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"""Build gene regulatory network"""
import math
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import warnings
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, mkdtemp
from typing import Union

import dask.dataframe as dd
import genomepy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyranges as pr
from loguru import logger
from scipy.stats import rankdata
from sklearn.preprocessing import minmax_scale
from import tqdm

from ananse import PACKAGE_DIR, SEPARATOR
from ananse.utils import cleanpath
from ananse.view import get_binding_tfs


class Network(object):
    _tmp_files = []
    genes_pr = None

    def __init__(
        infer cell type-specific gene regulatory network

            genome : str
                The genome that is used for the gene annotation and the enhancer location. (default: "hg38")
            gene_bed : str, optional
                Gene annotation for the genome specified with -g as a 12 column BED file. (default: None)
            include_promoter : bool
                Include or exclude promoter peaks (<= TSS +/- 2kb) in network inference. (default: False)
            include_enhancer : bool
                Include or exclude enhancer peaks (> TSS +/- 2kb) in network inference. (default: True)
            full_output : bool
                export all variables to the GRN file or by default only the TF_target + prob score
        self.gene_bed = get_bed(gene_bed, genome)
        self.include_promoter = include_promoter
        self.include_enhancer = include_enhancer
        self.full_output = full_output

    def _load_pyranges(self, up=1e5, down=1e5):
        Load the gene bed into pyranges, and extend their locations.
        Used to limit the search space for enhancer elements.

        up : int, optional
            Maximum upstream region to include, by default 1e5
        down : int, optional
            Maximum downstream region to include, by default 1e5

        pyranges object
        genes = pr.read_bed(self.gene_bed)
        genes.columns = [col.capitalize() for col in genes.columns]
        # Convert to DataFrame
        genes = genes.as_df()

        # Drop intron/exon information
        genes = genes[genes.columns[:6]]

        # Drop genes found on >1 contig
        genes = genes.drop_duplicates(subset=["Name"], keep=False)

        # Get the TSS only
        genes.loc[genes["Strand"] == "+", "End"] = genes.loc[
            genes["Strand"] == "+", "Start"
        genes.loc[genes["Strand"] == "-", "Start"] = genes.loc[
            genes["Strand"] == "-", "End"

        # Extend up and down
        genes.loc[genes["Strand"] == "+", "Start"] -= up
        genes.loc[genes["Strand"] == "+", "End"] += down
        genes.loc[genes["Strand"] == "-", "Start"] -= down
        genes.loc[genes["Strand"] == "-", "End"] += up

        genes = pr.PyRanges(genes)
        self.genes_pr = genes

    def distance_weight(
        """Build weight distribution based on distance to TSS.

        The basic idea is similar to Wang et al. [1], with some modifications.
        The resulting weight ranges from 0 (far from the TSS) to 1 (near the
        TSS) and is based on several different variables.

        If `include_promoter` is `True`, then distances smaller than
        `promoter_region` are included, otherwise they are excluded, the weight
        is set to 0.
        The `full_weight_region` parameters determines the region where
        the weight will be 1, regardless of distance. The `maximum_distance`
        parameter sets the maximum distance to consider. The weight decays with
        an increasing distance, starting from 1 at `full_weight_region` to 0
        at `maximum_distance`. The `alpha` parameters controls the decay.

        include_promoter : bool, optional
            Include promoter regions. Default is False.
        include_enhancer : bool, optional
            Include enhancer regions, ie. regions that are distal to the
        alpha : float, optional
            Controls weight decay, default is 1e4.
        maximum_distance : int, optional
            Maximum distance from TSS to consider. Default is 100kb.
        full_weight_region : int, optional
            Distance where regions will receive the full weight. Default
            is 5kb.
        promoter_region : int, optional
            Promoter region, default is 2kb.

        DataFrame with two columns: distance and weight.

