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Test Coverage
<a name="2.0.5"></a>
## [2.0.5]( (2018-05-07)

### Bug Fixes

* **chronos:** ro locale updated to momenjs etalon ([2634e8f](
* **chronos:** updated fi locale tests ([ae01bb0](
* **demo:** fix api references for pagination component ([#4303]( ([edc7b95](

### Features

* **buttons:** add aria-attributes ([#4082]( ([49ee88e](, closes [#4068](
* **datepicker:** add Romanian locale to date picker ([#4205]( ([6a95b76](
* **datepicker:** Added Slovenian locale support for datepicker ([#4035]( ([6e2e60f](
* **locale:** Galician locale ([#4246]( ([08e3f56](
* **locale:** Mongolian locale ([#4161]( ([91ffd36](
* **sortable:** add aria attributes ([#4163]( ([00a331a](, closes [#4152](
* **timepicker:** hide arrows with [hidden] attribute ([#4197]( ([190e2db](

<a name="2.0.4"></a>
## [2.0.4]( (2018-04-16)

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** lock [@types]( ([#3985]( ([407ecd0](
* **demo:** fix left sidebar is not fully visible on small screens ([#3780]( ([7e30c6f](, closes [#3383](
* **demo:** fix links at getting started page. Update travis config - allow failed units ([#4218]( ([ae07b41](
* **demo:** remove repetition id in demos ([#3937]( ([c4c2877](, closes [#3936](
* **demo-sidebar:** remove list duplicate from sidebar ([#4201]( ([605efd1](
* **modal:** close only one directive modal with one esc pressing ([#4223]( ([83af591](
* **modals:** fix minimize Safari after press esc ([#3605]( ([9c8cef4](, closes [#3313](
* **tests:** change run cypress tests for faster local run. Refactor test for making them readable ([#3742]( ([c7b91fa](
* **tooltip:** The content(button) extends beyond the tooltip's field in Dynamic Html demo section ([#4102]( ([a123c2c](
* **tooltip-popover:** fix arrow position for bs4 ([#3784]( ([0b1d8e7](

### Features

* **accordion:** add key navigation to accordion ([#3993]( ([8bb2fdf](
* **accordion:** revert changes for accordion key nav support ([#4093]( ([8a46e6e](
* **build:** use npm ci, it's faster then yarn ([#4059]( ([838eee7](
* **carousel:** add aria-attributes ([#4131]( ([a21d3e0](, closes [#4130](
* **datepicker:** add aria-attributes ([#4141]( ([20c6b87](, closes [#4132](
* **demo:** add alt attribute in images ([#3932]( ([122a0e5](
* **locale:** Finnish locale ([#3991]( ([a333700](
* **modals:** dont call hide() func on esc if modal is not shown ([#4221]( ([9254837](
* **old-datepicker:** adding id for tag ([#3695]( ([be14f34](
* **timepicker:** add validation for timepicker ([#3588]( ([d8ee1f8](, closes [#3549]( [#3288](

<a name="2.0.3"></a>
## [2.0.3]( (2018-03-12)

### Bug Fixes

* **alerts:** after dismissing alert are not removing from DOM [#3608]( ([#3622]( ([479778a](
* **build:** fix failed npm run build ([#3867]( ([f5d8bcc](, closes [#3866](
* **build:** lock awesome typescript loader ([#3945]( ([28e9a15](
* **datepicker:** added comma to index file ([#3912]( ([b94bc15](
* **datepicker:** fix width in daterangerpicker at locates example ([#3543]( ([72c7cb3](
* **datepicker:** remove position fixed ([#3610]( ([bca0b42](, closes [#3300](
* **demo:** add null check in preventEmptyHrefNav method ([#3948]( ([1a9c17d](
* **demo:** added wrapper to progressbar ([#3752]( ([78a5e06](
* **demo:** fix add-nav scroll to selected sections ([#3593]( ([8182d92](
* **demo:** fix datepicker imports ([#3910]( ([e748105](
* **demo:** fix demo header static position for safari browser ([#3600]( ([2f0e7f8](, closes [#3312](
* **demo:** Fixed routings issue for links with inner html tags ([#3816]( ([5869afb](, closes [#3813](
* **demo:** rename Timepicker demo to Basic ([#3733]( ([1eb7990](
* **dropdown:** fix dropup bs3 position ([#3863]( ([2a177aa](
* **pagination:** fix PageChangeEvent export ([#3880]( ([083ad0c](
* **progressbar:** fix stacked progressbar for bs4 ([#3582]( ([50defdd](
* **tabs:** add custom template in demo ([#3558]( ([de90609](, closes [#3548](
* **tabs:** decompose manual selection section ([#3547]( ([6c9afd9](, closes [#3545](
* **test:** update [@types]( ([#3970]( ([bcbe405](
* **tests:** fix test after hard resolving conflicts ([#3946]( ([5955ca7](
* **tests:** remove unstable part of e2e ([#3716]( ([465ed0d](
* **tests:** updating link to ng-team for cypress ([#3674]( ([6ebc6a6](
* **timepicker:** remove unnecessary space when showMeridian is false ([#3907]( ([e7b96cd](

### Features

* **accordion:** add to "Api Reference" section accordion component ([#3644]( ([1c1f592](, closes [#3643](
* **chronos:** add indonesia locale ([#3532]( ([8ba8b18](
* **tests:** add cypress e2e tests instead of protractor e2e and e2e-bdd tests ([#3515]( ([4ff55ce](
* **timepicker:** Add ability to set readonly/disabled state [#3602]( ([#3611]( ([4e5f828](, closes [#3549]( [#3288]( [#3371](
* **typeahead:** Allow typeahead to cancel ongoing requests ([#3865]( ([67e073f](, closes [#1626]( [#1626](

<a name="2.0.2"></a>
## [2.0.2]( (2018-01-24)

### Bug Fixes

* **datepicker:** date parsing when using a custom date format ([#3522]( ([5c2aa9e](

### Features

* **chronos:** add danish locale configuration ([#3514]( ([8fe43e2](

<a name="2.0.1"></a>
## [2.0.1]( (2018-01-20)

### Bug Fixes

* **datepicker:** bs date range picker config added to correct provider ([446cdf9](

<a name="2.0.0"></a>
# [2.0.0]( (2018-01-19)

### Bug Fixes

* **progressbar:** fix bs4, animation, add striped option, remove bs4 demos ([#3500]( ([27cb1a2](

### Features

* **datepicker:** added date and range min, max and invalid validation ([#3499]( ([7b43295](, closes [#2727]( [#3498](
* **datepicker:** added date range picker config ([#3501]( ([7c53bf9](


* **progressbar:** `progress` directive was removed, use `progressbar` instead 
* **chronos:** `bs-moment` renamed to `chronos`
* **chronos:** all locales was suffixed with Locale (`en` -> `enLocale`)
* **datepicker:**  setting locale via `bsConfig` no longer works. Now for changing locale inject BsLocaleService and call its `use` method. For more detailed example check our [demo](
* **datepicker:**  `datepicker` and `daterange` component selectors was removed, now `datepicker` available only as directive
* **rating:**  removed input properties `stateOn`, `stateOff` and `ratingStates`
* **rating:**  custom icons now working via `customTemplate`
* **package** upgraded to support ng v4 and v5 (and v6)
* **package:** dropped support of ng v2

<a name="2.0.0-rc.1"></a>
# [2.0.0-rc.1]( (2018-01-19)

