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Test Coverage
<h1>Please Login:</h1>
<%= render :partial => 'login/demo_pilot_login_note' %>
<div class = "new_form">
  <%= form_for(resource, :as => resource_name, :url => session_path(resource_name)) do |f| %>
      <div class = "form_row">
        <% if current_district.blank? || current_district.new_record? %>
          <%= f.label :district_id_for_login, "District" %>
          <%= f.collection_select :district_id_for_login, District.for_dropdown, :id, :name %>
        <% else  %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag "user[district_id_for_login]"  , current_district.to_param %>
        <% end %>
      <div style="float:right" id="omniauth_icons">
        <%= windows_live_icon %>
        <%= google_apps_link icon: true %>

      <div class = "form_row">
        <%= f.label :username, "Login" %>
        <%= f.text_field(:username) %>

      <div class = "form_row">
        <%= f.label :password %>
        <%= f.password_field :password %>

      <div class="form_row center_submit">
        <%= f.submit "Login" %>
      <% if current_district.new_record? or  current_district.forgot_password? %>
        <%= f.submit "Forgot Password?", :name => "forgot_password" %>
      <% end %>

    <% if current_district.persisted? %>
      <%= link_to "Switch districts", root_url(subdomain:"www") if defined? ENABLE_SUBDOMAINS  %>
      <br />
    <% end  %>

    <% if google_apps? %>
      <%= google_apps_link %>
      <%= help_popup "You can login with your district email and password.  You will be prompted to authorize SIMS.   This just lets you use that to login." %><br />
    <% end %>
    <% if windows_live? %>
      <%= link_to "Sign in with Windows Live", omniauth_authorize_path(resource_name, "windowslive") %>
      <%= help_popup "You can login with your district email and password.  You will be prompted to authorize SIMS.  This just lets you use that to login." %><br />
    <% end %>
  <% end %>