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Test Coverage
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.    If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

'use strict'

async = require 'asyncawait/async'
await = require 'asyncawait/await'
chalk = require 'chalk'
tables = require '../lib/tables.coffee'
qu = require '../lib/query_utils.coffee'


exports._justMigrate = async (db, revision, for_tables, verbose) ->
    migration = exports.getMigrationsData()[revision]
    for params in migration
        params = params.slice()

        t1 = params.map (x) -> x
        if params[FUNC_NAME_COLUMN] is 'rawsql' then t1[FUNC_NAME_COLUMN] = 'SQL'
        t2 = t1.slice(2).join ' -> '  # should be ', ', but this one looks better and works for current stuff
        # maybe -> only if 2 arguments, dunno
        if verbose
            process.stdout.write "    Performing #{t1[FUNC_NAME_COLUMN]} on #{t1[TABLE_NAME_COLUMN]}: #{t2}..."

        #mb convert for_tables to hashmap?
        if for_tables and params[TABLE_NAME_COLUMN] not in for_tables
            if params[FUNC_NAME_COLUMN] == 'rawsql'
                await db.queryAsync params[RAWSQL_COLUMN]
                funcName = params.splice(FUNC_NAME_COLUMN, 1)[0]
                func = tables[funcName]
                params.unshift db
                await func.apply(null, params)
        catch ex
            ex.message = "While performing #{funcName}: #{ex.message}"
            throw ex
        if verbose
            console.log " #{chalk.green 'ok'}"

migrationData = [
        # create uniusers
        ['uniusers', 'create',
            'id SERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), '+
            'location INT DEFAULT 1, '+
            'permissions INT DEFAULT 0, '+
            '"user" TEXT, '+ # quotes for pg, see also #312
            'mail TEXT, '+
            'salt TEXT, '+
            'hash TEXT, '+
            'sessid TEXT, '+
            'sessexpire TIMESTAMPTZ, '+
            'reg_time TIMESTAMPTZ, '+

            'fight_mode INT DEFAULT 0, '+
            'autoinvolved_fm INT DEFAULT 0, '+
            'level INT DEFAULT 1, '+
            'health INT DEFAULT 200, '+
            'health_max INT DEFAULT 200, '+ #
            'mana INT DEFAULT 100, '+
            'mana_max INT DEFAULT 100, '+ #
            'energy INT DEFAULT 50, '+ #
            'power INT DEFAULT 3, '+ #
            'defense INT DEFAULT 3, '+ #
            'agility INT DEFAULT 3, '+ # ловкость
            'accuracy INT DEFAULT 3, '+ # точность
            'intelligence INT DEFAULT 5, '+ # интеллект
            'initiative INT DEFAULT 5, '+ # инициатива
            'exp INT DEFAULT 0, '+
            'effects TEXT']

        # create locations
        ['locations', 'create', 'id INT, PRIMARY KEY (id), '+
            'title TEXT, '+
            'goto TEXT, '+
            'description TEXT, '+
            'area INT, '+
            'picture TEXT, '+
            '"default" SMALLINT DEFAULT 0']

        # create areas
        ['areas', 'create', 'id INT, PRIMARY KEY (id), '+
            'title TEXT, '+
            'description TEXT']

        # create monster_prototypes
        ['monster_prototypes', 'create', 'id SERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), '+
            'name TEXT, '+
            'level INT, '+
            'power INT, '+
            'agility INT, '+
            'endurance INT, '+ # --> defense
            'intelligence INT, '+
            'wisdom INT, '+ # --> accuracy
            'volition INT, '+ # --> initiative_min
            'health_max INT, '+
            'mana_max INT']# + energy