### Bug Fixes

* **buttons:** fix radio btns for reactive forms, add radio reactive demo ([#3384]( ([b2b8bdc](, closes [#2581](
* **carousel:** toggle carousel-indicators via property  ([#3319]( ([4164937](, closes [#1021](
* **ci:** fix heroku, deploy only demo/dist ([#3441]( ([321f9ae](
* **datepicker:** fix errors on fullTemplateTypeCheck rule ([#3462]( ([446587e](, closes [#3455](
* **demo:** fix favicon image ([#3381]( ([005701d](
* **demo:** fix for timepicker demo layout ([#3442]( ([4905ab2](
* **demo:** fix logo for getting-started page ([#3448]( ([3de13fb](
* **demo:** fix progressbar demo page autoscroll top ([#3449]( ([5edd41c](
* **demo:** fix sidenav last item on small height screen ([#3419]( ([3667c06](, closes [#3295](
* **dropdown:** fix dropup position with container body (bs3) ([#3343]( ([402015d](
* **modal:** fix circular dependency warning ([#3359]( ([59c0bf9](
* **modal:** focus modal container on init ([#3357]( ([dd33e63](
* **modal:** reset scrollbar pixel ([#3491]( ([1cd6f94](, closes [#3490](
* **popover & tooltip:** fix arrow position ([#3405]( ([15ae2f0](
* **tests:** fixing e2e type errors ([#3358]( ([5136fd6](
* **tooltip:** fix delay ([#3463]( ([a1a54df](, closes [#3038](
* **typeahead:** apply existing text on focus and click with typeaheadMinLength = 0 ([#3322]( ([21813b1](
* **typeahead:** fix autoselect on tab key with typeaheadMinLength=0 ([#3378]( ([eaed118](
* **typeahead:** fix flickering ([#3321]( ([cf1411a](

### Features

* **build:** change import for barrel file's, update seed doc ([#2990]( ([7346a5a](
* **chronos:** added th locale spec ([#3450]( ([bd6b119](
* **chronos:** bs-moment renamed to chronos and all locales was suffixed with Locale ([#3456]( ([dfd489b](
* **datepicker:** added custom date parse logic for manual date input ([#3271]( ([4f5fc18](, closes [#3206]( [#3104]( [#2809](
* **datepicker:** added Thai locale support for datepicker ([#3409]( ([662d8c1](
* **datepicker:** disable specified days of week ([#2744]( ([957d54b](
* **modal:** resolve modal data before OnInit ([#2600]( ([bf6361e](, closes [#2530]( [#2733](
* **package:** upgrade to use bootstrap v4 ([#3495]( ([aa25e6a](
* **styles:** updated bootstrap4 styles to ver bootstrap-4.0.0-beta.2 ([#3306]( ([86a747c](
* **timepicker:** showMinutes flag for toggle MinutesField in timepicker([#2430]( ([#3341]( ([9099b21](


* **chronos:** - bs-moment renamed to chronos
- all locales was suffixed with Locale (en -> enLocale)

<a name="2.0.0-rc.0"></a>
# [2.0.0-rc.0]( (2017-12-14)

### Bug Fixes

* **typeahead:** define latimap properly ([#3270]( ([d363e5d](, closes [#3126](

### Features

* **demo:** add missing section title ([#3249]( ([71a2f33](

<a name="2.0.0-beta.11"></a>
# [2.0.0-beta.11]( (2017-12-08)

### Bug Fixes

* **datepicker:** if value is null dont reset date to 1970 ([#3207]( ([8761038](
* **old-datepicker:** summer time ([#3122]( ([422d3bc](

### Features

* **build:** add es2015 build target support ([#3202]( ([735101c](
* **datepicker:** added BsLocaleService to change datepicker locale ([#3209]( ([4a7f2f0](
* **tests:** covering navigation feature with bdd ([#3026]( ([c5fb8dc](


* **datepicker:**  setting locale via `bsConfig` no longer works. Now for changing locale inject BsLocaleService and call its `use` method. For more detailed example check our [demo](

<a name="2.0.0-beta.10"></a>
# [2.0.0-beta.10]( (2017-12-05)

### Bug Fixes

* **accordion demo:** fix bootstrap link in API Reference ([#3193]( ([a1a1c74](
* **datepicker:** date manipulation was jumping over a month top ([#3130]( ([a7416e6](, closes [#2902](
* **datepicker:** fixed viewed date if min max is set ([#3129]( ([13bf18e](, closes [#3123]( [#2711](
* **datepicker:** if min date is last day of a month ([#3113]( ([ec445e2](, closes [#3102](
* **datepicker:** model should be prestine on init from ngModel ([#3115]( ([6bb077c](, closes [#3014](
* **datepicker:** reseting min and max boundaries will reset it in datepicker ([#3112]( ([a72fedc](, closes [#3085](
* **daterangepicker:** After clearing input, daterangepicker couldn't be opened ([dfdc58d](, closes [#3191](
* **modal:** fix memory leak for TemplateRef modals ([#3179]( ([d5d1acf](
* **tests:** add custom launcher for HeadlessChrome ([#3157]( ([909e7ae](
* **version dropdown:** z-index fix for version dropdown and header ([#3190]( ([784d881](

### Features

* **datepicker:** datepicker now is a directive not a component ([#3125]( ([d9822f0](
* **modal:** ModalDirective should use config.animated ([#3156]( ([f5679eb](


* **datepicker:**   - datepicker and daterange component selectors was removed
  - now datepicker available only as directive

<a name="2.0.0-beta.9"></a>
# [2.0.0-beta.9]( (2017-11-23)

### Bug Fixes

* **chronos:** fix postformat for empty values ([d3bb3fd](
* **datepicker:** added export of he locale and fixed demo ([7616362](
* **demo:** fix scrollTop ([#2886]( ([2e99010](
* **demo:** fixed header overlapping for demo modals in directive examples ([#2974]( ([9c648f6](
* **docs:** fix stackblitz link ([#2980]( ([d97211b](
* **dropdown:** bootstrap 4 dropup fix in IE11 ([#3057]( ([632abe1](, closes [#3054](

### Features

* **datepicker:** add hungarian localization ([5370c6a](
* **datepicker:** added Hebrew locale support for datepicker ([#2904]( ([f2d5156](
* **datepicker:** use init value for the first initialization ([#2897]( ([7ec97f8](
* **timepicker:** allow null value and change validation state on manual update ([#3084]( ([0d72cd6](

<a name="2.0.0-beta.8"></a>
# [2.0.0-beta.8]( (2017-11-03)

### Bug Fixes

* **datepicker:** correctly set initial input value ([#2962]( ([5662e20](, closes [#2929]( [#2930](
* **datepicker:** reactive forms in onpush components ([#2947]( ([69bd6fa](
* **pagination:** and pager to mark for check when page is changed ([#2942]( ([e225da7](
* **rating:** fixed rating in onpush components ([#2943]( ([bb0af30](
* **timepicker:** correctly set initial time manually ([#2945]( ([0071733](
* **typeahead:** inside of onpush components ([#2946]( ([44763a9](

### Features

* **accordion:** add output for isOpen state changes ([#2619]( ([663f078](
* **alert:** added isOpen input and marked as OnPush ([#2940]( ([af7597b](
* **datepicker:** respect first day of week in current locale ([#2970]( ([1b6ed56](
* **demo:** add universal support, add dockerfile ([#2925]( ([b28838a](
* **docs:** new aside menu ([#2851]( ([4e3e456](
* **dropdown:** add option to let event propagate on toggle ([82e7832](
* **dropdown:** drop prevent event propogation from dropdown toggle ([5cbe131](
* **package:** removed ng2 bs module ([7c086a4](

<a name="2.0.0-beta.7"></a>
# [2.0.0-beta.7]( (2017-10-21)

