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1 day
Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2018-2020 Stanislav Valasek <>

package models

import (



    // postgress db driver
    _ ""

// Consultant struct
type Consultant struct {
    ID         uint64     `gorm:"primary_key" json:"id"`
    CreatedAt  time.Time  `json:"-"`
    UpdatedAt  time.Time  `json:"-"`
    DeletedAt  *time.Time `json:"-"`
    Name       string     `gorm:"not null;unique" json:"name"`
    Allocation float64    `gorm:"not null" json:"allocation"`
    Disabled   bool       `gorm:"not null" json:"disabled"`

// ConsultantCSV csv struct
type ConsultantCSV struct {
    CreatedAt  DateTime `csv:"created_at"`
    Name       string   `csv:"name"`
    Allocation float64  `csv:"allocation"`
    Disabled   bool     `csv:"disabled"`

// ConsultantManager struct
type ConsultantManager struct {
    db *DB

var consultantDemoData = []ConsultantCSV{
    {CreatedAt: DateTime{time.Now()}, Name: "Stanislav Valasek", Allocation: 1, Disabled: false},
    {CreatedAt: DateTime{time.Now()}, Name: "Evan You", Allocation: 1, Disabled: false},
    {CreatedAt: DateTime{time.Now()}, Name: "Razvan Stoenescu", Allocation: 1, Disabled: false},
    {CreatedAt: DateTime{time.Now()}, Name: "Russ Cox", Allocation: 1, Disabled: false},
    {CreatedAt: DateTime{time.Now()}, Name: "David Heinemeier Hansson", Allocation: 1, Disabled: false},
    {CreatedAt: DateTime{time.Now()}, Name: "Guido van Rossum", Allocation: 1, Disabled: false},
    {CreatedAt: DateTime{time.Now()}, Name: "Dan Abramov", Allocation: 1, Disabled: false},

// NewConsultantManager - Create a consultant manager that can be used for retrieving consultants
func NewConsultantManager(db *DB) (*ConsultantManager, error) {


    consultantmgr := ConsultantManager{}

    consultantmgr.db = db

    return &consultantmgr, nil

// ConsultantList - return a list of Consultants
func (db *ConsultantManager) ConsultantList() []Consultant {
    consultants := []Consultant{}
    if err := db.db.Find(&consultants); err != nil {
        return consultants
    logger.Log.Error("unable to retrieve all consultants")
    return nil

// ConsultantAdd -
func (db *ConsultantManager) ConsultantAdd(newRecord Consultant) Consultant {
    if err := db.db.Create(&newRecord); err != nil {
        return newRecord
    logger.Log.Error("unable to add new consultant", newRecord)
    return Consultant{}

// ConsultantUpdate -
func (db *ConsultantManager) ConsultantUpdate(updatedRecord Consultant) Consultant {
    var originalRecord Consultant
    if err := db.db.First(&originalRecord, updatedRecord.ID); err != nil {
        originalRecord.Name = updatedRecord.Name
        originalRecord.Allocation = updatedRecord.Allocation
        originalRecord.Disabled = updatedRecord.Disabled
        return originalRecord
    logger.Log.Error("unable to update new consultant", updatedRecord)
    return Consultant{}

// ConsultantDelete - deletes the consultant and all associated records
func (db *ConsultantManager) ConsultantDelete(id uint64) int64 {

    consultant := Consultant{}
    if err := db.db.First(&consultant, id); err != nil {
        name := consultant.Name
        if err := db.db.Delete(&consultant); err != nil {
            var reportedRecordCount int64
            if err := db.db.Model(ReportedRecord{}).Where("consultant like ?", name).Count(&reportedRecordCount); err != nil {
                if err := db.db.Where("consultant like ?", name).Delete(&ReportedRecord{}); err != nil {
                    return reportedRecordCount
    logger.Log.Error("unable to delete consultant id", id)
    return 0

// ConsultantsGetStatistics - returns table statistics
func (db *ConsultantManager) ConsultantsGetStatistics() EntityOverview {
    table := "consultants"
    var total, active, disabled int
    if err := db.db.Unscoped().Table(table).Count(&total); err != nil {
        active = db.ConsultantCount()
    } else {
        logger.Log.Error("failed to retrieve from DB statistics for table ", table)
    if err := db.db.Table(table).Where("disabled = true").Count(&disabled); err == nil {
        logger.Log.Error("failed to retrieve from DB statistics (disabled) for table ", table)
    return EntityOverview{Name: strings.Title(table), Total: total, Active: active, Disabled: disabled, Deleted: total - active}

// ConsultantToggle - return all records of Rates
func (db *ConsultantManager) ConsultantToggle(id uint64) Consultant {
    consultant := Consultant{}
    if err := db.db.First(&consultant, id); err != nil {
        consultant.Disabled = !consultant.Disabled
        return consultant
    logger.Log.Error("unable to toggle consultant id", id)
    return consultant

// ConsultantSeed - will load data from data file
func (db *ConsultantManager) ConsultantSeed(file string) int {

    csvfile, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_RDWR, os.ModePerm)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Log.Error(err, " Input file: ", file)
    defer csvfile.Close()

    consultantsCSV := []*ConsultantCSV{}
    if err := gocsv.UnmarshalFile(csvfile, &consultantsCSV); err != nil {
    for _, c := range consultantsCSV {
        newC := Consultant{CreatedAt: c.CreatedAt.Time, Name: c.Name, Allocation: c.Allocation, Disabled: c.Disabled}

    return len(consultantsCSV)

// ConsultantCount -
func (db *ConsultantManager) ConsultantCount() int {
    consultants := []Consultant{}
    var count int
    if err := db.db.Find(&consultants).Count(&count); err != nil {
        return count
    logger.Log.Error("unable to retrieve consultants count")
    return 0

// ConsultantBackup will backup rates table
func (db *ConsultantManager) ConsultantBackup(filePath string) (int, error) {
    consultantsFile, err := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.ModePerm)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    defer consultantsFile.Close()

    consultants := []*Consultant{}
    db.db.Find(&consultants).Where("DeletedAt = ?", nil)
    consultantCSV := []*ConsultantCSV{}
    for _, r := range consultants {
        createdAt := DateTime{r.CreatedAt}
        item := ConsultantCSV{CreatedAt: createdAt, Name: r.Name, Allocation: r.Allocation, Disabled: r.Disabled}
        consultantCSV = append(consultantCSV, &item)

    err = gocsv.MarshalFile(&consultantCSV, consultantsFile)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    return len(consultantCSV), nil

// ConsultantGenerate generates test data
func (db *ConsultantManager) ConsultantGenerate(filePath string) (int, error) {
    consultantsFile, err := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.ModePerm)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    defer consultantsFile.Close()

    err = gocsv.MarshalFile(&consultantDemoData, consultantsFile)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    return len(consultantDemoData), nil