        # create monsters
        ['monsters', 'create', 'incarn_id SERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (incarn_id), '+
            'id INT, '+
            'location INT, '+
            'health INT, '+
            'mana INT, '+
            'effects TEXT, '+
            'attack_chance INT']
        # make columns sane in monsters
        ['monsters', 'renameCol', 'id', 'prototype']
        ['monsters', 'renameCol', 'incarn_id', 'id']
        # now we store last action time instead of session expiration time
        ['uniusers', 'renameCol', 'sessexpire', 'sess_time']
        # user -> username
        ['uniusers', 'renameCol', '"user"', 'username']
        # index for sessid, otherwise it's too slow
        ['uniusers', 'createIndex', 'sessid']
        # new system
        ['monster_prototypes', 'addCol', 'energy INT']
        ['monster_prototypes', 'renameCol', 'endurance', 'defense']
        ['monster_prototypes', 'renameCol', 'wisdom', 'accuracy']
        ['monster_prototypes', 'renameCol', 'volition', 'initiative_min']
        ['monster_prototypes', 'addCol', 'initiative_max INT']
        # goto -> ways
        ['locations', 'renameCol', 'goto', 'ways']
        # current initiative for monsters
        ['monsters', 'addCol', 'initiative INT']
        # #410
        ['locations', 'renameCol', '"default"', 'initial']
        ['battles', 'create',
            'id SERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), '+
            'location INT, '+
            'turn_number INT DEFAULT 0, '+
            'is_over INT DEFAULT 0']
        ['battle_participants', 'create',
            'battle INT, '+
            'id INT, '+
            'kind TEXT, '+
            'index INT, '+
            'side INT']
        ['creature_kind', 'createEnum', "'user', 'monster'"]
        ['battle_participants', 'changeCol', 'kind', "creature_kind USING kind::creature_kind"]
        ['permission_kind', 'createEnum', "'user', 'admin'"]
        ['uniusers', 'rawsql', 'ALTER TABLE uniusers ALTER COLUMN permissions DROP DEFAULT']
        ['uniusers', 'changeCol', 'permissions',
            "permission_kind USING "+
                "CASE WHEN permissions=0 THEN 'user'::permission_kind "+
                "                        ELSE 'admin'::permission_kind END"]
        ['uniusers', 'rawsql', "ALTER TABLE uniusers ALTER COLUMN permissions SET DEFAULT 'user'"]
        ['battles', 'dropCol', 'is_over']
        ['uniusers', 'dropCol', 'fight_mode']
        ['uniusers', 'changeDefault', 'health',       1000]
        ['uniusers', 'changeDefault', 'health_max',   1000]
        ['uniusers', 'changeDefault', 'mana',         500]
        ['uniusers', 'changeDefault', 'mana_max',     500]
        ['uniusers', 'changeDefault', 'energy',       100]
        ['uniusers', 'changeDefault', 'power',        50]
        ['uniusers', 'changeDefault', 'defense',      50]
        ['uniusers', 'changeDefault', 'agility',      50]
        ['uniusers', 'changeDefault', 'accuracy',     50]
        ['uniusers', 'changeDefault', 'intelligence', 50]
        ['uniusers', 'changeDefault', 'initiative',   50]
        ['armor_prototypes', 'create',
            'id SERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), '+
            'name TEXT, '+
            'type TEXT, '+
            'strength_max INT, '+
            'coverage INT']
        ['armor', 'create',
            'id SERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), '+
            'prototype INT, '+
            'owner INT, '+
            'strength INT']
        ['armor', 'addCol', 'equipped BOOLEAN DEFAULT true']
        ['characters', 'create',
            'id SERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), '+
            'name TEXT, '+

            'level INT DEFAULT 1, '+
            'exp INT DEFAULT 0, '+
            'health INT DEFAULT 1000, '+
            'health_max INT DEFAULT 1000, '+
            'mana INT DEFAULT 500, '+
            'mana_max INT DEFAULT 500, '+
            'energy INT DEFAULT 100, '+
            'power INT DEFAULT 50, '+
            'defense INT DEFAULT 50, '+
            'agility INT DEFAULT 50, '+
            'accuracy INT DEFAULT 50, '+
            'intelligence INT DEFAULT 50, '+
            'initiative INT DEFAULT 50, '+

