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### Default configuration file

# Reporting settings #

dailyWorkingHours: 8 # Used to calculate weekly and monthly expected working hours, can be changed in UI
dailyWorkingHoursMin: 8 # Used to highlight if reported less, can be changed in UI
dailyWorkingHoursMax: 12 # Used to highlight if reported more, can be changed in UI

# Rate used for vacations
vacation: "Vacation"
yearlyVacationDays: 20 # Used to calculate weekly and monthly expected working hours, can be changed in UI

# Rate for additional vacations. If not used, leave blank "" and set yearlyPersonalDays: 0, can be changed in UI
vacationPersonal: "Personal Day"
yearlyPersonalDays: 3 # Used to calculate weekly and monthly expected working hours, can be changed in UI

# Rate used for additional vacation intended for sick day. If not used, leave blank "" and set yearlySickDays: 0, can be changed in UI
vacationSick: "Sick Day"
yearlySickDays: 2 # Used to calculate weekly and monthly expected working hours, can be changed in UI

# Categorize all rates into one of these types used on Reported Overview page
isWorking: "work" # when consultant works, can be changed in UI
isNonWorking: "not-work" # when consultant dows not work, examples: vacation, sick, personal day, public holiday, vacation, unpaid leave, ..., can be changed in UI

# Application settings #
SSL: false # true/false, if server has SSL certificate set to true to use HTTPS, false = HTTP
GIN_MODE: "release" # "debug" or "release" - switch server app mode
url: "" # URL on which application is running
# PORT: "443"                   # port on which application is running
PORT: "8080" # port on which application is running

# DB type
dbType: "postgresql" # allowed types postgresql or mysql

# Production URL - will be read from production environment config variable
# If set, Database settings section variables will be ignored

# Log folder, relative to timesheet folder
logFolder: "logs"

# # Folder for uploaded data, relative to timesheet folder
uploadFolder: "data/uploaded"
uploadFolderTemp: "data/uploaded/temp"

# csv data files which are loaded via command "timesheet db --load all"
  consultants: "consultants_cloud.csv"
  rates: "rates_cloud.csv"
  projects: "projects_cloud.csv"
  reportedRecords: "reported_records_cloud.csv"
  holidays: "holidays_us_2019.csv"

  location: "data/exported" # select an empty and an existing folder

# Database settings #

# DB backup settings - backup data can be imported directly by a command "timesheet db --load all"
  location: "data/backups" # select an empty and an existing folder relative to timesheet/data folder
  rotation: 14 # how many backups back will be kept
  interval: "daily" # daily or weekly - how often the DB backup should be done

# DB credentials
# used for development and testing. Ignored if DATABASE_URL is set
  # host: "db" #
  host: "" #
  port: "5432"
  name: "timesheet"
  user: "timesheet"
  password: "timesheet"
  sslMode: "disable"

  user: "timesheet"
  password: "timesheet"
  dbname: "timesheet"