import pandas as pd
def get_binding_tfs(binding, all_tfs=False):
Returns a list of unique TFs found in the ananse binding output file.
The binding file contains multiple lists of TFs:
- set(pd.read_hdf(binding, key="_factor_activity")["factor"])
- set(x for x in dir(hdf.root) if not x.startswith("_"))
The former contains all TFs from the motif2factors.txt, while the latter
contains only those for which a binding probability was calculated.
The outersection of these sets had an error in "predict_proba()".
if all_tfs:
# all TFs (from the motifs2factors.txt used in ananse binding)
tfs = set(pd.read_hdf(binding, key="_factor_activity")["factor"])
# TFs with binding probabilities
hdf = pd.HDFStore(binding, "r")
# TODO: This is hacky (depending on "_"), however the hdf.keys() method is
# much slower. Currently all TF names do *not* start with "_"
keys = hdf.root.__members__
tfs = set(k for k in keys if not k.startswith("_"))
return sorted(tfs)
def view_h5(
"""Extract information from an ANANSE binding.h5 file.
fname : str
File name (binding.h5).
tfs : list, optional
List of transcription factor names to extract. All TFs are shown
by default.
regions : list, optional
List of regions to extract. All regions are shown by default.
fmt : str, optional
Return output in 'wide' or in 'long' format. Default is 'wide'.
n : int, optional
Return the first n regions and tfs. All are shown by default.
list_regions : bool, optional
Return a list of regions
list_tfs : bool, optional
Return a list of transcription factors
activity : bool, optional
Return activity scores of transcription factors
if n:
n = int(n)
if list_regions:
reg = pd.read_hdf(fname, key="_index")
df = pd.DataFrame({"region": sorted(reg.index.unique())})
if n:
return df.head(n)
return df
if tfs is None:
tfs = get_binding_tfs(fname)
tfs = list(tfs)
if n:
tfs = tfs[: min(len(tfs), n)]
if list_tfs:
return pd.DataFrame({"factor": tfs})
if activity:
df = pd.read_hdf(fname, key="_factor_activity").set_index("factor")
if n:
return df.head(n)
return df
if fmt not in ["wide", "long"]:
raise ValueError("fmt should be either 'wide' or 'long'")
with pd.HDFStore(fname, "r") as hdf:
idx = hdf.get("_index").index
if n:
rows = [True for _ in range(n)] + [False for _ in range(n, len(idx))]
idx = idx[: min(len(idx), n)]
elif regions:
rows = idx.isin(regions)
idx = list(set(regions) & set(idx))
rows = [True for _ in range(len(idx))]
df = pd.DataFrame(index=idx) = "loc"
for tf in tfs:
df[tf] = hdf.get(tf)[rows].values
if fmt == "long":
df = df.reset_index().melt(
id_vars=["loc"], value_name="prob", var_name="factor"
return df