            'player INT DEFAULT NULL, '+
            'location INT DEFAULT 1, '+
            'autoinvolved_fm BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, '+
            'attack_chance INT DEFAULT -1']

        ['characters', 'rawsql', # from uniusers
            'INSERT INTO characters ('+
                'name, level, exp, '+
                'health, health_max, mana, mana_max, '+
                'energy, power, defense, agility, accuracy, intelligence, initiative, '+
                'player, location, autoinvolved_fm) '+
            '(SELECT username, level, exp, '+
                'health, health_max, mana, mana_max, '+
                'energy, power, defense, agility, accuracy, intelligence, initiative, '+
                'id, location, autoinvolved_fm::boolean '+
            'FROM uniusers)']
        ['characters', 'rawsql', # from monsters
            'INSERT INTO characters ('+
                'name, level, exp, '+
                'health, health_max, mana, mana_max, '+
                'energy, power, defense, agility, accuracy, intelligence, initiative, '+
                'player, location, autoinvolved_fm, attack_chance) '+
            '(SELECT name, level, 0, '+
                'health, health_max, mana, mana_max, '+
                'energy, power, defense, agility, accuracy, intelligence, initiative, '+
                'NULL, location, FALSE, attack_chance '+
            'FROM monsters, monster_prototypes AS proto '+
            'WHERE monsters.id = proto.id)']
        ['uniusers', 'rawsql', # cleanup
            'ALTER TABLE uniusers '+
                ('location autoinvolved_fm level health health_max mana mana_max '+
                'energy power defense agility accuracy intelligence initiative exp effects')
                    .replace(/\s/g, ', ').replace(/(\w+)/g, 'DROP COLUMN $1')]
        ['uniusers', 'addCol', 'character_id INT']
        ['battle_participants', 'dropCol', 'kind']
        ['battle_participants', 'renameCol', 'id', 'character_id']

