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<div class="parent">
    <label for="hy">There are plenty of events along the lifetime of a drag event. <a href="">all of them</a> in the docs!</label>
    <div class="wrapper">
        <div class="container" dragula="DRAGULA_EVENTS">
            <div>As soon as you start dragging an element, a <code>drag</code> event is fired</div>
            <div>Whenever an element is cloned because <code>copy: true</code>, a <code>cloned</code> event fires</div>
            <div>The <code>shadow</code> event fires whenever the placeholder showing where an element would be dropped is moved to a different container or position</div>
            <div>A <code>drop</code> event is fired whenever an element is dropped anywhere other than its origin <em>(where it was initially dragged from)</em></div>
        <div class="container" dragula="DRAGULA_EVENTS">
            <div>If the element gets removed from the DOM as a result of dropping outside of any containers, a <code>remove</code> event gets fired</div>
            <div>A <code>cancel</code> event is fired when an element would be dropped onto an invalid target, but retains its original placement instead</div>
            <div>The <code>over</code> event fires when you drag something over a container, and <code>out</code> fires when you drag it away from the container</div>
            <div>Lastly, a <code>dragend</code> event is fired whenever a drag operation ends, regardless of whether it ends in a cancellation, removal, or drop</div>
    <pre><code>{{ code }}</code></pre>