        ..[1] Wang S, Zang C, Xiao T, Fan J, Mei S, Qin Q, Wu Q, Li X, Xu K,
        He HH, Brown M, Meyer CA, Liu XS. "Modeling cis-regulation with a
        compendium of genome-wide histone H3K27ac profiles." Genome Res.
        2016 Oct;26(10):1417-1429. doi: 10.1101/gr.201574.115. PMID: 27466232
        u = -math.log(1.0 / 3.0) * 1e5 / alpha

        promoter_weight = int(include_promoter)
        enhancer_weight = int(include_enhancer)

        weight1 = pd.DataFrame(
                "weight": [promoter_weight for _ in range(0, promoter_region + 1)],
                "dist": range(0, promoter_region + 1),

        weight2 = pd.DataFrame(
                "weight": [
                    for _ in range(promoter_region + 1, full_weight_region + 1)
                "dist": range(promoter_region + 1, full_weight_region + 1),

        weight3 = pd.DataFrame(
                "weight": [
                    * 2.0
                    * math.exp(-u * math.fabs(z) / 1e5)
                    / (1.0 + math.exp(-u * math.fabs(z) / 1e5))
                    for z in range(1, maximum_distance - full_weight_region + 1)
                "dist": range(full_weight_region + 1, maximum_distance + 1),

        weight = pd.concat([weight1, weight2, weight3])
        return weight

    def enhancer2gene(
        """Couple enhancers to genes.

        enhancer_pr : PyRanges object
            PyRanges object with enhancer regions.
        up : int, optional
            Upstream maximum distance, by default 100kb.
        down : int, optional
            Upstream maximum distabce, by default 100kb.
        alpha : float, optional
            Parameter to control weight decay, by default 1e4.
        promoter : int, optional
            Promoter region, by default 2000.
        full_weight_region : int, optional
            Region that will receive full weight, by default 5000.

            DataFrame with enhancer regions, gene names, distance and weight.
        # look for genes near enhancer regions
        if self.genes_pr is None:
            raise ValueError("Set self.genes_pr first!")
        genes = self.genes_pr.join(enhancer_pr).as_df()
        if genes.empty:
            return pd.DataFrame()

        # Get the distance from center of enhancer to TSS
        # Correct for extension
        genes["dist"] = (
            (genes["Start_b"] + genes["End_b"]) / 2 - genes["Start"]
        genes.loc[genes["Strand"] == "+", "dist"] -= up
        genes.loc[genes["Strand"] == "-", "dist"] -= down
        genes["dist"] = np.abs(genes["dist"])

        # Create region in chr:start:end format
        genes["loc"] = (
            + ":"
            + genes["Start_b"].astype(str)
            + "-"
            + genes["End_b"].astype(str)

        # Keep the gene-enhancer combination with the smallest distance
        genes = genes.sort_values("dist").drop_duplicates(
            subset=["loc", "Name"], keep="first"

        # Return the right stuff
        genes = genes.set_index("loc")[["Name", "dist"]].rename(
            columns={"Name": "gene"}

        # Get distance-based wight
        weight = self.distance_weight(
        genes = genes.join(weight, on="dist")

        return genes

    def aggregate_binding(
        """Summarize all binding signal per gene per TF.

        Return a dask delayed computation object.

        binding : str
            Filename of binding network.
        tfs : list, optional
            List of transcription factor names, by default None, which means
            that all TFs will be used.
        up : int, optional
            Maximum upstream region to include, by default 1e5
        regions : list, optional
            List of regions to aggregate on.
        down : int, optional
            Maximum downstream region to include, by default 1e5
        alpha : float, optional
            Distance at which the weight will be half, by default None
        promoter : int, optional
            Promoter region, by default 2000
        full_weight_region : int, optional
            Region that will receive full weight, regardless of distance, by
            default 5000.
        combine_function : str, optional
            How to combine signal of weighted enhancers, by default "sum".
            Valid options are "sum", "mean" or "max".

