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# Changelog

## 3.0.2
### Changes
* Switch to [Standard](http://standardjs.com/) code style
* Update example usage in [README](README.md)
* Refactor built-in token file storage to be an ES2015 class
* Use `babel-eslint` parser in ESLint
* Update `babel-cli` to 6.8.0 from 6.4.5
* Update `fs-jetpack` to 0.9.0 from 0.8.0
* Update `mocha` to 3.0.2 from 2.3.4
* Update `eslint` to 3.5.0 from 2.5.0
* Update `request-promise` to 4.0.2 from 3.0.0
* Update `joi` to 9.0.4 from 8.0.1
* Update `cheerio` to 0.22.0 from 0.20.0

## 3.0.1
### Changes
* Optimize library-specific error constructors

## 3.0.0
### Breaking changes
* Update `request-promise` to 3.0.0 from 2.0.0

### Changes
* Update `fs-jetpack` to 0.8.0 from 0.7.0
* Update `nock` to 8.0.0 from 5.2.1
* Update `eslint` to 2.5.0 from 1.10.3
* Update `joi` to 8.0.1 from 7.2.2
* Update `cheerio` to 0.20.0 from 0.19.0

## 2.1.0
* Add missing `phone` param for non-object configuration (now signature is `vk.token(client_id, login, pass, phone)`)
* Add ESLint code style checks
* Use `const` all the way down instead of `let`
* Handle possible case when authorization is successful but `access_token` is missing in the response
* Extended testing and test coverage details
* Update `request-promise` to 2.0.0 from 1.0.2
* Update `babel-core` to 6.4.0 from 6.3.17

## 2.0.0

### Breaking changes
* `VK.token(options)` now returns promise that is resolved with access_token
* `VK.api(access_token, [api_version])` returns API request helper function 
* If login is not a phone number, separate parameter `phone` is now required
* Application ID is now being strictly checked for a valid numeric value (coerced to number)
* New `VKAuthError` returned if VK returns an error while attempting to sign in
* New `VKAPIError` returned if API request was fulfilled but API returned error

### Changes
* Fix cookie jar being overridden by the one from the most recent initialization
* Fix invalid check for `response` property in API responses
* Fix `error` event not being fired when initial request for authentication page fails (closes https://github.com/v12/node-vk-api/issues/4)
* Codebase refactored to use ES2015 (Babel.js used for transpiling to ES5)
* Switch to `request`'s JSON parsing
* Update `cheerio` to 0.19.0 from 0.16.0
* Update `request` to 2.67.0 from 2.34.0
* Update `xtend` to 4.0.1 from 3.0.0

## 1.1.1
* Fix error not being thrown when request error happens (closes https://github.com/v12/node-vk-api/issues/3)

## 1.1.0
* Support for token caching (https://github.com/v12/node-vk-api/pull/1)
* Fix possible bug when events were emitted before listeners were attached
* Default User-Agent used now has actual package version

## 1.0.0
* Added another way of instantiating API (both parameter sets are available)

## 0.0.3 
* VK API response is now properly parsed, returning `Error` in callback with error code and description when method execution has failed ([list of API errors](https://vk.com/dev/errors))

## 0.0.2 
* Constructor now emits events on successful authorization and error