#$vine && !defined($vine->[$idx])) {
push(@slot, $idx);
$vine->[$idx] = "0" x 40;
for (my $idx = $orig_vine + 2; $parent < $#$parents; $idx += 2) {
if (!defined($vine->[$idx])) {
push(@slot, $idx);
if (scalar(@slot) != scalar(@$parents)) {
die "Serious internal problem";
@slot = sort { $a <=> $b } @slot;
$max = scalar(@$vine) + 2 * scalar(@slot);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
str_expand(\$ret, $i + 1);
if ($#slot >= 0 && $i == $slot[0]) {
shift @slot;
$vine->[$i] = shift @$parents;
substr($ret, $i, 1) = ($i == $orig_vine) ? "S" : "s";
} elsif (substr($ret, $i, 1) eq "s") {
; # keep existing fanouts
} elsif (defined($vine->[$i])) {
substr($ret, $i, 1) = "I";
} else {
substr($ret, $i, 1) = " ";
print &vis_post(&vis_fan($ret, "merge")), "\n";
# vis_* - transform control string into usable graphic
# To cut down on code, the three vine_* functions produce only a dumb,
# but already unambiguous, control string which needs some processing
# before it is ready for public display.
sub vis_commit
my $s = shift @_;
my $f = shift @_;
$s =~ s/ +$//gs;
if (defined $f) {
$s .= $f;
return $s;
sub vis_fan
my $s = shift @_;
my $b = shift(@_) eq "branch";
$s =~ s{s.*s}{
$_ = $&;
$_ =~ tr/ I/DO/;
# Transform an ODODO.. sequence into a contiguous overpass.
$s =~ s{O[DO]+O}{"O" x length($&)}eg;
# Do left/right edge transformation
$s =~ s{(s.*)S(.*s)}{&vis_fan3($1, $2)}es ||
$s =~ s{(s.*)S}{&vis_fan2L($1)."B"}es ||
$s =~ s{S(.*s)}{"A".&vis_fan2R($1)}es ||
die "Should not come here";
if ($b) {
$s =~ tr/efg/xyz/;
return $s;
sub vis_fan2L
my $l = shift @_;
$l =~ s/^s/e/;
$l =~ s/s/f/g;
return $l;
sub vis_fan2R
my $r = shift @_;
$r =~ s/s$/g/;
$r =~ s/s/f/g;
return $r;
sub vis_fan3
my($l, $r) = @_;
$l =~ s/^s/e/;
$l =~ s/s/f/g;
$r =~ s/s$/g/;
$r =~ s/s/f/g;
return "${l}K$r";
sub vis_xfrm
# A: branch to right
# B: branch to right
# C: commit
# D:
# e: merge visual left (╔)
# f: merge visual center (╦)
# g: merge visual right (╗)
# I: straight line (║)
# K: branch visual split (╬)
# m: single line (─)
# O: overpass (≡)
# r: root (╙)
# t: tip (╓)
# x: branch visual left (╚)
# y: branch visual center (╩)
# z: branch visual right (╝)
# *: filler
my $s = shift @_;
my $spc = shift @_;
if ($spc) {
$s =~ s{[Ctr].*}{
$_ = $&;
$_ =~ s{ }{\*}g;
if ($Reverse_order) {
$s =~ tr/;
if ($Style == 1) {
$s =~ tr/├┤├─.┌┬┐.│┼≡.─└┌.└┴┘/;
} elsif ($Style == 2) {
$s =~ tr/╠╣╟═.╔╦╗.║╬═.─╙╓.╚╩╝/;
} elsif ($Style == 10) {
$s =~ tr/├┤├─.╭┬╮.│┼≡.─└┌.╰┴╯/;
} elsif ($Style == 15) {
$s =~ tr/┣┫┣━.┏┳┓.┃╋☰.━┗┏.┗┻┛/;
return $s;
# vis_post - post-process/transform vine graphic
# Apply user-specific style transformation.
sub vis_post
my $s = shift @_;
my $f = shift @_;
$s = vis_xfrm($s, defined $f);
$f =~ s/^([^\x1b]+)/vis_xfrm($1)/e;
$f =~ s/(\x1b.*?m)([^\x1b]+)/$1.vis_xfrm($2)/eg;
if (defined $f) {
$s =~ s/\*/$f/g;
$s =~ s{\Q$Color{default}\E}{$&.$Color{tree}}egs;
$s .= $f;
return $Color{tree}, encode('UTF-8', $s), $Color{default};
sub remove_trailing_blanks
my $a = shift @_;
while (scalar(@$a) > 0 && !defined($a->[$#$a])) {
sub round_down2
my $i = shift @_;
if ($i < 0) {
return $i;
return $i & ~1;
sub str_expand
my $r = shift @_;
my $l = shift @_;
if (length($$r) < $l) {
$$r .= " " x ($l - length($$r));
package ReverseOutput;
require Tie::Handle;
@ReverseOutput::ISA = qw(Tie::Handle);
my $class = shift @_;
my $self = {};
open($self->{fh}, ">&STDOUT");
return bless $self, $class;
my $self = shift @_;
my $fh = $self->{fh};
$self->{saved} .= join($\, @_);
my $self = shift @_;
my $fh = $self->{fh};
print $fh join($/, reverse split(/\n/s, $self->{saved}));
print $fh "\n";
undef $self->{saved};