            DataFrame with delayed computations.
        """"Loading binding data")

        if not os.path.exists(cleanpath(binding)):
            raise ValueError(f"File {binding} does not exist!")

        if combine_function not in ["mean", "max", "sum"]:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Unknown combine function, valid options are: mean, max, sum"

        maximum_distance = max(up, down)
        if alpha is None:
            alpha = maximum_distance / 10

        if promoter > maximum_distance:
            raise ValueError(
                "promoter region is larger than the maximum distance to use"

        # Read TFs
        all_tfs = get_binding_tfs(binding)
        if tfs is None:
            tfs = all_tfs
        if len(tfs) == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "No transcription factor overlap between requested TFs and binding file! "
                f"Use `ananse view --list-tfs {binding}` to inspect the TFs in the file."
        if len(tfs) == len(all_tfs):
  "Using all {len(set(tfs))} TFs.")
  "Using {len(tfs)} of {len(set(all_tfs))} TFs.")

        hdf = pd.HDFStore(binding, "r")

        # Read enhancer regions
        enhancers = hdf.get(key="_index")
        chroms = set(enhancers.index.str.replace(":.*", "", regex=True))
        if regions is None:
  "Using all {len(set(enhancers.index))} regions.")
            regions = set(regions) & set(enhancers.index)
            chroms = [region.split(":")[0] for region in regions]
  "Using {len(regions)} of {len(set(enhancers.index))} regions.")

        # Read gene regions
        self._load_pyranges(up, down)  # sets self.genes_pr

        # Filter for contigs with genes
        chroms = set(chroms) & set(self.genes_pr.as_df()["Chromosome"])
        if len(chroms) == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "No regions in the binding file overlap with given regions! "
                f"Use `ananse view --list-regions {binding}` to inspect the regions in the file."

        tmpdir = mkdtemp()
        self._tmp_files.append(tmpdir)  # mark for deletion later

        # Summarize enhancers per gene, per chromosome. In principle this could
        # also be done at once, however, the memory usage of dask is very finicky.
        # This is a pragmatic solution, that seems to work well, does not use a
        # lot of memory and is not too slow (~50 seconds per chromosome).
        t = tqdm(chroms, total=len(chroms), unit="contig", desc="Aggregating")
        for chrom in t:
            t.set_description(f"Aggregating on {chrom}. Overall progress")
            # Get the index of all enhancers for this specific chromosome
            idx = enhancers.index.str.startswith(f"{chrom}:")
            if regions:
                region_idx = enhancers.index.isin(regions)
                idx = list(np.array(idx) * np.array(region_idx))

            idx_i = np.arange(enhancers.shape[0])[idx]

            # Create a pyranges object
            enhancer_pr = pr.PyRanges(
                .str.split(r"[:-]", expand=True)
                .rename(columns={0: "Chromosome", 1: "Start", 2: "End"})

            # Link enhancers to genes on basis of distance to annotated TSS
            gene_df = self.enhancer2gene(
            if gene_df.empty:
                logger.debug(f"No genes found on {chrom}")

            bp = pd.DataFrame(index=enhancers[idx].index)
            for tf in tfs:
                # Load TF binding data for this chromosome.
                # hdf.get() is *much* faster here than pd.read_hdf()
                bp[tf] = hdf.get(key=tf)[idx_i].values

            # Skipping everything with weight 0, as it won't be counted anyway.
            gene_df = gene_df[gene_df["weight"] > 0]

            # Make sure binding score and enhancers match up (i.e. same enhancer
            # is used for multiple genes)
            gene_df = gene_df.join(bp).dropna()
            bp = gene_df[tfs]
            gene_df = gene_df[["gene", "weight"]]

            # Multiply binding score by weight
            bp = bp.mul(gene_df["weight"], axis=0)

            # Summarize weighted score per gene
            bp["gene"] = gene_df["gene"]
            tmp = bp.groupby("gene")
            if combine_function == "mean":
                tmp = tmp.mean()
            elif combine_function == "max":
                tmp = tmp.max()
            elif combine_function == "sum":
                tmp = tmp.sum()

