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Test Coverage
# Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Simon van Heeringen <>
# This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the MIT License, see the file COPYING included with this
# distribution.
""" Module to calculate motif scoring metrics.

Includes ROC AUC, MNCP, enrichment and others, which are calculated
on the basis of motif scanning results.
import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import fisher_exact, kstest, rankdata, scoreatpercentile
from sklearn.metrics import (

logger = logging.getLogger("gimme.rocmetrics")

__all__ = [

def requires_scores(f):
    f.input_type = "score"
    return f

def requires_positions(f):
    f.input_type = "pos"
    return f

def values_to_labels(fg_vals, bg_vals):
    Convert two arrays of values to an array of labels and an array of scores.

    fg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the positive set.

    bg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the negative set.

    y_true : array
    y_score : array
    y_true = np.hstack((np.ones(len(fg_vals)), np.zeros(len(bg_vals))))
    y_score = np.hstack((fg_vals, bg_vals))

    return y_true, y_score

def recall_at_fdr(fg_vals, bg_vals, fdr_cutoff=0.1):
    Computes the recall at a specific FDR (default 10%).

    fg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the positive set.

    bg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the negative set.

    fdr : float, optional
        The FDR (between 0.0 and 1.0).

    recall : float
        The recall at the specified FDR.
    if len(fg_vals) == 0:
        return 0.0

    y_true, y_score = values_to_labels(fg_vals, bg_vals)

        precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_score)
    except Exception:

    fdr = 1 - precision
    cutoff_index = next(i for i, x in enumerate(fdr) if x <= fdr_cutoff)
    return recall[cutoff_index]

def matches_at_fpr(fg_vals, bg_vals, fpr=0.01):
    Computes the hypergeometric p-value at a specific FPR (default 1%).

    fg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the positive set.

    bg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the negative set.

    fpr : float, optional
        The FPR (between 0.0 and 1.0).

    fraction : float
        The fraction positives at the specified FPR.
    fg_vals = np.array(fg_vals)
    s = scoreatpercentile(bg_vals, 100 - fpr * 100)

    return [sum(fg_vals >= s), sum(bg_vals >= s)]

def phyper_at_fpr(fg_vals, bg_vals, fpr=0.01):
    Computes the hypergeometric p-value at a specific FPR (default 1%).

    fg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the positive set.

    bg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the negative set.

    fpr : float, optional
        The FPR (between 0.0 and 1.0).

    fraction : float
        The fraction positives at the specified FPR.
    fg_vals = np.array(fg_vals)
    s = scoreatpercentile(bg_vals, 100 - fpr * 100)

    table = [
        [sum(fg_vals >= s), sum(bg_vals >= s)],
        [sum(fg_vals < s), sum(bg_vals < s)],

    return fisher_exact(table, alternative="greater")[1]

def fraction_fpr(fg_vals, bg_vals, fpr=0.01):
    Computes the fraction positives at a specific FPR (default 1%).

    fg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the positive set.

    bg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the negative set.

    fpr : float, optional
        The FPR (between 0.0 and 1.0).

    fraction : float
        The fraction positives at the specified FPR.
    fg_vals = np.array(fg_vals)
    s = scoreatpercentile(bg_vals, 100 - 100 * fpr)
    return len(fg_vals[fg_vals >= s]) / float(len(fg_vals))

def score_at_fpr(fg_vals, bg_vals, fpr=0.01):
    Returns the motif score at a specific FPR (default 1%).

    fg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the positive set.

    bg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the negative set.

    fpr : float, optional
        The FPR (between 0.0 and 1.0).

    score : float
        The motif score at the specified FPR.
    bg_vals = np.array(bg_vals)
    return scoreatpercentile(bg_vals, 100 - 100 * fpr)

def enr_at_fpr(fg_vals, bg_vals, fpr=0.01):
    Computes the enrichment at a specific FPR (default 1%).

    fg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the positive set.

    bg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the negative set.

    fpr : float, optional
        The FPR (between 0.0 and 1.0).

    enrichment : float
        The enrichment at the specified FPR.
    pos = np.array(fg_vals)
    neg = np.array(bg_vals)
    s = scoreatpercentile(neg, 100 - fpr * 100)
    neg_matches = float(len(neg[neg >= s]))
    if neg_matches == 0:
        return float("inf")
    return len(pos[pos >= s]) / neg_matches * len(neg) / float(len(pos))

def max_enrichment(fg_vals, bg_vals, minbg=2):
    Computes the maximum enrichment.

    fg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the positive set.

    bg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the negative set.

    minbg : int, optional
        Minimum number of matches in background. The default is 2.

    enrichment : float
        Maximum enrichment.
    scores = np.hstack((fg_vals, bg_vals))
    idx = np.argsort(scores)
    x = np.hstack((np.ones(len(fg_vals)), np.zeros(len(bg_vals))))
    xsort = x[idx]
    l_fg = len(fg_vals)
    l_bg = len(bg_vals)
    m = 0
    for i in range(len(scores), 0, -1):
        bgcount = float(len(xsort[i:][xsort[i:] == 0]))
        if bgcount >= minbg:
            enr = (len(xsort[i:][xsort[i:] == 1]) / l_fg) / (bgcount / l_bg)
            if enr > m:
                m = enr
    return m

def mncp(fg_vals, bg_vals):
    Computes the Mean Normalized Conditional Probability (MNCP).