### Bug Fixes

* **datepicker:** fix disabled state setter ([#2798]( ([bd04f61](
* **datepicker:** increase z-index to datepicker and daterangepicker ([#2788]( ([1da7e15](, closes [#2736](
* **demo:** fix carousel page ([#2885]( ([9be31b5](
* **demo:** fix template bindings ([#2863]( ([5632902](
* **modal:** add null check in focusOtherModal() ([e1f9b7a](, closes [#2612](
* **tabs:** fix customClass for tab content ([#2883]( ([8e50e66](
* **tooltip:** fix tooltip with delay only appearing once ([#2826]( ([e625faa](
* **typeahead:** fix close on blur ([#2816]( ([8bedcee](, closes [#2588](
* **typeahead:** select active match on TAB ([#2839]( ([9d0638c](

### Features

* **datepicker:** add swedish locale ([#2804]( ([eccb382](
* **moments:** export locales in ngx-bootstrap/index ([#2879]( ([cc851e9](
* **popover:** don't show popover if content is undefined, [#1504]( ([#2815]( ([64d13e7](
* **tab:** add tab id support ([#2405]( ([89defda](
* **tabs:** add opportunity to add multiple classes to customClass attribute ([#2813]( ([b5856ac](
* **timepicker:** remove inline styling, [#2496]( ([#2812]( ([417d0a2](
* **typeahead:** add scroll support ([#2821]( ([033f6e3](
* **typeahead:** show options on focus and click ([#2320]( ([7635468](

<a name="2.0.0-beta.6"></a>
# [2.0.0-beta.6]( (2017-10-03)

### Bug Fixes

* **demo:** fix links prefixes ([#2762]( ([9a17ea9](
* **documentation:** fix issues after redesign ([#2761]( ([d2c3309](

### Features

* **ci:** deploy on merge to dev ([#2743]( ([8f07137](
* **ci:** run tests and build with current, latest and beta ng version ([#2734]( ([9e26b73](
* **datepicker:** added Turkish locale support for datepicker ([9e4df47](
* **datepicker:** Use !default for SASS variables ([#2777]( ([cf2365a](
* **package:** Using ngTemplateOutletContext instead of deprectaded ngOutletContext ([#2659]( ([ae2ace3](
* **redesign:** new design for documentation page ([#2680]( ([fc0cd35](

<a name="2.0.0-beta.5"></a>
# [2.0.0-beta.5]( (2017-09-18)

### Bug Fixes

* **datepicker:** added zindex to show datepicker above input fields ([0ec46af](
* **datepicker:** fix daterangepicker crash on empty value ([a30a283](
* **datepicker:** fix long date format ([#2630]( ([4e40497](, closes [#2611](
* **dropdown:** fix ngv4 dropdowns ([#2644]( ([ed464c8](
* **dropdown:** prevent event propogation if dropdown toggle clicked ([04cab1e](
* **modal:** fix bsModalRef paths in demos ([#2638]( ([13043fc](
* **modals:** fix issues with renderer2 in modal service ([73c8c6b](
* **modals:** fix modals crash, remove glyphicons, disable service worker ([6b7a8c4](
* **tabs:** fix default tab selection ([#2643]( ([ff7a390](
* **tests:** fixed tests, change renderer to renderer2 ([18036ff](

### Features

* **moment-ts:** added czech locale ([#2642]( ([61e6ed9](
* **package:** drop support of ng v2 and add support of ng v4 and v5 ([#2602]( ([31c5f62](, closes [#2357](
* **rating:** remove glyphicons, add custom template support ([#2631]( ([ea39858](
* **timepicker:** replace glyphicons with custom icons ([#2640]( ([cf3fdc8](


* **rating:**
  - removed input properties `stateOn`, `stateOff` and `ratingStates`
  - custom icons now working via customTemplate
* **package:** - dropped support of ng v2

* feat(package): upgrading ng v4

<a name="1.9.3"></a>
## [1.9.3]( (2017-09-08)

### Bug Fixes

* **core:** workaround on angular issue with isProdMode ([#2603]( ([f9665ac](, closes [#2596](

<a name="1.9.2"></a>
## [1.9.2]( (2017-09-07)

### Bug Fixes

* **datepicker:** fix nav to next month when today is 31 of month, and next month has only 30 days ([#2557]( ([2bcc1d2](
* **tooltip:** fix width property in chrome for custom element ([#2559]( ([dfc736e](

### Features

* **core:** try to guess bs version ([#2580]( ([84f09e4](
* **datepicker:** add onTouched support, add forms demos, split demos for old and new datepicker ([17405b7](
* **datepicker:** added bsConfig input, locales and color themes with containerClass ([#2549]( ([7cbb128](
* **datepicker:** added locale option to Datepicker Configuration ([#2560]( ([8ac689a](, closes [#455](
* **datepicker:** added month and year view ([#2540]( ([571a00b](
* **datepicker:** update input according to model, fix value parsing ([16affdd](
* **positioning:** auto option for positioning ([#1986]( ([114ed42](, closes [#1111](
* **typeahead:** added subscription and unsubscribe on destroy ([#2508]( ([9f833eb](

<a name="1.9.1"></a>
## [1.9.1]( (2017-08-23)

### Bug Fixes

* **modals:** don't try to register outside click handler ([d8e614c](, closes [#2477](
* **tabs:** fixed tabs vertical pills for bs4 ([646e033](, closes [#2481](
* **timepicker:** when showMeridian changes value, time is rerendered ([e59172f](, closes [#2476](

### Features

* **datepicker:** change css to scss, add own styles ([#2478]( ([08170ed](

<a name="1.9.0"></a>
# [1.9.0]( (2017-08-22)

### Bug Fixes

* **bs4:** fix dropdown, tooltip, popover, datepicker, accordion for bs4 beta ([#2418]( ([f398576](
* **carousel:** fix demo expressionChanged error ([#2358]( ([c0347d7](
* **carousel:** setInterval by running it outside of Angular zone. ([#2388]( ([da073df](
* **datepicker:** add fix for datepicker table ([#2461]( ([e0a6adf](
* **datepicker:** prevent outside click to close datepicker on navigation ([6472b6f](
* **tabs:** fix select/deselect multiple calls ([#2361]( ([5dd456b](, closes [#2005]( [#1820]( [#1129](

### Features

* **chronos:** add localization tests ([#2466]( ([6589ee9](
* **datepicker:** initial version of new datepicker ([#2426]( ([b11776c](
* **datepicker:** removed dependency on moment.js ([#2465]( ([7c87162](
* **datepicker:** use as directives ([#2446]( ([d7f9a2a](
* **demo:** add popover outside click demo ([#2449]( ([da7d352](
* **docs:** add versioning implementation ([#2350]( ([91cee71](
* **loader:** added ability to attach inline elements via component loader ([#2458]( ([0c7d21c](
* **popover:** added outsideClick ([#2441]( ([a606a7f](, closes [#1477](
* **popover:** support passing template context ([#2428]( ([38e562d](, closes [#1682](
* **typeahead:** add dropup option ([#2390]( ([c6ef77b](
* **typeahead:** show results when typeaheadMinLength is 0 and the search string is empty ([#2352]( ([4b68adb](

<a name="1.8.1"></a>
## [1.8.1]( (2017-07-28)

### Bug Fixes

* **datepicker:** fix selectionDone event [fixes [#2260](] ([#2282]( ([763b2b7](
* **dropdown:** fix isOpen [fixes [#2310](] ([#2313]( ([a63f902](
* **modal:** fix system.js [fixes [#2291](] ([#2311]( ([8ce315b](
* **popover:** fix undefined container class ([#2283]( ([91fc1cd](
* **popover & tooltip:** fix isOpen  ([#2286]( ([eb3cd04](
* **tabs:** fix customClass [fixes [#2253](] ([#2273]( ([0d67ef8](
* **tooltip:** fix isOpen and undefined containerClass [fixes [#2257](] ([#2262]( ([8664bb1](

### Features

* **modal:** add ability to pass data to modal component ([#2293]( ([8ac13f9](, closes [#2290]( [#2275]( [#2251]( [#2294](
* **modal:** add modal service events, fix modal content onDestroy [fixes [#2256](] ([#2272]( ([c9f85e6](

