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# Cubitt Graph
Typescript Graph library for the Cubitt framework.

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## About

This package contains an in-memory graph with connectors. All Elements have support for dynamic properties.
The graph has the following elements:

* ```Model```
A subgraph inside the graph. All Nodes and Edges have to be linked to a Model.
* ```Node```
A traditional Node.
* ```Connector```
A Connector is an element that is connected to a Node, to which edges can be connected. A Node can have many connectors. A Connector can have many edges.
* ```Edge```
An traditional directed edge that can be connected to connectors. It is not possible to connect an Edge directly to a Node.

It's main use case will be for the Cubitt framework, but the graph can be used standalone if it fits your datamodel.

## Installation

$ npm install cubitt-graph

## Features

* Intergraph links
* Hierarchical graphs
* Connector support
* Properties support on all Elements
* Typescript
* Unit tested 

## Usage

The ```Project``` class (implements ```GraphInterface```) is the main entrypoint for consumers of this package. It is as simple as:

var graph = new Project();
All available methods on this class are described in the [Code documentation](https://uu-cubitt.github.io/graph/).

## Documentation

* [Code documentation](https://uu-cubitt.github.io/graph/)
* [General documentation](https://cubitt.readme.io/docs/information-viewpoint)

## For developers

To generate documentation run:
$ npm install --only=dev
$ node_modules/.bin/typedoc --out doc/ --module commonjs --exclude test --readme README.md --target ES5 --mode file src/

To run the tests:
$ npm install --only=dev
$ cd node_modules/cubitt-graph
$ mocha

To debug the tests (uses node-debug, uses Chrome debugging tools):
1. First set ```sourceMaps``` to ```true``` in ```src/tsdconfig.json``` (ensures that you can debug the Typescript code instead of the generated JavaScript)
$ npm install --only=dev
$ node-debug _mocha --no-timeouts

## People

The original authors of Cubitt are Sander Klock and Thomas Ipskamp. The project is coordinated by [Jan Martijn van der Werf](http://www.uu.nl/staff/JMEMvanderWerf).

## License