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Test Coverage
    <title>SIMS District Upload- examples.csv</title>
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    <h1> SIMS District Upload- examples.csv</h1>
        <th>File Name</th>
        <td>examples.csv (your filename must match this one)</td>

        <td>An example file used to show the format.</td>

        <td>district_example_id, example_text </td>

        <th>Load Order</th>
        <td>When to upload this file in relation to other files.</td>

        <td>What will get overwritten/changed when this file is uploaded.</td>

        <td>What gets removed when this file is uploaded.</td>

        <td>links to related files with explanations.</td>

        <td>links to files that can be used instead of this one, with explanation.</td>

        <th>Empty File</th>
        <td><a href="empty/examples.csv">examples.csv</a></td>

        <th>Sample File</th>
        <td><a href="sample/examples.csv">examples.csv</a></td>

        <th>Upload Responses</th>
        <td>What you see on the screen or in the email after uploading this file and what the different messages mean. <br /> 
          In this case you'll see unknown file examples.csv</td>

        <th>Field Detail</th>
             <dt>district_example_id</dt> <dd>the primary key used in the student information system by the district</dd>
             <dt>example_text</dt> <dd>some other field</dd>


       <a href="../district_upload_api.html">Back to list of files</a>