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# vakata\certificate\BG

## Methods

| Name | Description |
|[__construct](#vakata\certificate\bg__construct)|Create an instance.|
|[fromRequest](#vakata\certificate\bgfromrequest)|Create an instance from the client request certificate.|
|[fromFile](#vakata\certificate\bgfromfile)|Create an instance from a file.|
|[getData](#vakata\certificate\bggetdata)|Get the full certificate data (as returned from x509_parse).|
|[getSubjectData](#vakata\certificate\bggetsubjectdata)|Get the subject data from the certificate (as returned from x509_parse).|
|[getIssuerData](#vakata\certificate\bggetissuerdata)|Get the issuer data from the certificate (as returned from x509_parse).|
|[getIssuer](#vakata\certificate\bggetissuer)|Get the issuer of the certificate - one of the issuer constants.|
|[getProfile](#vakata\certificate\bggetprofile)|Get the issuer profile of the certificate - either a string or UNKNOWN constant.|
|[getType](#vakata\certificate\bggettype)|Get the certificate type - one of the type constants.|
|[isPersonal](#vakata\certificate\bgispersonal)|Is the certificate personal.|
|[isProfessional](#vakata\certificate\bgisprofessional)|Is the certificate professional.|
|[isKnown](#vakata\certificate\bgisknown)|Is the certificate issued by a known issuer under a known profile with a known type.|
|[getBulstat](#vakata\certificate\bggetbulstat)|Get the BULSTAT number (if the certificate is a professional one)|
|[getEGN](#vakata\certificate\bggetegn)|Get the EGN - if available.|
|[getPID](#vakata\certificate\bggetpid)|Get the personal identification number - if available.|
|[getID](#vakata\certificate\bggetid)|Get the EGN or PID (whichever is available) - one will always be available in personal certificates.|
|[getIDs](#vakata\certificate\bggetids)|Get all IDS found in the certificate|
|[getSubjectName](#vakata\certificate\bggetsubjectname)|Get the name of the subject.|
|[getSubjectEmail](#vakata\certificate\bggetsubjectemail)|Get the email of the subject.|
|[getSubjectOrganization](#vakata\certificate\bggetsubjectorganization)|Get the organization name (available if the certificate is a professional one).|


### vakata\certificate\BG::__construct
Create an instance.  

public function __construct (  
    string $cert  

|  | Type | Description |
| `$cert` | `string` | the certificate to parse |


### vakata\certificate\BG::fromRequest
Create an instance from the client request certificate.  

public static function fromRequest () : \vakata\certificate\BG    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | [`\vakata\certificate\BG`]( | the certificate instance |


### vakata\certificate\BG::fromFile
Create an instance from a file.  

public static function fromFile (  
    string $file  
) : \vakata\certificate\BG    

|  | Type | Description |
| `$file` | `string` | the path to the certificate file to parse |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | [`\vakata\certificate\BG`]( | the certificate instance |


### vakata\certificate\BG::getData
Get the full certificate data (as returned from x509_parse).  

public function getData () : array    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `array` | the certificate data |


### vakata\certificate\BG::getSubjectData
Get the subject data from the certificate (as returned from x509_parse).  

public function getSubjectData () : array    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `array` | the certificate subject data |


### vakata\certificate\BG::getIssuerData
Get the issuer data from the certificate (as returned from x509_parse).  

public function getIssuerData () : array    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `array` | the certificate subject data |


### vakata\certificate\BG::getIssuer
Get the issuer of the certificate - one of the issuer constants.  

public function getIssuer () : int    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `int` | the issuer constant |


### vakata\certificate\BG::getProfile
Get the issuer profile of the certificate - either a string or UNKNOWN constant.  

public function getProfile () : int    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `int` | the issuer constant |


### vakata\certificate\BG::getType
Get the certificate type - one of the type constants.  

public function getType () : int    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `int` | the type constant |


### vakata\certificate\BG::isPersonal
Is the certificate personal.  

public function isPersonal () : boolean    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `boolean` |  |


### vakata\certificate\BG::isProfessional
Is the certificate professional.  

public function isProfessional () : boolean    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `boolean` |  |


### vakata\certificate\BG::isKnown
Is the certificate issued by a known issuer under a known profile with a known type.  

public function isKnown () : boolean    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `boolean` |  |


### vakata\certificate\BG::getBulstat
Get the BULSTAT number (if the certificate is a professional one)  

public function getBulstat () : string, null    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `string`, `null` | the BULSTAT number |


### vakata\certificate\BG::getEGN
Get the EGN - if available.  

public function getEGN () : string, null    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `string`, `null` | the EGN |


### vakata\certificate\BG::getPID
Get the personal identification number - if available.  

public function getPID () : string, null    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `string`, `null` | the PID |


### vakata\certificate\BG::getID
Get the EGN or PID (whichever is available) - one will always be available in personal certificates.  

public function getID () : string, null    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `string`, `null` | the EGN or PID number |


### vakata\certificate\BG::getIDs
Get all IDS found in the certificate  

public function getIDs () : array    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `array` | key value pairs of ID type => ID value |


### vakata\certificate\BG::getSubjectName
Get the name of the subject.  

public function getSubjectName () : string    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `string` | the subject's name |


### vakata\certificate\BG::getSubjectEmail
Get the email of the subject.  

public function getSubjectEmail () : string, null    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `string`, `null` | the subject's email |


### vakata\certificate\BG::getSubjectOrganization
Get the organization name (available if the certificate is a professional one).  

public function getSubjectOrganization () : string, null    

|  | Type | Description |
|  |  |  |
| `return` | `string`, `null` | the subject's organization |
