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Test Coverage
# Copyright 2006-2023 Joseph Block <jpb@apesseekingknowledge.net>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Add our plugin's bin diretory to user's path per
# https://zdharma-continuum.github.io/Zsh-100-Commits-Club/Zsh-Plugin-Standard.html#zero-handling


local git_extra_commands_bin="${0:h}/bin"

if [[ -z "${path[(r)${git_extra_commands_bin}]}" ]]; then
    path+=( "${git_extra_commands_bin}" )

alias git-grab='git-incoming-commits'
alias gitroot='cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) && echo "$_"'
alias git-cdroot='cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) && echo "$_"'

# Skipped:
#   incoming-commits  (appears to be a dupe of grab)
#   mark-all-resolved (git: 'conflicts' is not a git command.)
zstyle ':completion:*:*:git:*' user-commands \
  age:'A git-blame viewer, written using PyGTK written by Kristoffer Gronlund ' \
  big-file:'List disk size of files in ref' \
  branch-diff:'Diff between the default branch and a branch' \
  branch-name:'Prints the current branch name to stdout for use in automation'\
  change-author:'Rewrite commits, updating author/email' \
  changes:'List authors/emails with commit count' \
  checkout-tag:'Check out a git tag'\
  churn:'List files in ref with change/commit count' \
  copy-branch-name:'Copy the current branch name to the clipboard (pbcopy)' \
  credit:'A very slightly quicker way to credit an author on the latest commit' \
  current-branch:'Print the name of the current branch, helpful for automation' \
  cut-branch:'Create a new named branch pointed at HEAD and reset the current branch to the head of its tracking branch' \
  delete-local-merged:'Delete all local branches that have been merged into HEAD' \
  divergence:'List local/remote (incoming/outgoing) changes for current branch' \
  find-dirty:'Recurse current directory, listing "dirty" git clones' \
  flush:'Recompactify your repo to be as small as possible' \
  grab:'Add github remote, by username and repo' \
  ignored:'List files currently being ignored by .gitignore' \
  improved-merge:'Sophisticated git merge with integrated CI check and automatic cleanup upon completion' \
  incoming:'Fetch remote tracking branch, and list incoming commits' \
  ls-object-refs:'Find references to <object> SHA1 in refs, commits, and trees. All of them' \
  maildiff: 'Simple git command to email diff in color to reviewer/co-worker & optionally attach patch file.' \
  maxpack:'Repack with maximum compression' \
  nuke:'Nukes a branch locally and on the origin remote' \
  object-deflate:'Deflate an loose object file and write to standard output' \
  outgoing:'Fetch remote tracking branch, and list outgoing commits' \
  pie-ify:'Apply perl pie, on the fly' \
  promote:'Promotes a local topic branch to a remote tracking branch of the same name, by pushing and then setting up the git config' \
  pruneall:'Prune branches from specified remotes, or all remotes when <remote> not specified' \
  prune-branches:'Simple script that cleans up unnecessary branches' \
  publish:'Pushes/publishes current branch to specified remote' \
  purge-from-history:'Script to permanently delete files/folders from your git repository' \
  rank-contributors:"A simple script to trace through the logs and rank contributors by the total size of the diffs they're responsible for" \
  rebase-authors:'Adds authorship info to interactive git rebase output' \
  rel:'Shows the relationship between the current branch and <ref>' \
  root-directory:"Print the root of the git checkout you're in" \
  run-command-on-revisions:'Runs a given command over a range of Git revisions' \
  shamend:'Amends your staged changes as a fixup to the specified older commit in the current branch' \
  show-overwritten:"Aggregates git blame information about original owners of lines changed or removed in the '<base>...<head>' diff" \
  sp:"'Simple push', commits and pushes. Use -a flag to add"\
  submodule-rm:'Remove submodules from current repo' \
  thanks:'List authors with commit count' \
  track:'Sets up your branch to track a remote branch' \
  trail:'Show all branching points in Git history' \
  undo-push:'Undo your last push to branch ($1) of origin' \
  unpushed:"Show the diff of everything you haven't pushed yet" \
  unpushed-stat:"Show the diffstat of everything you haven't pushed yet" \
  unreleased:'Shows git commits since the last tagged version' \
  up-old:'Like git-pull but show a short and sexy log of changes immediately after merging (git-up) or rebasing (git-reup)' \
  upstream-sync:'Sync to upstream/yourforkname and rebase into your local fork, then push' \
  when-merged:'Find when a commit was merged into one or more branches' \
  where:'Shows where a particular commit falls between releases' \
  winner:'Determines "winner" by commit count, and number of lines' \
  wordiness:'List commit message word and line counts per contributor' \
  wtf:'Displays the state of your repository in a readable, easy-to-scan format'