<a name="1.8.0"></a>
# [1.8.0]( (2017-07-20)

### Bug Fixes

* **acordion:** space beetween accordion groups ([#2014]( ([ad2da54](, closes [#1854](
* **button:** should work within onPush components ([#2038]( ([aec0f86](, closes [#1689](
* **datepicker:** datepickerMode does change when selection is manual ([#1976]( ([e7795f7](, closes [#1911](
* **datepicker:** fix SimpleChanges issue, add date check ([#2223]( ([501d878](
* **datepicker:** for issue [#1962]( ([#1991]( ([deb7f63](
* **datepicker:** refix issue with moment import ([#2023]( ([8ed0c06](, closes [#1556](
* **datepicker:** using icons instead of innerHTML chevrons to fix issue with webworkers ([#2166]( ([2fedac2](
* **demo:** add Intl polyfill [fixes [#2215](] ([#2238]( ([e195549](
* **demo:** fix buttons reactive forms sample ([325b510](
* **demo:** remove gitter links, fix source links to modal & sortable, fix download count ([#2240]( ([9211643](
* **modals:** hotfix/modal-nested-close-on-esc solved ([#2173]( ([41f11e6](
* **popover:** no focus on button on Mac OS [#1795]( ([#2031]( ([d039a8d](
* **positioning:** don't modify readonly value ([#2042]( ([d12593d](
* **readme:** fix angular style guide link ([#2092]( ([bb7bd75](
* **tabs:** fix removing tabs in IE ([#2145]( ([fc5e135](
* **typeahead:** Fix crash on Firefox and `contenteditable` input ([#2057]( ([8656326](

### Features

* **docs:** add lib build for development steps ([#2220]( ([c3a7aa4](
* **modal:** add dissmissReason, fix body padding, add events section… ([#2131]( ([dde6620](
* **modal:** modal service wip ([#2047]( ([2d02faa](, closes [#1998]( [#1995]( [#1830]( [#1181]( [#579](
* **popover & tooltip:** add container classes ([#2190]( ([690d811](, closes [#1707]( [#1395](
* **popups:** use events with better support ([#1211]( ([46419e3](
* **progressbar:** value input can handle array of staked data  ([#2037]( ([2bf9ad8](
* **timepicker:** new timepicker implementation ([#2058]( ([4a37406](, closes [#2036]( [#1981]( [#1973]( [#1957]( [#1935]( [#1672]( [#962]( [#793]( [#173]( [#1271]( [#1539]( [#1253](

<a name="1.7.1"></a>
## [1.7.1]( (2017-06-02)

### Bug Fixes

* **accoridon:** remove unneeded card-title class ([#2024]( ([ba56e64](
* **popover:** prevent ng router active link double ngOnInit issue ([dab394c](
* **tabs:** fixed tabs duplication issue ([#1941]( ([40335aa](, closes [#1629](

### Features

* **tabs:** added id parameter in tab directive ([#1909]( ([20c7fb8](, closes [#1908](

<a name="1.7.0"></a>
# [1.7.0]( (2017-06-01)

### Bug Fixes

* **alert:** dismissibleChange emits boolean values ([#1896]( ([10bfd7f](
* **build:** fix most of ts errors ([1384eb1](
* **demo:** fix close btns in nested modals ([7ef989a](
* **dropdown:** fix duplicated events, add spec ([da92081](
* **dropdown:** fixed onShow and onHidden events for inline dropdown module ([#1951]( ([ead8d52](

### Features

* **dropdown:** add isOpenChange output ([#2006]( ([1c9f767](
* **modals:** add docs for nested modals ([e28d821](
* **modals:** add support for nested modals (fix scroll) ([48ef8b7](

<a name="1.6.6"></a>
## [1.6.6]( (2017-04-10)

### Bug Fixes

* **dropdown:** prevent ng router active link double ngOnInit issue ([7ded538](

<a name="1.6.5"></a>
## [1.6.5]( (2017-04-06)

### Features

* **typeahead:** deprecated typeahead utils for ngv4 aot mode work ([df499e9](

<a name="1.6.4"></a>
## [1.6.4]( (2017-04-06)

<a name="1.6.3"></a>
## [1.6.3]( (2017-04-05)

### Bug Fixes

* **dropdowns:** fixed styling of dropdowns with bootstrap 4 ([9c8c74b](

<a name="1.6.2"></a>
## [1.6.2]( (2017-04-05)

### Bug Fixes

* **dropdown:** Add missing rxjs filter operator dependency ([#1836]( ([838821a](
* **dropdown:** fixed auto close input behavior ([b023ca6](, closes [#1840](

### Features

* **dropdown:** added inline style of adding dropdown, enabled by default ([f4334a8](, closes [#1860]( [#1862](

<a name="1.6.1"></a>
## [1.6.1]( (2017-03-30)

### Features

* **dropdown:** now you can bind to dropup property ([d6f6d25](

<a name="1.6.0"></a>
# [1.6.0]( (2017-03-29)

### Bug Fixes

* **dropdown,rating,typeahead:** remove global in order to be usable in System.js ([#1734]( ([4a7719b](
* **styling-local:** fix tooltip arrow styles ([b1f04d9](
* **universal:** to not through on unrecognized Keyboard and Mouse events ([b81e9de](

### Features

* **build:** rename .angular-cli.json and refactor ([#1736]( ([d60dcfb](
* **datepicker:** added active date changed event ([#1703]( ([8120c88](
* **demo:** add example for `show` modal option ([a33dc10](
* **docs:** added Instructions for BS4 and ng-cli ([#1714]( ([98b9b2e](, closes [#1637]( [#1637](
* **dropdown:** rollout completely rewritten bs-dropdown version ([#1771]( ([31cba41](, closes [#1674]( [#1749]( [#1623]( [#1415]( [#802]( [#569]( [#530]( [#6]( [#1540]( [#1217]( [#591]( [#478](
* **modal:** make `show` config option work ([#1680]( ([0abd801](
* **package:** changed the way moment is imported ([#1556]( ([27a0229](
* **popover:** Updated property 'isOpen' in show and hide methods ([#1765]( ([363d9e6](
* **typeahead:** added export as bs-typeahead ([#1783]( ([9ef6fa6](


* **dropdown:**
  - `DropdownModule` renamed to `BsDropdownModule`, same to all dropdown components added `bs` prefix
  - `addToggleClass` option is deprecated, now you need to add `dropdown-toggle` class manually if needed
  - `dropdownMenu` menu become a template selector, so `*` should be added
sample:  `<ul dropdownMenu>` should become `<ul *dropdownMenu>`
  - `onToggle` event deprecated use `isOpenChange` instead
  - `appendToBody` deprecated, use `container="body"` instead, now dropdown behaviour and attachment params alligned with tooltips and popovers
  - `keyboardNav` deprecated
  - `disabled` renamed to `isDisabled`
  - `dropdownToggle` doesn't prevent default behaviour anymore

<a name="1.5.0"></a>
# [1.5.0]( (2017-03-29)

### Bug Fixes

* **dropdown,rating,typeahead:** remove global in order to be usable in System.js ([#1734]( ([4a7719b](
* **styling-local:** fix tooltip arrow styles ([b1f04d9](
* **universal:** to not through on unrecognized Keyboard and Mouse events ([b81e9de](

