#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Prints side-by-side git diffs like you're used to seeing on GitHub
# Based on a snippet by @hefeweisen on the #commandline-fu channel on CoffeeOps
set -o pipefail
if [[ -n "$DEBUG" ]]; then
set -x
function fail() {
printf '%s\n' "$1" >&2 ## Send message to stderr. Exclude >&2 if you don't want it that way.
exit "${2-1}" ## Return a code specified by $2 or 1 by default.
function has() {
# Check if a command is in $PATH
which "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1
if ! has 'delta'; then
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
failureMsg="$(basename $0) requires git-delta."
if [[ $(uname) != 'Darwin' ]]; then
failureMsg="${failureMsg} On macOS you can install it with 'brew install git-delta'."
fail "$failureMsg"
exec git -c diff.colorMoved=default \
-c merge.conflictsytle=diff3 \
-c core.pager=delta \
-c interactive.diffFilter='delta --color-only' \
-c delta.side-by-side=true \
show "$@"