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Test Coverage
<h1>Enter Progress Monitor Scores and Comments</h1>

Intervention-<%=@grouped_progress_entry %>

  <%=@probe_definition.title %>
  <%=@probe_definition.description %>
<%=links_and_attachments(@probe_definition, 'p') %>

<p>Min: <%=@probe_definition.minimum_score %> -  Max: <%=@probe_definition.maximum_score %></p>

<%="Benchmarks:" if  @probe_definition.probe_definition_benchmarks.any? %> <br />
<%= @probe_definition.probe_definition_benchmarks.join('<br />') %>

<%= form_for(@grouped_progress_entry) do |f| %>
    <span class="check_all">
      <%=label_tag "check_all", "Check All" %>
      <%=check_box_tag 'check_all'%>
    <span id="global_date">
      <%=f.unobtrusive_date_picker :global_date , {:order => [:month, :day, :year]}%>

  <%#= f.error_messages %>
        <th>End <%=help_popup "This allows you to end multiple interventions at once.   Click the End link at the bottom to view the End Intervention Form." %></th>
        <th>Score <%=help_popup("You may enter a score in the left field, or a ratio using the right two fields which will populate the score field for you.")%></th>
    <tbody id="grouped_progress_list">
      <% for @student_intervention in @grouped_progress_entry.student_interventions  %>
          <%= fields_for "student_intervention[]" do |field| %>
            <td><div style="color: red"><%=@student_intervention.errors%></div></td>
            <td><%=check_box_tag 'end_intervention[]',, false, :id => "end_intervention_#{}" %></td>
            <td><%= label_tag "end_intervention_#{}", @student_intervention.student %></td>
            <td><%= field.text_field :score, :size=>4, :maxlength=>4, :class => 'score'%> or
              <%=field.text_field :numerator, :size => 4,:class => "numerator"%>:<%=field.text_field :denominator, :size =>4,:class => "demoninator"%> </td>
            <td class="date"><><%= field.unobtrusive_date_picker :date, :order => [:month, :day, :year] %></td>
            <td><%= field.text_area(:comment, :size => '25x2', :class => 'spell_check') %> </td>

          <% end %>
     <% end %>

  <%=link_to("Add Participant", '#', :id => 'new_participant_link') %>
  <%= render  :partial => 'new_participant', :locals => {:users => @grouped_progress_entry.staff} %>
  <div id="participants_list">
  <%= f.submit 'Add Scores' %> <%=spell_check_button%>
    <%= render :partial => 'interventions/end/link' %>

<% end %>
<div id="grouped_end_reasons">
<%= render 'interventions/end/reasons', :intervention => @grouped_progress_entry %>
<%= link_to 'Back', grouped_progress_entries_path %>