            # Go from wide to long format, to be able to merge with other
            # information later
            tmp = tmp.reset_index().melt(
      , var_name="tf", value_name="weighted_binding"
            tmp["weighted_binding"] = tmp["weighted_binding"].astype(np.float32)

            # Create dataframe with two columns: tf_gene and weighted_binding score
            tmp["tf_target"] = tmp["tf"] + SEPARATOR + tmp["gene"]
            tmp[["tf_target", "weighted_binding"]].to_csv(
                os.path.join(tmpdir, f"{chrom}.csv"), index=False


        # this happens if there are no genes near any of the regions.
        # (you likely specified too few regions)
        if len(os.listdir(tmpdir)) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No genes found near the requested regions!")

        ddf = dd.read_csv(os.path.join(tmpdir, "*.csv")).set_index("tf_target")
        # rankdata() requires all data to be loaded into memory
        # TODO: update when dask can do this delayed
        df = ddf.compute()
        df["weighted_binding"] = minmax_scale(
            rankdata(df["weighted_binding"], method="min")
        df["weighted_binding"] = df["weighted_binding"].astype(np.float32)
        # save the data to file to reduce RAM usage
        tmpfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, "binding.csv")
        ddf = dd.read_csv(tmpfile).set_index("tf_target", sorted=True)
        return ddf

    def _save_temp_expression(self, df, name, column="tpm"):
        tmp = df.rename(columns={column: f"{name}_expression"})
        tmp[f"{name}_expression"] = minmax_scale(rankdata(tmp[f"{name}_expression"]))
        tmp.index.rename(name, inplace=True)
        tmp["key"] = None
        fname = NamedTemporaryFile(
            prefix="ananse.", suffix=f".{name}.parquet", delete=False
        tmp.reset_index().to_parquet(fname, index=False)
        return fname

    def create_expression_network(self, expression, tfs, column="tpm"):
        """Create a gene expression based network.

        Based on file(s) with gene expression levels (a TPM column), a
        dask DataFrame is generated with the combined expression levels
        of the tf and the target gene. By default, the expression levels
        are ranked and subsequently scaled between 0 and 1.

        expression : pd.DataFrame
            gene expression data.
            First column should contain the gene names.

        tfs : list
            List of TF gene names. All TFs will be used by default.

        column : str, optional
            Column name that contains gene expression, 'tpm' by default (case insensitive).

            Dask DataFrame with gene expression based values.
        # log transform expression values
        expression[column] = np.log2(expression[column] + 1e-5, dtype=np.float32)

        tf_expr = expression[expression.index.isin(tfs)]
        tf_fname = self._save_temp_expression(tf_expr, "tf", column)
        target_fname = self._save_temp_expression(expression, "target", column)
        # Read files (delayed) and merge on 'key' to create a Cartesian product
        # combining all TFs with all target genes.
        tf_df = dd.read_parquet(tf_fname)
        target_df = dd.read_parquet(target_fname)
        network = tf_df.merge(target_df, how="outer")

        # Use one-column index that contains TF and target genes.
        # This is necessary for dask, as dask cannot merge on a MultiIndex.
        # Otherwise, this would be an inefficient and unnecessary step.
        network["tf_target"] = network["tf"] + SEPARATOR + network["target"]
        network = network[["tf", "tf_expression", "target_expression", "tf_target"]]

        return network

    def run_network(
        """Create network.

