# see http://about.travis-ci.org/docs/user/languages/php/ for more hints
language: php
#possible workaround for https://github.com/composer/composer/issues/6342
# list any PHP version you want to test against
# aliased to a recent 5.4.x version
#- 5.4
# aliased to a recent 5.5.x version
#- 5.5
# aliased to a recent 5.6.x version
#- 5.6
# aliased to a recent 7.x version
- 7
# hhvm
#- hhvm
# omitting "script:" will default to phpunit
# use the $DB env variable to determine the phpunit.xml to use
- composer install --no-interaction
- mkdir -p build/logs
- vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml --coverage-clover build/logs/clover.xml
#- ./vendor/bin/test-reporter
# configure notifications (email, IRC, campfire etc)
email: "vbpupil@gmail.com"