        ['battles', 'rawsql', 'TRUNCATE battles']
        ['battle_participants', 'rawsql', 'TRUNCATE battle_participants']
        ['armor', 'rawsql', 'TRUNCATE armor']
        ['uniusers', 'rawsql',
            'UPDATE uniusers '+
            'SET character_id = (SELECT id FROM characters WHERE player = uniusers.id)'],
        ['characters', 'rawsql',
            'DELETE FROM characters WHERE player IS NULL']
        ['characters', 'rawsql',
            'INSERT INTO characters ('+
                'name, level, exp, '+
                'health, health_max, mana, mana_max, '+
                'energy, power, defense, agility, accuracy, intelligence, initiative, '+
                'player, location, autoinvolved_fm, attack_chance) '+
            '(SELECT name, level, 0, '+
                'health, health_max, mana, mana_max, '+
                'energy, power, defense, agility, accuracy, intelligence, initiative, '+
                'NULL, location, FALSE, attack_chance '+
            'FROM monsters, monster_prototypes AS proto '+
            'WHERE monsters.prototype = proto.id)']
        ['characters', 'addCol', 'energy_max INT DEFAULT 220']
        ['characters', 'rawsql', 'UPDATE characters SET energy_max = energy']
        ['characters', 'rawsql',
            'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX players_character_unique_name_index '+
            'ON characters (name) WHERE player IS NOT NULL']
        # Rename armor to items
        ['armor', 'rawsql', 'ALTER TABLE armor RENAME TO items']
        ['armor_prototypes', 'rawsql', 'ALTER TABLE armor_prototypes RENAME TO items_proto']
        # Add damage (right now it's for shields)
        ['items_proto', 'addCol', 'damage INT']
        # Types and columns for race and gender
        ['characters', 'rawsql', "CREATE TYPE uonline_race AS ENUM ('orc', 'human', 'elf')"]
        ['characters', 'rawsql', "CREATE TYPE uonline_gender AS ENUM ('male', 'female')"]
        ['characters', 'addCol', 'race uonline_race']
        ['characters', 'addCol', 'gender uonline_gender']
        ['characters', 'rawsql', "UPDATE characters SET race='orc', gender='male' WHERE player IS NOT NULL"]
        # Fix energy for old characters
        ['characters', 'rawsql',
            "UPDATE characters SET energy = 220, energy_max = 220 WHERE race = 'orc' AND gender = 'male'"]
        ['characters', 'rawsql',
            "UPDATE characters SET energy = 200, energy_max = 200 WHERE race = 'orc' AND gender = 'female'"]
        ['characters', 'rawsql',
            "UPDATE characters SET energy = 170, energy_max = 170 WHERE race = 'human' AND gender = 'male'"]
        ['characters', 'rawsql',
            "UPDATE characters SET energy = 160, energy_max = 160 WHERE race = 'human' AND gender = 'female'"]
        ['characters', 'rawsql',
            "UPDATE characters SET energy = 150, energy_max = 150 WHERE race = 'elf' AND gender = 'male'"]
        ['characters', 'rawsql',
            "UPDATE characters SET energy = 140, energy_max = 140 WHERE race = 'elf' AND gender = 'female'"]
        # Weapon classes
        ['items', 'rawsql',
            "CREATE TYPE uonline_weapon_class AS ENUM ('short', 'normal', 'chain', 'heavy')"]
        ['items_proto', 'addCol', 'class uonline_weapon_class']
        # Weapon kind
        ['items', 'rawsql', "CREATE TYPE uonline_weapon_kind AS ENUM "+
        ['items_proto', 'addCol', 'kind uonline_weapon_kind']
        # Armor classes
        ['uonline_armor_class', 'createEnum',
            "'cloth', 'light leather', 'leather', 'bone', "+
            "'mail', 'lamellar', 'light plate', 'plate', 'heavy plate'"]
        ['items_proto', 'addCol', 'armor_class uonline_armor_class']
        # Converts old ways format 'Somewhere=123|Elsewhere=234'
        # to JSON array '[{"target":123, "text":"Somewhere"}, {"target":234, "text":"Elsewhere"}]'
        ['locations', 'changeCol', 'ways',
        """json USING (
            '[' ||
                    replace(ways, '"', '\\"'),
                    '{"target":\\2, "text":"\\1"}',
                ', '
            ) ||
        ['locations', 'changeDefault', 'ways', "'[]'::json"]
        ['locations', 'rawsql', 'ALTER TABLE locations ALTER COLUMN ways SET NOT NULL']

exports.getMigrationsData = ->

#for testing
exports.setMigrationsData = (data) ->
    migrationData = data

exports.getNewestRevision = ->
    exports.getMigrationsData().length - 1

exports.getCurrentRevision = async (db) ->
    if await tables.tableExists(db, 'revision')
        result = await db.queryAsync('SELECT revision FROM revision')
        return result.rows[0].revision
        return -1

exports.setRevision = async (db, revision) ->
    await db.queryAsync 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS revision (revision INT NOT NULL)'
    await db.queryAsync 'DELETE FROM revision'
    await db.queryAsync 'INSERT INTO revision VALUES ($1)', [ revision ]

exports.migrate = async (db, opts = {}) ->
    unless opts.dest_revision?
        opts.dest_revision = Infinity

    opts.dest_revision = Math.min(opts.dest_revision, exports.getNewestRevision())
    for_tables = opts.tables or (if opts.table then [ opts.table ] else undefined)
    curRevision = await exports.getCurrentRevision(db)

    if curRevision < opts.dest_revision
        for i in [curRevision + 1 .. opts.dest_revision]
            if opts.verbose
                console.log chalk.magenta '  Migrating ' +
                    (if for_tables then "<#{for_tables}> " else '') + 'to revision ' + i + '...'
            await qu.doInTransaction db, async (tx) ->
                await exports._justMigrate tx, i, for_tables, !!opts.verbose
                unless for_tables
                    await exports.setRevision tx, i
        if opts.verbose
            console.log chalk.green "  Success, migrated from #{chalk.blue curRevision} to "+
                "#{chalk.blue opts.dest_revision}."
        if opts.verbose
            console.log '  No action needed.'