### Features

* **build:** rename .angular-cli.json and refactor ([#1736]( ([d60dcfb](
* **datepicker:** added active date changed event ([#1703]( ([8120c88](
* **demo:** add example for `show` modal option ([a33dc10](
* **docs:** added Instructions for BS4 and ng-cli ([#1714]( ([98b9b2e](, closes [#1637]( [#1637](
* **dropdown:** rollout completely rewritten bs-dropdown version ([#1771]( ([31cba41](, closes [#1674]( [#1749]( [#1623]( [#1415]( [#802]( [#569]( [#530]( [#6]( [#1540]( [#1217]( [#591]( [#478](
* **modal:** make `show` config option work ([#1680]( ([0abd801](
* **package:** changed the way moment is imported ([#1556]( ([27a0229](
* **popover:** Updated property 'isOpen' in show and hide methods ([#1765]( ([363d9e6](
* **typeahead:** added export as bs-typeahead ([#1783]( ([9ef6fa6](


* **dropdown:**
  - `DropdownModule` renamed to `BsDropdownModule`, same to all dropdown components added `bs` prefix
  - `addToggleClass` option is deprecated, now you need to add `dropdown-toggle` class manually if needed
  - `dropdownMenu` menu become a template selector, so `*` should be added
sample:  `<ul dropdownMenu>` should become `<ul *dropdownMenu>`
  - `onToggle` event deprecated use `isOpenChange` instead
  - `appendToBody` deprecated, use `container="body"` instead, now dropdown behaviour and attachment params alligned with tooltips and popovers
  - `keyboardNav` deprecated
  - `disabled` renamed to `isDisabled`
  - `dropdownToggle` doesn't prevent default behaviour anymore

<a name="1.4.2"></a>
## [1.4.2]( (2017-03-17)

### Bug Fixes

* **dropdown,rating,typeahead:** remove global in order to be usable in System.js ([#1734]( ([4a7719b](
* **styling-local:** fix tooltip arrow styles ([b1f04d9](
* **universal:** to not through on unrecognized Keyboard and Mouse events ([b81e9de](

### Features

* **build:** rename .angular-cli.json and refactor ([#1736]( ([d60dcfb](
* **datepicker:** added active date changed event ([#1703]( ([8120c88](
* **demo:** add example for `show` modal option ([a33dc10](
* **docs:** added Instructions for BS4 and ng-cli ([#1714]( ([98b9b2e](, closes [#1637]( [#1637](
* **modal:** make `show` config option work ([#1680]( ([0abd801](
* **package:** changed the way moment is imported ([#1556]( ([27a0229](
* **popover:** Updated property 'isOpen' in show and hide methods ([#1765]( ([363d9e6](

<a name="1.4.1"></a>
## [1.4.1]( (2017-03-16)

### Bug Fixes

* **dropdown,rating,typeahead:** remove global in order to be usable in System.js ([#1734]( ([4a7719b](

### Features

* **demo:** add example for `show` modal option ([a33dc10](
* **docs:** added Instructions for BS4 and ng-cli ([#1714]( ([98b9b2e](, closes [#1637]( [#1637](
* **modal:** make `show` config option work ([#1680]( ([0abd801](
* **package:** changed the way moment is imported ([#1556]( ([27a0229](

<a name="1.4.0"></a>
# [1.4.0]( (2017-03-06)

### Bug Fixes

* **datepicker:** update activeDate on select ([#1676]( ([378726b](
* **demo:** bootstrap 4 demos card text formatting incorrectly. ([#1656]( ([d8f42df](, closes [#1637]( [#1637](
* **docs:** fixed angular-cli docs install guide ([e626947](
* **dropdown:** fixed disabled tests, removed outdated ([#1605]( ([29dceba](, closes [#1606](
* **package.json:** locked version tor types/jasmine ([#1635]( ([90fd995](
* **tabs:** Use [ngClass] to avoid conflicts with [class.x] bindings ([#1651]( ([183b275](
* **tooltip:** removed deprecated tooltip options ([373bed9](, closes [#1612](
* **typeahead:** optionsListTemplate usage is fixed in TypeaheadContainerComponent ([#1625]( ([f21bd8d](

### Features

* **buttons:** Fixed disabled buttons module tests ([#1604]( ([4df17c7](, closes [#1606](
* **demo:** access static tabs sample ([#1603]( ([63c64e0](
* **typeahead:** - added typeaheadOnBlur event ([#1639]( ([62eb22a](

<a name="1.3.3"></a>
## [1.3.3]( (2017-02-03)

### Bug Fixes

* **typeahead:** allow to work with formControl ([e3f4854](, closes [#1595](

### Features

* **package:** export missed things from utils ([54eb13d](, closes [#1584]( [#1590](

<a name="1.3.2"></a>
## [1.3.2]( (2017-01-31)

### Bug Fixes

* **pagination:** export Pagination Config ([#1574]( ([c3337f6](

### Features

* **sortable:** add support for custom item templates ([#1580]( ([9d0b228](

<a name="1.3.1"></a>
## [1.3.1]( (2017-01-25)

### Features

* **typeahead:** added option list template to typeahead container ([#1548]( ([e56ea43](

<a name="1.3.0"></a>
# [1.3.0]( (2017-01-23)

### Bug Fixes

* **aot:** adding missing exports ([#1525]( ([7690e5d](
* **carousel:** _slides.add is not a function, by removing extend Array ([7d454de](, closes [#1516](

### Features

* **build:** use es2015 module compile target ([2d74fc3](, closes [#1538](
* **package:** angular-cli version bump ([a79aa26](

<a name="1.2.6"></a>
## [1.2.6]( (2017-01-19)

### Bug Fixes

* **aot:** added missing exports ([d40a299](

<a name="1.2.5"></a>
## [1.2.5]( (2017-01-18)

### Bug Fixes

* **accordion:** a tag replaced with div, so preventDefault() was removed from toggleOpen ([d352962](, closes [#1512](
* **carousel:** fixed styles for carousel navigation buttons ([a1489bd](

<a name="1.2.4"></a>
## [1.2.4]( (2017-01-17)

### Bug Fixes

* **sortable:** fixing AoT type issues ([717a7e9](

<a name="1.2.3"></a>
## [1.2.3]( (2017-01-17)

### Bug Fixes

* **sortable:** prop made public for AoT ([1c25afc](

<a name="1.2.2"></a>
## [1.2.2]( (2017-01-16)

### Bug Fixes

* **sortable:** Changed reference to BrowserModule to CommonModule instead ([#1503]( ([e7105c6](
* **typeahead:** hide on blur when item was hovered ([4311c18](, closes [#1495](

### Features

* **build:** upgrade to support ng v2.3+ only ([bd5171a](

<a name="1.2.1"></a>
## [1.2.1]( (2017-01-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **sortable:** do not reexport BrowserModule ([77d79ab](, closes [#1486](

### Features

* **typeahead:** fix for bs4-alfa.6 template ([3fb6e38](, closes [#1494](

<a name="1.2.0"></a>
# [1.2.0]( (2017-01-12)

### Migration notes v1.1.16 and less to v1.1.17
1. `ComponentHelper` and `PositioningService` removed, please remove any mentions of this two
2. Package structure was simplified, (removed `components` folder) so you need to change imports:
  - `ng2-bootstrap\ng2-bootstrap` to `ng2-bootstrap`
  - `ng2-bootstrap\components\alert` to `ng2-bootstrap\alert`
  - `ng2-bootstrap\components\buttons` to `ng2-bootstrap\buttons`

  ... etc.
3. All modules now have `.forRoot()` static method, which provides required providers (configuration, positioning and component loader services, etc...)
  - in `AppModule` you should use `imports: [AlertModule.forRoot()]` in child modules `imports: [AlertModule]`

4. Please read more in [documentation](

### Bug Fixes

* **sortable:** make property public for AoT compilance ([e5c3135](, closes [#1483](

### Features

* **bs4:** upgrade to v4-alfa.6 ([#1485]( ([4c71f87](

<a name="1.1.17"></a>
## [1.1.17]( (2017-01-11)

