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Test Coverage
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

'use strict'

crypto = require 'crypto'
fs = require 'fs'
async = require 'asyncawait/async'
await = require 'asyncawait/await'

# Create area's and location's numeric id from its label. Based on SHA-1.
# @return [Number]
makeId = (str) ->
    sum = crypto.createHash 'sha1'
    sum.update str
    (new Buffer(sum.digest('binary')).readUInt32LE(0)/2)|0

# Check if a given string is an area definition.
# @return [Boolean]
isAreaLabel = (line, lineNumber, log) ->
    return false unless line.match /^#[^#]/
    return true if line[1] is ' '
    log.warn(lineNumber, 'W1', "starting '#' with no space after") # warn 1
    return false

# Check if a given string is a location definition.
# @return [Boolean]
isLocationLabel = (line, lineNumber, log) ->
    return false unless line.match /^###/
    return true if line[3] is ' '
    log.warn(lineNumber, 'W2', "starting '###' with no space after") # warn 2
    return false

# Check if a given string is a list item definition.
# @return [Boolean]
isListItem = (line, lineNumber, log) ->
    return false if line[0] isnt '*'
    return true if line[1] is ' '
    log.warn(lineNumber, 'W3', "starting '*' with no space after") # warn 3
    return false

# Check if a given string is a link definition.
# @return [Boolean]
isLinkLine = (line, lineNumber, log) ->
    return !!line.match /!\[.+\]\(.+\)/

# Check if a given string is empty or contains only whitespaces.
# @return [Boolean]
isEmpty = (line, lineNumber, log) ->
    if line.match /^\s+$/
        log.warn lineNumber, 'W4', 'line of spaces' # warn 4
        return true
    return line is ''

# Check given string for trailing and leading whitespaces.
# Writes results to log.
checkSpaces = (line, lineNumber, log) ->
    log.warn lineNumber, 'W5', 'trailing space(s)' if line.match /\S\s+$/ # warn 5
    log.warn lineNumber, 'W6', 'starting space(s)' if line.match /^\s+\S/ # warn 6

# Check that all objects in array have different values in `propName`
# @return [Boolean]
checkPropUniqueness = (objs, pointer, errId, propName, log) ->
    propValuesSet = {}
    for obj in objs
        propValue = obj[propName]
        if propValue of propValuesSet
                "both '#{propValuesSet[propValue]}' and '#{obj}' have same #{propName} <#{propValue}>"
        propValuesSet[propValue] = obj

# Check consistency of parsed data.
# Writes results to log.
postCheck = (log) ->
    log.setFilename 'post processing'
    res = log.result

    checkPropUniqueness res.areas, 'areas', 'N/a', 'id', log # error N
    checkPropUniqueness res.locations, 'locations', 'N/a', 'id', log # error N
    checkPropUniqueness res.locations, 'locations', 'E7', 'label', log # error 7
    log.error 'locations', 'E6', "initial was not found" unless res.initialLocation? # error 6

    labels = {}
    labels[loc.label] = loc for loc in res.locations
    for loc in res.locations
        for target of loc.actions
            continue if target of labels
            log.error 'actions', 'E1', "target <#{target}> does not exist" # error 1

# Represents an area.
class Area

    # A constructor.
    constructor: (@name, @label) ->
        @id = makeId @label
        @description = ''
        @locations = []

# Represents a location.
class Location

    # A constructor.
    constructor: (@name, @label, @area) ->
        @id = makeId @label
        @description = ''
        @actions = {}
        @picture = null

# Logger. Collect and store log data.
# If verbose, prints warns and errors while collectiong.
# Also stores object with parsed data (may be not the best idea but one extra argument has gone).
class Logger

    # A constructor.
    constructor: (@result, @verbose) ->
        @filename = undefined

    # Adds "what" object in "toWhere" log group.
    _add: (toWhere, what) ->
        toWhere.push what
        if @filename of @result.files
            @result.files[@filename].push what
            @result.files[@filename] = [what]

    # Set filename (or other string) to which next errors will be associated.
    setFilename: (filename) ->
        @filename = filename
        console.log " --- #{filename}:" if @verbose

    # Adds warning with:
    #  * pointer - something that can give an idea of warning cause location
    #  * id - identifier of warning (like "W1")
    #  * message - actual warning message
    # If verbose, prints it in console.
    warn: (pointer, id, message) ->
        pointer = "line #{pointer+1}" if typeof pointer == 'number'
        console.warn "Warning(#{id}): #{pointer}: #{message}" if @verbose
            id: id
            type: 'error'
            pointer: pointer
            message: message

    # Like warn but for errors.
    error: (pointer, id, message) ->
        pointer = "line #{pointer+1}" if typeof pointer == 'number'
        console.warn "Error(#{id}): #{pointer}: #{message}" if @verbose
            id: id
            type: 'warning'
            pointer: pointer
            message: message

# Represents parsed data.
class Result
    verbose = false
    filename = undefined

    # A constructor.
    constructor: () ->
        @areas = []
        @locations = []
        @initialLocation = null
        @errors = []
        @warnings = []
        @files = {}

