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# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Simon van Heeringen <>
# This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the MIT License, see the file COPYING included with this
# distribution.
"""Rank aggregation."""
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.special import factorial
from scipy.stats import norm, rankdata

def sumStuart(v, r):
    k = len(v)
    l_k = np.arange(k)
    ones = (-1) ** l_k
    f = factorial(l_k + 1)
    p = r ** (l_k + 1)
    return, v[::-1] * p / f)

def qStuart(r):
    N = (~r.isnull()).sum().sum()
    v = np.ones(N + 1)
    for k in range(N):
        v[k + 1] = sumStuart(v[: k + 1], r[N - k - 1])

    return factorial(N) * v[N]

def _rank_int(series, c=3.0 / 8, stochastic=True):
    # Based on code by Edward Mountjoy
    # See:
    """Perform rank-based inverse normal transformation on pandas series.
    If stochastic is True ties are given rank randomly, otherwise ties will
    share the same value. NaN values are ignored.

    series : pandas.Series
        Series of values to transform
    c : float, optional
        Constand parameter (Bloms constant)
    stochastic : bool , optional
        Whether to randomise rank of ties


    # Check input
    assert isinstance(series, pd.Series)
    assert isinstance(c, float)
    assert isinstance(stochastic, bool)

    # Set seed

    # Take original series indexes
    orig_idx = series.index

    # Drop NaNs
    series = series.loc[~pd.isnull(series)]

    # Get ranks
    if stochastic:
        # Shuffle by index
        series = series.loc[np.random.permutation(series.index)]
        # Get rank, ties are determined by their position in the series (hence
        # why we randomised the series)
        rank = rankdata(series, method="ordinal")
        # Get rank, ties are averaged
        rank = rankdata(series, method="average")

    # Convert numpy array back to series
    rank = pd.Series(rank, index=series.index)

    # Convert rank to normal distribution
    transformed = rank.apply(_rank_to_normal, c=c, n=len(rank))

    return transformed[orig_idx]

def _rank_to_normal(rank, c, n):
    # Standard quantile function
    x = (rank - c) / (n - 2 * c + 1)
    return norm.ppf(x)

def _rankagg_int(df):
    # Convert values to ranks
    df_int = df.apply(_rank_int)
    # Combine z-score using Stouffer's method
    df_int = (df_int.sum(1) / np.sqrt(df_int.shape[1])).to_frame()
    df_int.columns = ["z-score"]
    return df_int

def _rankagg_stuart(df):
    Implementation is ported from the RobustRankAggreg R package

        Kolde et al., 2012, DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btr709
        Stuart et al., 2003,  DOI: 10.1126/science.1087447
    rmat = pd.DataFrame(index=df.iloc[:, 0])

    step = 1 / rmat.shape[0]
    for col in df.columns:
        rmat[col] = pd.DataFrame(
            {col: np.arange(step, 1 + step, step)}, index=df[col]
    rmat = rmat.apply(sorted, 1, result_type="expand")
    p = rmat.apply(qStuart, 1)
    return pd.DataFrame({"score": p}, index=rmat.index)

def rankagg(df, method="int_stouffer", include_reverse=True, log_transform=True):
    """Return aggregated ranks.

    Stuart implementation is ported from the RobustRankAggreg R package

        Kolde et al., 2012, DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btr709
        Stuart et al., 2003,  DOI: 10.1126/science.1087447

    df : pandas.DataFrame
        DataFrame with values to be ranked and aggregated
    method : str, optional
        Either "int_stouffer" or "stuart". The "int_stouffer" method is based on combining z-scores
        from a inverse normal transform of ranks using Stouffer's method.

    pandas.DataFrame with aggregated ranks
    method = method.lower()
    if method not in ["stuart", "int_stouffer"]:
        raise ValueError("unknown method for rank aggregation")

    if method == "stuart":
        df_asc = pd.DataFrame()
        df_desc = pd.DataFrame()
        for col in df.columns:
            df_asc[col] = (
                df.sample(frac=1).sort_values(col, ascending=False).index.values
            if include_reverse:
                df_desc[col] = (
                    df.sample(frac=1).sort_values(col, ascending=True).index.values

        df_result = -np.log10(_rankagg_stuart(df_asc))
        if include_reverse:
            df_result += np.log10(_rankagg_stuart(df_desc))

        return df_result
    if method == "int_stouffer":
        return _rankagg_int(df)