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To deploy the sims-open demo (assumes you have apache/mod_rails configured already and rails 
and sqlite3 is installed on the server):
sudo gem install capistrano

Modify the depoy.rb file to use your own servers and deploy_to location
(see for more information on capistrano)

I'm installing it in /www my server which shawn can write to.   If you're doing something else,
you probably want to change use_sudo to true.   If you installed ruby enterprise edition, 
you will also want to put that in your path.  Otherwise change the default_environment line in the 
deploy.rb to suit your needs.

Now run
cap deploy:setup
cap deploy:check
cap deploy:cold

To deploy the updates run cap deploy:cold again

Note:  The database will be reset every time you deploy a new version.
This will change once it is meaningful to persist data.

Here's my apache config

 <VirtualHost *>

    Options FollowSymLinks
      ServerAlias *
      DocumentRoot /www/sims-open/current/public

<Directory "/www/sims-open/current/public">
   Options FollowSymLinks
   AllowOverride None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all