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# Usabilla PHP Client

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This package allows PHP developers to gain access to the Usabilla resources such as buttons, feedback items, campaigns and their results. This packages is heavily inspired by the [AWS PHP Client](

## Resources

* [API Documentation]( – For in-depth getting started and usage information.

## Features

* Built for PHP 5.6+ and compliant with [PSR-4](
* Built on [Guzzle Services](
* Installable through Composer.

## Getting Started
1. Install Composer by following installation instructions on:
2. [Request Usabilla API credentials](
3. Run `composer require usabilla/usabilla-api-php` on your project.

## Quick Example

### Request 5 feedback items belonging to a button.


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Usabilla\API\Client\UsabillaClient;

// Creates a new Usabilla client.
$client = new UsabillaClient('ACCESS_KEY', 'SECRET_KEY');

// Specify the parameters as mentioned in the service description.
$params = ['id' => 'BUTTON_ID', 'limit' => 5];

// Gets the command.
$command = $client->getCommand('GetWebsiteFeedbackItems', $params);

// Executes the command.
$response = $client->execute($command);

// Prints the received response.

### Using Command Line

You can use the command line to retrieve results from the API using scripts found in the [example folder](examples/):

* Using single_page.php :
`php single_page.php {command} {access-key} {secret-key}`

* Using single_page_with_id.php :
`php single_page_with_id.php {command} {id} {access-key} {secret-key}`

### More examples:

* [Results iterator example](examples/iterator.php)
* [Single results page example](examples/single_page.php)