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Test Coverage
name: Usage question
about: Ask the community for help building something

<!-- Note: Please fill out the below. IF YOU DO NOT, YOUR ISSUE WILL BE CLOSED AUTOMATICALLY. -->

**REQUIRED: Before filing a usage question**

Change each `[ ]` to `[x]`  when you have done it.

- [ ] My issue title starts with `[usage question]`
- [ ] I have read the [README](, especially the ['classic blunders' section](
- [ ] I have looked at the [demos]( to see if my use case has obvious examples.
- [ ] I have searched the [`ng2-dragula` issues](, including closed issues.
- [ ] I have browsed [the issues labeled "future reference"]( for problems that have been solved before.

**Use case description (required)**

A clear and concise description of what you want to achieve.

**Can you show a demo, or a picture of what you want to achieve?**

If so, please link it here.

**Additional context**

Add any other context here.