### Bug Fixes

* **alert:** removed duplicated event triggering ([b047d7f](, closes [#1430](
* **carousel:** play carousel on mouseup ([#1433]( ([a1d7983](
* **popover:** markup for bs4 ([#1431]( ([538cca8](
* **popover:** misspring in popover config name ([d7e8aa1](

### Features

* **docs:** make urls easy to share ([47ab93b](
* **sortable:** added new sortable component ([#1295]( ([fab3df5](

<a name="1.1.16-11"></a>
## [1.1.16-11]( (2016-12-30)

### Bug Fixes

* **accordion:** bs4 template updated ([53c0401](
* **tabs:** removed onDestroy event ([78f6e49](, closes [#696]( [#610](
* **typeahead:** fixed typeahead positioning inside form-inline ([c6d4835](, closes [#1396](

### Features

* **carousel:** Changed data structure to linked list. ([35102e6](
* **carousel:** direct setting of an active slide. Applying ng-bootstrap tests ([c0f41cf](
* **docs:** added api doc generator ([eff2740](
* **docs:** popover docs ([e96dc5c](
* **package:** bumped to ng 2.4 ([79c4267](

<a name="1.1.16-7"></a>
## [1.1.16-7]( (2016-12-17)

### Bug Fixes

* **aot:** removed static variables, should fix [#1307]( ([ce9812a](

<a name="1.1.16-5"></a>
## [1.1.16-5]( (2016-12-16)

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** fixed tslint issues ([a323690](
* **ci:** added build and link steps in pretest hook ([d813946](
* **ci:** karma test should work in travis now ([3d61d48](
* **ci:** let the karma pass ([5bb2619](
* **ci:** run linting before tests ([92e3ba5](
* **config:** initial theme set to bs3 ([b83fd0d](, closes [#1307](
* **datepicker:** support reactive forms ([83fe9db](, closes [#893]( [#1207](
* **karma:** fix unit tests across the all supported browsers ([#1322]( ([bd5a43a](
* **karma.conf:** fix for incorrect definition of mime type of test.ts file ([#1332]( ([b25f8d7](
* **pager:** added support of reactive forms ([8daa4be](
* **pager:** fix aot compilation ([#1232]( ([fd93f7b](
* **pagination:** added support of reactive forms ([e4547e7](
* **rating:** added support of reactive forms ([7ba357e](, closes [#298](
* **timepicker:** make it compatible with reactive forms ([433c9f8](

### Features

* **access:** private access specifiers replaced by protected ([#1186]( ([0d4e93b](
* **accordion:** add config file for accordion component ([0838055](
* **bs4:** updated to alfa 5 Class name changes ([#1201]( ([49197f0](
* **build:** added script for creation demo/src/index-BS4.html file ([#1278]( ([e840943](
* **build:** aot fixed ([c9d447f](
* **build:** ng test now working, applied workaroud >.< ([8eea379](
* **build:** now using ngm build ([8126b06](
* **buttons:** clean control value accessor impl ([0414afa](
* **ci:** upload test coverage to codecov ([3d0923e](
* **component-helper:** removed completely ([de1d87c](
* **component-loader:** added resolve method ([ea1de3c](
* **component-loader:** simplified show method usage ([0767edf](
* **components:** new component loader provided ([3e53b7d](
* **datepicker:** add configuration class for datepicker component and use it instead of hardcoded constants ([290214e](
* **datepicker:** disable datepicker dates based on dateDisabled property ([#799]( ([#1130]( ([83452e1](
* **demo:** fixed index for bs4 theme ([a26eb23](
* **docs:** Add "How to use with AoT compilation" ([#1273]( ([a1f563e](, closes [#1270]( [#1188](
* **docs:** modules imports usage updated ([b3b9a34](
* **dropdown:** added config ([cf8b1be](
* **modals:** replaced component helper usage with component loader ([1447fd3](
* **modules:** now all modules export .forRoot() static method with providers ([5d663b5](
* **ngm:** prepairing to release ([34e78c5](
* **package:** dependencies update ([b78085b](
* **package:** ng2 and moment version bump ([333b876](
* **pager-tests:** added tests for pager component ([#1279]( ([3970521](
* **progressbar:** add config file for progressbar component ([ec524fe](
* **tabs:** added config ([8137030](
* **testing:** extended testing matrix ([2b42f51](
* **tests:** add alert spec ([#1336]( ([d78d8df](
* **tests:** added E2e saucelabs runner ([#1272]( ([bce6120](
* **timepicker:** added config to separate file ([e4a1b06](
* **tooltip:** add ability for user to define custom events for triggering tooltip displaying ([a61b40b](, closes [#1215](
* **tooltips:** add fade out effect ([#1266]( ([9b69270](
* **typeahead:** removed old injector usage ([#1321]( ([a86c340](

<a name="1.1.16"></a>
## [1.1.16]( (2016-10-26)

### Bug Fixes

* **pagination:** temporary disabled pageBtnClass option ([49dd07f](

<a name="1.1.15"></a>
## [1.1.15]( (2016-10-26)

### Bug Fixes

* **doc:** formatYear instead of formatMear for the datepicker ([#1126]( ([045573b](
* **modal:** hide bug in [#1144]( ([#1147]( ([a3985c1](
* **tooltip:** fix `appendToBody` tooltip positioning ([#1158]( ([#1159]( ([0fd0a80](
* **tooltip:** fix delayed tooltip display ([#1156]( ([#1161]( ([c6da387](

### Features

* **datepicker:** Added configurable limit for amount of items displayed in a single row of monthpicker and yearpicker ([#1141]( ([859afb2](
* **e2e:** added more e2e test ([d56f560](, closes [#1163](
* **pagination:** allow setting of a custom css class on <li> ([#1115]( ([235215c](
* **tooltip:** Make `appendToBody` work in Tooltip ([#1074]( ([7e233b1](

<a name="1.1.14"></a>
## [1.1.14]( (2016-10-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **tooltip:** properties types ([b407012](

### Features

* **package:** relax peer dependecies to work with 2.x.x ([bc55a38](
* **tooltip:** added Tooltip delay functionality ([#1116]( ([eb90e9a](

<a name="1.1.14-1"></a>
## [1.1.14-1]( (2016-10-11)

### Bug Fixes

* **package:** fixed link to main file ([a515089](

<a name="1.1.14-0"></a>
## [1.1.14-0]( (2016-10-11)

### Features

* **build:** system.js bundles replaced with UMD bundles ([3e0a27d](
* **UMD:** added UMD bundles ([a7554a8](, closes [#1098](

<a name="1.1.13"></a>
## [1.1.13]( (2016-10-11)

<a name="1.1.13-1"></a>
## [1.1.13-1]( (2016-10-11)

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** export all internal classes so AoT can work without issues ([6e6be1a](, closes [#1093](

<a name="1.1.13-0"></a>
## [1.1.13-0]( (2016-10-10)

### Bug Fixes

* **helpers:** add a way to set root view component ref ([79d3335](, closes [#1056](
* **tooltip:** show & hide methods should not need any arguments ([#1099]( ([b80c0b4](

<a name="1.1.11"></a>
## [1.1.11]( (2016-10-07)

### Bug Fixes

* **datepicker:** do not emit selection done on ngModel changes ([7b24283](, closes [#1095](

<a name="1.1.10"></a>
## [1.1.10]( (2016-10-07)

### Bug Fixes

* **aot:** 2 more private methods made public ([0dbbf09](, closes [#1093](
* **typeahead:** onFocus should not need any arguments ([41f5834](
* **typeahead:** use TypeaheadMatch model instead of any type ([ff5c219](

### Features

* **typeahead:** add grouping of typeahead options ([fdddbde](
* **typeahead:** introduce TypeaheadMatch model ([80fccab](

<a name="1.1.9"></a>
## [1.1.9]( (2016-10-06)

