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# [Pace.js]( load progress bar for Ember apps, incl. initial scripts lazy loading

<img src="" width="240" />

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# [Demo &#10140;](

## Installation

Using latest Ember-cli, run the command:

`ember install ember-cli-pace`

or for older versions:

`npm install ember-cli-pace && ember g pace`

## Flash-like initial script loading

Due to application scripts loading may take some time (especially, using mobile networks or ADSL), Ember-cli-pace can load them asynchronously displaying correctly computed progress bar. To enable that feature, just change `src` attribute to `pace-src` in your `app.html`.

<script pace-src="assets/vendor.js"></script>
<script pace-src="assets/app.js"></script>

Therefore, the scripts will be loaded via AJAX, which allows to [compute loaded vs total bytes ratio]( If your scripts are located on separate host, please note CORS policy.

## Configuration

All options, excluding `color` and `theme` related to the addon, are documented on [](

var ENV = {
  pace: {
    // addon-specific options to configure theme
    theme: 'minimal',
    color: 'blue',
    // pace-specific options
    // learn more on
    //           and
    catchupTime: 50,
    initialRate: .01,
    minTime: 100,
    ghostTime: 50,
    maxProgressPerFrame: 20,
    easeFactor: 1.25,
    startOnPageLoad: true,
    restartOnPushState: true,
    restartOnRequestAfter: 500,
    target: 'body',
    elements: {
      checkInterval: 100,
      selectors: ['body', '.ember-view']
    eventLag: {
      minSamples: 10,
      sampleCount: 3,
      lagThreshold: 3
    ajax: {
      trackMethods: ['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS'],
      trackWebSockets: true,
      ignoreURLs: []

## Themes

This addon is bundled with Material spinner theme, which is set by default. See it on [demo page](

Pace.js originally provides [14 progress bar themes]( in [10 colors]( See the progress bars and spinners in action:

![Pace.js themes](

## Pace API

More details on Pace events, methods and configuration could be found on

## Developing ember-cli-pace

* `git clone` this repository
* `npm install`
* `bower install`
* `ember server`
* Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.

For more information on using ember-cli, visit [](