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# ng2-file-upload [![npm version](](
Easy to use Angular2 directives for files upload ([demo](

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## Quick start

1. A recommended way to install ***ng2-file-upload*** is through [npm]( package manager using the following command:

  `npm i ng2-file-upload --save`

  Alternatively, you can [download it in a ZIP file](

2. Currently `ng2-file-upload` contains two directives: `ng2-file-select` and `ng2-file-drop`. `ng2-file-select` is used for 'file-input' field of form and
  `ng2-file-drop` is used for area that will be used for dropping of file or files.

3. More information regarding using of ***ng2-file-upload*** is located in
  [demo]( and [demo sources](

## API for `ng2FileSelect`

### Properties

  - `uploader` - (`FileUploader`) - uploader object. See using in [demo](

## API for `ng2FileDrop`

### Properties

  - `uploader` - (`FileUploader`) - uploader object. See using in [demo](

  Parameters that supported by this object:

  1. `url` - URL of File Uploader's route
  2. `authToken` - Auth token that will be applied as 'Authorization' header during file send.

### Events

  - `fileOver` - it fires during 'over' and 'out' events for Drop Area; returns `boolean`: `true` if file is over Drop Area, `false` in case of out.
  See using in [ts demo]( and
  [html demo](

# Troubleshooting

Please follow this guidelines when reporting bugs and feature requests:

1. Use [GitHub Issues]( board to report bugs and feature requests (not our email address)
2. Please **always** write steps to reproduce the error. That way we can focus on fixing the bug, not scratching our heads trying to reproduce it.

Thanks for understanding!

### License

The MIT License (see the [LICENSE]( file for the full text)