    MNCP is described in Clarke & Granek, Bioinformatics, 2003.

    fg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the positive set.

    bg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the negative set.

    score : float
        MNCP score
    fg_len = len(fg_vals)
    total_len = len(fg_vals) + len(bg_vals)

    if not isinstance(fg_vals, np.ndarray):
        fg_vals = np.array(fg_vals)
    if not isinstance(bg_vals, np.ndarray):
        bg_vals = np.array(bg_vals)

    fg_rank = rankdata(fg_vals)
    total_rank = rankdata(np.hstack((fg_vals, bg_vals)))

    slopes = []
    for i in range(len(fg_vals)):
        slope = ((fg_len - fg_rank[i] + 1) / fg_len) / (
            (total_len - total_rank[i] + 1) / total_len

    return np.mean(slopes)

def pr_auc(fg_vals, bg_vals):
    Computes the Precision-Recall Area Under Curve (PR AUC)

    fg_vals : array_like
        list of values for positive set

    bg_vals : array_like
        list of values for negative set

    score : float
        PR AUC score
    # Create y_labels
    y_true, y_score = values_to_labels(fg_vals, bg_vals)

    return average_precision_score(y_true, y_score)

def roc_auc(fg_vals, bg_vals):
    Computes the ROC Area Under Curve (ROC AUC)

    fg_vals : array_like
        list of values for positive set

    bg_vals : array_like
        list of values for negative set

    score : float
        ROC AUC score
    # Create y_labels
    y_true, y_score = values_to_labels(fg_vals, bg_vals)

    return roc_auc_score(y_true, y_score)

def roc_auc_xlim(x_bla, y_bla, xlim=0.1):
    Computes the ROC Area Under Curve until a certain FPR value.

    fg_vals : array_like
        list of values for positive set

    bg_vals : array_like
        list of values for negative set

    xlim : float, optional
        FPR value

    score : float
        ROC AUC score
    x = x_bla[:]
    y = y_bla[:]


    u = {}
    for i in x + y:
        u[i] = 1

    vals = sorted(u.keys())

    len_x = float(len(x))
    len_y = float(len(y))

    new_x = []
    new_y = []

    x_p = 0
    y_p = 0
    for val in vals[::-1]:
        while len(x) > 0 and x[-1] >= val:
            x_p += 1
        while len(y) > 0 and y[-1] >= val:
            y_p += 1
        new_y.append((len_x - x_p) / len_x)
        new_x.append((len_y - y_p) / len_y)

    # print new_x
    # print new_y
    new_x = 1 - np.array(new_x)
    new_y = 1 - np.array(new_y)
    # plot(new_x, new_y)
    # show()

    x = new_x
    y = new_y

    if len(x) != len(y):
        raise ValueError("Unequal!")

    if not xlim:
        xlim = 1.0

    auc = 0.0
    bla = zip(rankdata(x), range(len(x)))
    bla = sorted(bla, key=lambda x: x[1])

    prev_x = x[bla[0][1]]
    prev_y = y[bla[0][1]]
    index = 1

    while index < len(bla) and x[bla[index][1]] <= xlim:

        _, i = bla[index]

        auc += y[i] * (x[i] - prev_x) - ((x[i] - prev_x) * (y[i] - prev_y) / 2.0)
        prev_x = x[i]
        prev_y = y[i]
        index += 1

    if index < len(bla):
        (rank, i) = bla[index]
        auc += prev_y * (xlim - prev_x) + (
            (y[i] - prev_y) / (x[i] - prev_x) * (xlim - prev_x) * (xlim - prev_x) / 2

    return auc

def roc_values(fg_vals, bg_vals):
    Return fpr (x) and tpr (y) of the ROC curve.

    fg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the positive set.

    bg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the negative set.

    fpr : array
        False positive rate.
    tpr : array
        True positive rate.
    if len(fg_vals) == 0:
        return 0

    y_true, y_score = values_to_labels(fg_vals, bg_vals)

    fpr, tpr, _thresholds = roc_curve(y_true, y_score)

    return fpr, tpr

def max_fmeasure(fg_vals, bg_vals):
    Computes the maximum F-measure.

    fg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the positive set.

    bg_vals : array_like
        The list of values for the negative set.

    f : float
        Maximum f-measure.
    x, y = roc_values(fg_vals, bg_vals)
    x, y = x[1:], y[1:]  # don't include origin

    p = y / (y + x)
    filt = np.logical_and((p * y) > 0, (p + y) > 0)
    p = p[filt]
    y = y[filt]

    f = (2 * p * y) / (p + y)
    if len(f) > 0:
        # return np.nanmax(f), np.nanmax(y[f == np.nanmax(f)])
        return np.nanmax(f)
        return None

def ks_pvalue(fg_pos, bg_pos=None):
    Computes the Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value of position distribution.

    fg_pos : array_like
        The list of values for the positive set.

    bg_pos : array_like, optional
        The list of values for the negative set.

    p : float
        KS p-value.
    if len(fg_pos) == 0:
        return 1.0
    a = np.array(fg_pos, dtype="float") / max(fg_pos)
    p = kstest(a, "uniform")[1]
    return p

def ks_significance(fg_pos, bg_pos=None):
    Computes the -log10 of Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value of position distribution.

    fg_pos : array_like
        The list of values for the positive set.

    bg_pos : array_like, optional
        The list of values for the negative set.

    p : float
        -log10(KS p-value).
    p = ks_pvalue(fg_pos, max(fg_pos))
    if p > 0:
        return -np.log10(p)
        return np.inf