    # Save all the data to database using specified connection.
    save: async (db) ->
        throw new Error("Can't save with errors.") if @errors.length > 0

        await db.queryAsync "DELETE FROM areas"
        for area in @areas
            await db.queryAsync(
                "INSERT INTO areas (id, title, description) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)"
                [area.id, area.name, area.description]

        locByLabel = {}
        locByLabel[loc.label] = loc for loc in @locations

        await db.queryAsync "DELETE FROM locations"
        for loc in @locations
            ways = ({target: locByLabel[k].id, text: v} for k,v of loc.actions)
            await db.queryAsync(
                'INSERT INTO locations (id, title, description, area, initial, ways, picture) VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7)'
                [loc.id, loc.name, loc.description, loc.area.id, (if loc is @initialLocation then 1 else 0),
                    JSON.stringify(ways), loc.picture]

# Parse a `map.ht.md` file.
# Writes results to log.
processMap = (filename, areaName, areaLabel, log) ->
    log.setFilename filename
    lines = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8').split('\n')
    #throw new Error(lines)
    area = null
    location = null
    blankLines = 0
    for line, i in lines
        checkSpaces line, i, log

        if isEmpty(line, i, log)

        if isAreaLabel(line, i, log)
            if area?
                log.error i, 'E12', "area has been already defined" # error 12
                i = blankLines # and W7 will not be spawned

            if blankLines < i
                log.warn i, 'W7', "skipped #{i-blankLines} non-empty line(s) before area" # warn 7

            localAreaName = line.substr(2)
            if areaName != localAreaName
                log.error i, 'E5', "names <#{areaName}>(folder) and <#{localAreaName}>(file) don't match" # error 5

            area = new Area(areaName, areaLabel)
            location = null

        else if not area?
            continue # so we don't drop blankLines counter (for non-empty lines count, it's warn 7)

        else if isLocationLabel(line, i, log)
            [name, label, prop] = line.substr(4).split(/\s*`\s*/)

            unless label?
                log.error i, 'E3', "location should have `label` after name" # error 3
                label = ''
                prop = ''

            prop = prop.trim()

            label = area.label + '/' + label unless '/' in label

            location = new Location(name, label, area)

            if prop is '(initial)'
                log.error i, 'E11', "second initial location found" if log.result.initialLocation? # error 11
                log.result.initialLocation = location
            else if prop isnt ''
                log.warn i, 'W10', "text after location label will be ignored (#{prop})" # warn 10


        else if isListItem(line, i, log)
            unless location?
                log.error i, 'E13', "actions are only avaliable for locations" # error 13

            [name, target, rem] = line.substr(2).split(/\s*`\s*/)

            unless target?
                log.error i, 'E2', "action should have `label` after name" # error 2
                target = ''

            log.warn i, 'W8', "Unnecessary trailing dot" if name[name.length-1] is '.' # warn 8

            log.warn i, 'W10',"text after target label will be ignored (#{rem})" if rem? and rem isnt '' # warn 10

            target = location.area.label + '/' + target unless '/' in target

            log.warn i, 'W9', "action `#{target}` has been doubled" if target of location.actions # warn 9

            location.actions[target] = name

        else if isLinkLine(line, i, log) # picture link, for now
            unless location?
                log.error i, 'E14', "images are only avaliable for locations" # error 14

            log.error i, 'E9', "location's image has been doubled" if location.picture? # error 9

            [_, path, path2] = line.match /!\[(.+)\]\((.+)\)/
            if path isnt path2
                log.error i, 'E10', "image paths are not equal: '#{path}', '#{path2}'" # error 10

            location.picture = path

            curObj = location || area
            curObj.description += Array(blankLines+2).join("\n") if curObj.description isnt ''
            curObj.description += line

        blankLines = 0

# Process a directory with unify data.
# Writes results into log.
# For internal use.
processDir = (dir, parentLabel, log) ->
    log.setFilename dir

    unless t = dir.match /\/([^\/]+)\s-\s([^\/]+)\/?$/
        log.error 'dirname', 'E4', "wrong path <#{dir}>, folder must have name like 'Area name - label'" # error 4
        t = [null, dir, 'error'] # пусть хоть как-то дальше парсит, м.б. ещё какие ошибки нйдёт

    [_, name, label] = t
    label = parentLabel + '-' + label unless parentLabel is ''

    if log.result.areas.some((area) -> area.label == label)
        log.error 'loc.label', 'E15', "location with label <#{label}> already exists" # error 15

    checkSpaces name, 'name in folder name'
    checkSpaces label, 'label in folder name'

    files = fs.readdirSync(dir)
    for filename in files
        continue if filename[0] is '.' # what is hidden should be hidden
        filepath = "#{dir}/#{filename}"
        if fs.statSync(filepath).isDirectory()
            processDir(filepath, label, log)
            processMap(filepath, name, label, log) if filename is 'map.ht.md' #.match /\.ht\.md$/

# Process a directory with unify data.
# For external use.
exports.processDir = (dir, verbose=false) ->
    log = new Logger(new Result(), verbose)
    processDir dir, '', log
    postCheck log

exports.makeId = makeId
exports.isAreaLabel = isAreaLabel
exports.isLocationLabel = isLocationLabel
exports.isListItem = isListItem
exports.isLinkLine = isLinkLine
exports.isEmpty = isEmpty
exports.checkSpaces = checkSpaces
exports.checkPropUniqueness = checkPropUniqueness
exports.postCheck = postCheck