        Generates a gene-regulatory network with a TF-target gene interaction "prob" score based on the mean rank of:
        1. Binding score based on ATAC/H3K27ac data of nearby enhancers.
        2. TF Activity (single score per TF based on general TF motif behaviour in the trained dataset)
        3. TF expression score
        4. Target expression score

        binding : str, optional
            Filename with binding information. Should contain at least four
            columns: "factor", "enhancer", "binding" and "_factor_activity".
            Required if no expression file(s) are provided.
        fin_expression : str or list, optional
            Filename of list of filenames with expression information.
            Required if no binding file is provided.
        tfs : list, optional
            List of transcription factors to use, by default None, which means
            all TFs in the binding file will be used.
            Required if no binding file is provided.
        regions : list, optional
            List of regions to limit the binding network to.
        outfile : str, optional
            Output file. If None, returns a dataframe.
        column : string, optional
            Name of the column containing the expression data in the expression file(s).
            Defaults to 'tpm' (case insensitive).
        up : int, optional
            Upstream maximum distance, by default 100kb.
        down : int, optional
            Upstream maximum distabce, by default 100kb.
        alpha : float, optional
            Parameter to control weight decay, by default 1e4.
        promoter : int, optional
            Promoter region, by default 2000.
        full_weight_region : int, optional
            Region that will receive full weight, by default 5000.
        # get all TFs from binding (or database),
        # then intersect with given TFs (if any)
        # COMPATIBILITY: validates binding-tf (or database-tf) overlap
        tfs = get_factors(binding, tfs)

        # create the expression network
        df_expression = None
        if fin_expression is not None:
            expression = load_expression(fin_expression, column)

            # check for sufficient overlap in gene/transcript names/identifiers
            # attempt to fix issues if a genomepy assembly was used
            # COMPATIBILITY: validates/fixes tf-expression and tf-gene_bed overlap
            expression = self.gene_overlap(expression, tfs)

            df_expression = self.create_expression_network(
                expression, tfs, "expression"
            if binding is not None:
                logger.debug("Loading tf binding activity data")
                act = pd.read_hdf(binding, key="_factor_activity")
                act = act.set_index("factor")
       = "tf"
                act["activity"] = minmax_scale(rankdata(act["activity"], method="min"))
                act["activity"] = act["activity"].astype(np.float32)
                df_expression = df_expression.merge(
                    act, right_index=True, left_on="tf", how="left"
            df_expression = df_expression.drop(columns=["tf"])

        # create the binding network
        # promoter-based, enhancer-based or both.
        df_binding = None
        if binding is not None and (self.include_promoter or self.include_enhancer):
            df_binding = self.aggregate_binding(

        # (combine networks and) compute delayed operations
        if df_binding is None:
            if df_expression is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Networks are based on at least one of "
                    "expression, promoter binding or enhancer binding!"
      "Processing expression network")
                result = df_expression
            if df_expression is None:
      "Processing binding network")
                result = df_binding.reset_index()
      "Processing expression-binding network")
                result = df_expression.merge(
                    df_binding, right_index=True, left_on="tf_target", how="left"

        # This is where the heavy lifting of all delayed computations gets done
        result = result.compute()

        columns = [
        columns = [col for col in columns if col in result]
        logger.debug(f"Using {', '.join(columns)}")
        # Combine the individual scores
        result["prob"] = result[columns].mean(1).astype(np.float32)

        # filter output
        columns = ["tf_target", "prob"]
        if self.full_output:
            columns = [
        output_cols = [c for c in columns if c in result.columns]
        if outfile:
  "Writing network")
            out_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(outfile))
            os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
            result[output_cols].to_csv(outfile, sep="\t", index=False)
            return result[output_cols]

    def gene_overlap(self, expression: pd.DataFrame, tfs: list):
        For ANANSE Network to run properly, we need overlap between 3 files/sets with gene names:
        - TFs (from motif2factors.txt/binding file)
        - expression file(s)
        - gene annotation BED file

        if the overlap is low, attempt to convert the names to those of the TFs with genomepy.
        cutoff = 0.6  # fraction of overlap that is "good enough"
        tfs = set(tfs)
        gp = genomepy.Annotation(self.gene_bed, quiet=True)
        bed_genes = set(gp.genes("bed"))
        expression_genes = set(expression.index)

