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Represents a configuration navigation tree node.

A configuration navigation node is composed of a node name, optionally followed
by space-separated arguments as tags, each with the following syntax:

The supported keys are: 'id', 'include', and 'stop'.

The NavigationTreeNode also provides a public static method
split_node_name_and_tags() for direct use without instantiation.

import sys
import re

class NavigationTreeNode:
    """Represents a configuration navigation tree node"""

    def __init__(self, node):
        self.name, self.tags = self.split_node_name_and_tags(node)
        self.options = self._get_node_options(self.tags, self.name)
        self.default_id = self._node_name_to_node_default_id(self.name)

    def split_node_name_and_tags(node):
        """Split configuration navigation tree node into name and optional tags"""
        split_pattern = re.compile(r'^(?P<name>[^@]+)(?P<tags>.*)$')
        split_match = split_pattern.match(node)
        node_name = split_match.group('name').strip()
        node_tags = split_match.group('tags').strip().split(' ')

        return node_name, node_tags

    def _get_node_options(self, tags, name):
        node_options = self._get_node_explicit_options(tags)
        node_options = self._set_node_default_options(node_options, name)

        return node_options

    def _get_node_explicit_options(self, tags):
        node_options = {}
        options_pattern = re.compile(r'@(?P<k>[a-z]+)=?(?P<v>.*)')
        for tag in tags:
            options_match = options_pattern.match(tag)
            if options_match is None:

            key, value = self._get_node_explicit_single_option(options_match, 'k', 'v')
            node_options.update({key : value})

        return node_options

    def _get_node_explicit_single_option(options_match, key_group_tag, value_group_tag):
        valid_keys = ['id', 'include', 'stop']
        if options_match.group('k') not in valid_keys:
            print('Error: Unknown node argument: {}'.format(options_match.group('k')))

        key = options_match.group(key_group_tag)
        value = options_match.group(value_group_tag)

        return key, value

    def _set_node_default_options(self, node_options, name):
        node_options = self._set_node_default_stop_option(node_options)
        node_options = self._set_node_default_id_option(node_options, name)
        node_options = self._set_node_default_include_option(node_options, name)

        return node_options

    def _set_node_default_stop_option(node_options):
        node_options['stop'] = True if 'stop' in node_options else False

        return node_options

    def _set_node_default_id_option(self, node_options, name):
        if 'id' not in node_options or node_options['id'] == '':
            node_options['id'] = self._node_name_to_node_default_id(name)

        return node_options

    def _set_node_default_include_option(self, node_options, name):
        if 'include' in node_options and node_options['include'] == '':
            node_options['include'] = self._node_name_to_node_default_id(name)

        return node_options

    def _node_name_to_node_default_id(name):
        # remove invalid characters
        valid_chars_pattern = re.compile(r'[^\w\-. ()]+')
        name = valid_chars_pattern.sub('', name)

        # additional formatting
        name = re.sub(' ', '-', name)
        name = re.sub('-+', '-', name)

        return name.lower()