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** All `[@HostBinding](` and `[@HostListener](` should be public ([#1086]( ([3691757](, closes [#1080](

<a name="1.1.8"></a>
## [1.1.8]( (2016-10-05)

### Bug Fixes

* **buttons:** all [@Input]( fields should be public ([c96ffd3](

<a name="1.1.7"></a>
## [1.1.7]( (2016-10-05)

### Bug Fixes

* **module:** class exports added back ([3eaa9ad](

<a name="1.1.6"></a>
## [1.1.6]( (2016-10-04)

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** change properties privacy to use in factories ([19c0c61](
* **datepicker:** changing the date programatically selects the correct date ([#1041]( ([fb6d532](, closes [#858](
* **datepicker:** fixed broken bindings for aria-labelby and ids ([#1055]( ([26d9209](
* **datepicker:** Fixing Colspan ([#1057]( ([e71a8ae](
* **datepicker:** imlement ReactiveForms setDisabledState for TimepickerComponent ([cd58c3b](, closes [#1024](
* **demo:** fixed tabs demo ([#1050]( ([969a61a](
* **export:** removed obsolete exports to avoid missusage ([6993e97](
* **modal:** Call hideModal in ngOnDestroy if modal is shown ([#1038]( ([b38db2a](, closes [#853]( [#1051]( [#1052](
* **package:** development files added to .npmignore ([887c6b2](, closes [#737](
* **pagination:** Fix disabled class on next and last buttons ([#1036]( ([01f4759](, closes [#922](
* **slider:** Slide shouldnt enforce text alignment ([#824]( ([ad2c5a6](
* **template:**  templates should not use es6 templates ([de26168](
* **typeahead:** Fix crash with `contenteditable` inputs ([47b9fb1](
* **univeral:** added hacks for missing type keywords ([d20ccf1](, closes [#964](
* **utils:** now attach to body should work for mixed ng1+ng2 apps ([99f15c8](, closes [#1069]( [#1056](

### Features

* **build:** added config file for wallabyjs ([cec8bae](
* **build:** use ngc compiler to produce metadata ([afabb9d](, closes [#1060]( [#992]( [#933](
* **buttons:** update radio button directive to work with ReactiveForms ([5d51939](, closes [#1023](
* **tabs:** added custom class option ([13fac37](, closes [#766]( [#842]( [#842](
* **tooltip:** added tooltipStateChanged and exporting the directive ([#939]( ([650b4f7](

<a name="1.1.5"></a>
## [1.1.5]( (2016-09-16)

### Bug Fixes

* **modal:** fixing hack which gets root viewContainerRef to attach backdrop ([b5db597](, closes [#975]( [#854](

<a name="1.1.4"></a>
## [1.1.4]( (2016-09-15)

<a name="1.1.3"></a>
## [1.1.3]( (2016-09-14)

### Bug Fixes

* **modal:** should fix 'no provider for ...' exception ([4c3e4c9](, closes [#854]( [#951](
* **tests:** "no provider" error when running tests ([#963]( ([8483615](

<a name="1.1.2"></a>
## [1.1.2]( (2016-09-12)

### Bug Fixes

* **datepicker:** removed popup stub ([d1a7d09](

### Features

* **forms:**  add export of FormsModule where [ngModel] selector is present ([#931]( ([b5c8448](, closes [#929]( [#929](

<a name="1.1.1"></a>
## [1.1.1]( (2016-09-02)

### Bug Fixes

* **dropdown:** toggle does not close when clicking directly on an icon in Chrome ([#851]( ([341dcf8](, closes [#658](
* **window:** fixed window usage ([0b7012a](, closes [#909]( [#908]( [#906](

<a name="1.1.0"></a>
# [1.1.0]( (2016-09-01)

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** restore coverage reports ([#755]( ([26191eb](
* **ci:** upload test coverage report to codecov ([#756]( ([4358773](
* **datepicker:** remove unused code ([#837]( ([fa22c98](
* **demo:** fixed accordion demo ([bd4cc96](, closes [#399](
* **modals:** fixed modals fade in animation ([2b95c95](, closes [#687](

### Features

* **collpase:** add collapsed and expanded events to the collapse directive [#576]( ([#779]( ([a6f9bb5](
* **dropdown:** added exportAs to dropdown directives ([#785]( ([66531c7](
* **dropdown:** optionally add dropdown-toggle class ([#772]( ([52d3167](
* **timepicker:** disabling meridian and hiding spinners if input is disabled ([#768]( ([a19c841](, closes [#759](
* **tooltip:** add implementation for tooltipClass ([#664]( ([fa4475a](
* **tooltip:** html content as template ([#751]( ([6489e38](
* **tooltip:** tooltip html content ([#724]( ([9070125](
* **typeahead:** adding custom item template ([#776]( ([1356ff7](, closes [#503]( [#652](
* **typeahead:** adding support for nested properties and functions for typeaheadOptionField ([#777]( ([b24dabf](, closes [#135]( [#523](

<a name="1.0.23"></a>
## [1.0.23]( (2016-07-14)

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** fix rxjs typings issues on build ([b4267aa](
* **dropdown:** Add the dropdown-menu class to dropdown menus ([1bc316f](, closes [#541]( [#732](
* **modal:** injected DOCUMENT token is undefined ([48a9aa7](, closes [#575](
* **typeahead:** Added form support ([#723]( ([fa54e46](

### Features

* **datepicker:** add emitting event when datepicker selection is done ([#733]( ([53c7fd1](

<a name="1.0.22"></a>
## [1.0.22]( (2016-07-12)

<a name="1.0.21"></a>
## [1.0.21]( (2016-07-12)

<a name="1.0.20"></a>
## [1.0.20]( (2016-07-11)

### Bug Fixes

* **package:** removed peer dependency to router ([c661772](

<a name="1.0.19"></a>
## [1.0.19]( (2016-07-11)

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** emit helpers ([4771f6f](
* **build:** fixed prod build webpack config ([753cc67](
* **demo:** add "dropdownMenu" ([#580]( ([686a96e](
* **docs:** fix typo ([#612]( ([7ddd532](
* **docs:** nonInput is by default ([#581]( ([b23ced0](
* **dropdown:** explicitly markForCheck() ([#566]( ([0ce4328](
* **dropdown:** prop disabled renamed to isDisabled  ([#615]( ([8a1d6f8](
* **header-component:** fix style ([ccfe948](
* **modal:** don't hide on out click if backdrop === 'static' ([#629]( ([df85712](
* **modal:** fix typo in MODAL_DIRECTIVES ([#630]( ([8c4c125](
* **modals:** modal backdrop and onclick events handling ([b39b856](, closes [#687]( [#703]( [#708](
* **package:** include js map files in bundles ([1ffd2b4](, closes [#632](
* **readme:** alert component name fixed ([e9a1d04](, closes [#552](
* **style:** fix top menu z-index ([e70e578](
* **tests:** fix failing test for buttons and accordion ([8ea9c10](
* **typeahead:** removed incorrect behavior to do ENTER behavior on TAB. TAB should simply skip to next field as expected. ([#715]( ([758ad1b](, closes [#686]( [#490]( [#689](

### Features

* **demo:** new build process with ng2-webpack-config ([5c8fcf1](
* **docs:** added modals section ([6ab3a07](
* **docs:** applied new docs style ([d84211a](
* **docs:** menues and contents updated ([2155df6](
* **package:** angular updated to rc3, fix hash (active route) ([#636]( ([70a84cf](
* **typeahead:** rxjs version ([#584]( ([48b8abb](, closes [#536]( [#637](


* dropdown: * dropdown property `disabled` renamed to `isDisabled`

<a name="1.0.17"></a>
## [1.0.17]( (2016-05-31)