        # overlap_tf_exp = len(expression_genes & tfs) / len(tfs)
        # logger.debug(
        #     f"{int(100 * overlap_tf_exp)}% of TFs found in the expression file(s)"
        # )
        # overlap_tf_bed = len(bed_genes & tfs) / len(tfs)
        # logger.debug(f"{int(100 * overlap_tf_bed)}% of TFs found in the BED file")
        overlap_total = len(tfs & expression_genes & bed_genes) / len(tfs)
            f"{int(100 * overlap_total)}% of TFs found in both BED and expression file(s)"
        if overlap_total > cutoff:
            return expression
        if gp.annotation_gtf_file is None:
            if overlap_total == 0:
            logger.warning("Are TFs, expression and gene_bed using the same symbols?")
            return expression

        logger.warning("Converting genes in expression table and BED to HGNC symbols")
        backup_overlap_total = overlap_total
        backup_expression = expression.copy()
        backup_gene_bed = self.gene_bed

        # assumption: you used gimme motif2factors on the GTF file of this genome
        tid2gid = gp.gtf_dict("transcript_id", "gene_id")
        tid2name = gp.gtf_dict("transcript_id", "gene_name")
        gid2name = gp.gtf_dict("gene_id", "gene_name")

        expression = (
        # merge duplicate genes
        expression = expression.groupby(by=expression.index).sum()
        # metrics
        expression_genes = set(expression.index)
        overlap_tf_exp = len(expression_genes & tfs) / len(tfs)
            f"{int(100 * overlap_tf_exp)}% of TFs found in the expression file(s)"

        bed = (
        # merge duplicate genes
        group = bed.groupby("name")
        bed["start"] = group["start"].transform("min")
        bed["end"] = group["end"].transform("max")
        drop_cols = set(bed.columns) - {"name", "chrom", "start", "end", "strand"}
        for col in drop_cols:
            bed[col] = 0
        bed.drop_duplicates(inplace=True, ignore_index=True)
        # exclude genes found on >1 contig
            subset=["name"], keep=False, inplace=True, ignore_index=True
        # metrics
        bed_genes = set(
        overlap_tf_bed = len(bed_genes & tfs) / len(tfs)
        logger.debug(f"{int(100 * overlap_tf_bed)}% of TFs found in the BED file")
        # write BED to file
        tmp_bed = NamedTemporaryFile(
            prefix=f"ananse.{}", suffix=".annotation.bed", delete=False
        cols = genomepy.annotation.utils.BED12_FORMAT  # fixes column order
        genomepy.annotation.utils.write_annot(bed[cols], tmp_bed)
        self.gene_bed = tmp_bed

        overlap_total = len(tfs & expression_genes & bed_genes) / len(tfs)
            f"{int(100 * overlap_total)}% of TFs found in both BED and expression file(s)"
        if overlap_total <= backup_overlap_total:
            overlap_total = backup_overlap_total
            expression = backup_expression
            self.gene_bed = backup_gene_bed

        if overlap_total > 0:
            if overlap_total <= cutoff:
                    "Are TFs, expression and gene_bed using the same symbols?"
            return expression

    def __del__(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_tmp_files"):

        for fname in self._tmp_files:
            if os.path.exists(fname):
                shutil.rmtree(fname, ignore_errors=True)

def incompatible_gene_error():
    msg = [
        "If you have human data, please make sure you use HGNC symbols (gene names) in the BED and expression file(s).",
        "If you have non-human data, you have to create a custom motif to gene mapping.",
        "  See this link for one possibility to create this file: ",
        "If you use a custom motif mapping, you will also have (re)run `ananse binding` with this file.",
    for line in msg:

def get_bed(gene_bed, genome):
    out_bed = gene_bed
    if out_bed is None:
        if genome in ["hg38", "hg19"]:
            out_bed = os.path.join(PACKAGE_DIR, "db", f"{genome}.genes.bed")
            gp = genomepy.Genome(genome)  # can raise descriptive FileNotFoundError
            out_bed = gp.annotation_bed_file  # can return None
    elif not os.path.exists(out_bed) or not out_bed.lower().endswith(".bed"):
        gp = genomepy.Annotation(out_bed, quiet=True)
        out_bed = gp.annotation_bed_file  # can return None
    if out_bed is None:
        raise TypeError("Please provide a gene bed file with the -a argument.")
    return out_bed

def get_factors(binding: str = None, tfs: list = None):
    Return a list of transcription factors in the binding or the database.
    If TFs is given, this is used to filter the output list.

        of unique transcription factors
    if binding is None and tfs is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "A binding file, a list of transcription factors, or both is required!"

    out_tfs = tfs
    if binding is not None:
        out_tfs = get_binding_tfs(binding)
        if tfs is not None:
            not_valid = set(tfs) - set(out_tfs)
            if len(not_valid) > 0:
                    f"The following TFs are requested, but not found in {binding}:"
                logger.warning(", ".join(not_valid))
                    "Perhaps an error occurred for these TFs in ananse binding."
            out_tfs = set(tfs) & set(out_tfs)

    if len(out_tfs) == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "No transcription factor overlap between requested TFs and binding file! "
            f"Use `ananse view --list-tfs {binding}` to inspect the TFs in the file."
    return list(set(out_tfs))

def combine_expression_files(
    fin_expression: Union[str, list], column: Union[str, list] = "tpm"
    Extract the index and one or more expression columns from one or more expression files.
    We expect the index to be gene/transcript names/identifiers, and the expression to be TPMs.

    Within each expression file, duplicate indexes are summed.
    Between expression files, indexes are averaged.
    NAs are dropped.

    fin_expression : str or list
        One of more files that contains gene expression data.
        First column should contain the gene/transcript names/identifiers.

    column : str or list, optional
        Column name that contains gene expression, 'tpm' by default (case insensitive).

        a dataframe with one expression column and all unique indexes
    # Convert to a list of filename(s)
    if isinstance(fin_expression, str):
        fin_expression = [fin_expression]

    # Read all expression input files and take the mean expression per gene
    expression = pd.DataFrame()
    for f in fin_expression:
        subdf = filter_expression_file(f, column)
        expression = pd.concat([expression, subdf], axis=1)
    expression = expression.mean(1).to_frame("expression")
    return expression

def filter_expression_file(fin_expression: str, columns: Union[str, list]):
    Extract the index and one or more expression columns from a single expression file.
    We expect the index to be gene/transcript names/identifiers, and the expression to be TPMs.

    Duplicate genes are summed.
    Between columns, expression is averaged,
    NAs are dropped.

    fin_expression : str or list
        One file that contains one or more columns with gene expression data.
        First column should contain the gene/transcript names/identifiers.

    columns : str, optional
        Column name(s) that contains gene expression (case insensitive).

        a dataframe with one expression column and all unique indexes
    if isinstance(columns, str):
        columns = [columns]

    # case insensitive column extraction
    cols = "|".join(columns)
    re_column = re.compile(rf"^{cols}$", re.IGNORECASE)
    df = pd.read_table(fin_expression, index_col=0, sep="\t").filter(regex=re_column)
    # average columns
    df = df.mean(1).to_frame("expression")
    # sum duplicate rows
    df = df.groupby(by=df.index, dropna=True).sum()
    # remove NaNs
    return df

def load_expression(fin_expression, column):"Loading expression data")
    if isinstance(fin_expression, str):
        fin_expression = [fin_expression]
    if isinstance(column, str):
        column = [column]

    # expression dataframe with transcription factors as index
    if len(fin_expression) == 1:
        expression = filter_expression_file(fin_expression[0], column)
        expression = combine_expression_files(fin_expression, column)
    return expression