### Bug Fixes

* **datepicker:** added ngOnChanges hook ([ecffdb0](, closes [#543](
* **timepicker:** added null value validation ([f9ad7e7](, closes [#533](

### Features

* **modals:** added declarative modals component ([#564]( ([1d0903f](, closes [#29](
* **tooltip:** adds implementation to tooltipEnable ([#517]( ([1470892](

<a name="1.0.16"></a>
## [1.0.16]( (2016-05-06)

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** system.js bundler updated to rc.1 ([6945ad9](
* **collapse:** had to disable animation in order to update to rc.1 ([3443495](
* **collapse:** removed dependecy to animation builder ([fed473f](
* **docs:** update to ButtonRadioDirective and ButtonCheckboxDirective ([#476]( ([2e2d79b](

### Features

* **package:** upgrade ng2-bootstrap to rc.1 ([#481]( ([554be3d](, closes [#482]( [#472]( [#477](

<a name="1.0.15"></a>
## [1.0.15]( (2016-04-28)

### Bug Fixes

* **buttons:** had incorrect import statement which breaks .d.ts and import ([67ee5b5](
* **tooltip:** Fix tooltip arrows in bootstrap v4 ([b4250d4](, closes [#141](
* **universal:** now plays well with ng2 universal ([9d595d3](, closes [#61](

<a name="1.0.14"></a>
## [1.0.14]( (2016-04-26)

### Bug Fixes

* **accordion:** Panel isn't resizing after content has changed ([914ae1a](, closes [#454](
* **collapse:** Setting overflow back to visible in Collapse ([#433]( ([5c9434e](, closes [#372](
* **datepicker:** added support for null value ([8109dd2](, closes [#16]( [#445](
* **datepicker:** If the date was set by ngModel it will be overwritten by default value ([6321253](
* **Tabset:** add tab-container class to the Tabset component for correct display ([2b951f7](

### Features

* **package:** updated angular2 to 0-beta.16 ([75b3568](
* **typeahead:** show list of options on focuse when minLength=0 ([f1c1909](, closes [#187]( [#413](

<a name="1.0.13"></a>
## [1.0.13]( (2016-04-15)

### Bug Fixes

* **typeahead:** blur event handler should not prevent item selection ([847d375](, closes [#403]( [#418]( [#356](

<a name="1.0.12"></a>
## [1.0.12]( (2016-04-15)

### Bug Fixes

* **typeahead:** Blur hide with timeout, to allow other events to be triggered. (fixes [#363]( ([1a719d0](, closes [#395]( [#389](

### Features

* **deps:** upgrade to angular2 beta.15 ([00e6ad4](

<a name="1.0.11"></a>
## [1.0.11]( (2016-04-08)

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** generate source maps for systemjs bundles (fixes [#367]( ([81e16b7](
* **demo:** added card clasess to pre tags in bs4 demo ([0dfe7b2](
* **lint:** added usage of tslint-config-valorsoft ([cad6af3](
* **lint:** enable tslint and codelyzer (fixes [#309]( ([b60ce40](
* **typeahead:** prevent form submition when typeahead selected (fixes [#359]( ([4297410](

### Features

* **package:** updated to angular2 beta.14 ([243585b](

<a name="1.0.10"></a>
## [1.0.10]( (2016-04-01)

### Features

* **package:** angular2 version updated to beta.13 ([91e4ad1](

<a name="1.0.9"></a>
## [1.0.9]( (2016-03-31)

### Bug Fixes

* **collapse:** animate is not available for system.js ([867afb8](

<a name="1.0.8"></a>
## [1.0.8]( (2016-03-30)

### Bug Fixes

* use synchronous event emitters as a workaround for dehydrated detector issues (see ([9c9f290](
* **build:** reduce typings pain ([686ef90](, closes [#128]( [#322](
* **carousel:** Fix Typescript 7030 error ([128db51](
* **demo:** including es6-shim and es6-promise (fixes [#194]( ([80b73b4](
* **dropdowns:** dropdown should close correctly when used in modals (fixes [#267](, fixes [#221]( ([a7a02ff](
* **ie9,10:** usage of [hidden] replaced with *ngIf (fixes [#238]( ([260e963](
* **tooltip:** fix tooltip after upgrade to angular2 2.0.0-beta.12 ([87a57f5](
* **tooltip:** updated for beta.12 (fixes [#296](, closes [#332]( ([413c2f1](
* **typeahead:** Fixed potential error if value of typeahead is undefined. Fixes [#345]( ([aeb2bc1](
* **typeahead:** Hide typeahead popup on blur. Fixes [#351]( ([9c6f257](

### Features

* **collapse:** added animation, toggle\hide\show methods made public (closes [#348](, fixes [#287]( ([2625b29](
* **datepicker:** Added functionality to add a custom class to specific dates. Supports empty custom class. ([0f6389f](
* **package:** angular2 version updated to 2.0.0-beta.12 ([15c866f](

<a name="1.0.7"></a>
## [1.0.7]( (2016-03-16)

### Bug Fixes

* **demo:** fix demo layout ([227ef4e](
* **progress:** progress bar now works with ng2 ([f970433](

### Features

* **pagination:** use inner html for pagination button text ([66cc008](

<a name="1.0.6"></a>
## [1.0.6]( (2016-03-09)

### Bug Fixes

* **datepicker-inner:** When changing view on datepicker, and going left and right, selected date ([97c8735](
* **tooltip:** fix positioning of tooltip container ([5697574](

### Features

* **datepicker:** Added an attribute onlyCurrentMonth which if true will not show dates from previous and next month (to make a full week of 7 days). So it will show dates only from currently displayed month. ([529af20](

<a name="1.0.5"></a>
## [1.0.5]( (2016-02-25)

### Bug Fixes

* **daypicker:** glyphicon arrows, disable and colspan attributes ([e533ee9](
* **tabs:** destroy cycle, closes [#180]( ([ae8c617](

<a name="1.0.4"></a>
## [1.0.4]( (2016-02-24)

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** fix npm start command, fixes [#113]( ([217fe3a](
* **build:** rollback compression plugin version to 0.2, fixes [#103]( ([3d59e2d](
* **build:** updated to use ts 1.8.2, fixes [#116]( ([206770b](
* **datepicker:** setting default value for SHOW_WEEKS ([aa09451](
* **datepicker:** setting default value for SHOW_WEEKS ([f0079ad](
* **datepicker:** upgrade to beta 1, issue [#38]( ([b1a5507](
* **daypicker:** text center align in bootstrap 4 ([dfd502f](
* **export:** all the correct directives are now properly exported ([b00a30b](
* **pager:** multiple times defined event numPages, fixes [#111](, closes [#112]( ([780eebd](
* **pagination:** multiple triggering of pageChanged event, fix [#76](, fix [#138](, closes [#146]( ([91c4ec4](
* "outsideClick" still closed the dropdown on any click ([6348f72](, closes [#124](

### Features

* allow two-way binding on `isOpen` ([674fcb7](
* **build:** update to use ng2 beta7 & use ts typings, fixes [#212]( ([31e6300](
* **datepicker:** datepicker fixed for 0-beta.2, closes [#120](, fixes [#38]( ([a3d9e1c](
* **dropdown:** implement "nonInput" auto-close mode ([94d9909](
* **tabs:** removable tabs ([c465610](

<a name="1.0.1-beta.2"></a>
## [1.0.1-beta.2]( (2016-01-25)

### Bug Fixes

* **demo:** replace ng-non-bindable with ngNonBindable ([2ef870a](
* **dropdown:** incorrect import from *.ts, fixes [#88]( ([6eb42e1](
* **pagination:** updating Pagination.totalPages ([df0c0f0](

### Features

* **build:** works good with typescript[@1]( ([31c513b](
* **ng 2.0.37:** ts errors fixed ([1e19f55](
* **typeahead:** ts style fixes ([3eab1e4](