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Test Coverage
 * External dependencies.

var request = require('request');
var https = require('https');
var http = require('http');

 * Internal dependencies.

var serializers = require('./serializers');
var parsers = require('./parsers');
var expect = require('./expect');
var Promise = global.Promise || require('es6-promise').Promise;

 * Client.
 * @param {Object|Function} HTTP app or HTTP handler
 * @constructor

function Client(app) {
  if (!(this instanceof Client)) return new Client(app);
  this._base = '';
  this._url = '';
  this.serialize = serializers.raw;
  this.parse = parsers.raw;
  this.middlewares = [];
  this.expectations = [];
  this.options = {
    followRedirect: false,
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {}

  if (app);

 * Set request timeout.
 * @param {Number} time
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.timeout = function(time) {
  this.options.timeout = time;
  return this;

 * Turn on request response time.
 * @param {Boolean} time
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.time = function(time) {
  this.options.time = time;
  return this;

 * Set an object containing the query string values.
 * @param {Object} obj
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.qs = function(obj) {
  this.options.qs = obj;
  return this;

 * Set base URL.
 * @param {String} url
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.base = function(url) {
  this._base = url;
  return this;

 * Set URL.
 * @param {String} url
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.url = function(url) {
  this._url = url;
  return this;

 * Set a header.
 * @param {String} key
 * @param {String} value
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.header = function(key, val) {
  this.options.headers[key] = val;
  return this;

 * Set multiple headers.
 * @param {Object} headers
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.headers = function(headers) {
  var self = this;
  Object.entries(headers).forEach(function(entry) {
    var key = entry[0];
    var val = entry[1];
    self.header(key, val);
  return this;

 * Set HTTP method.
 * @param {String} method
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.method = function(method) {
  this.options.method = method;
  return this;

 * Yield the options for `request`.
 * @param {Function} callback
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.opts = function(fn) {
  return this;

 * Set Content-Type and Accept headers to
 * application/json. Also changes the configured
 * serializer and parser.
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.json = function() {
  this.header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
  this.header('Accept', 'application/json');
  return this;

 * Set the Content-Type to x-www-form-urlencoded and
 * set the correct serializer.
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.form = function() {
  this.header('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8');
  return this;

 * Set request body serializer.
 * @param {Function} serializer
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.serializer = function(serializer) {
  this.serialize = serializer;
  return this;

 * Set response body parser.
 * @param {Function} parser
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.parser = function(parser) {
  this.parse = parser;
  return this;

 * Send given `data`.
 * @param {Object} data
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.send = function(data) { = data;
  return this;

 * Set basic auth credentials.
 * @param {String} user
 * @param {String} password
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.auth = function(user, pass) {
  this.options.auth = { user: user, pass: pass };
  return this;

 * Register a middleware.
 * @param {Function} fn
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.use = function(fn) {
  return this;

 * Register an expectation.
 * @param {Function} fn
 * @api public

Client.prototype.expect = function(fn) {
  return this;

 * Status code expectation.
 * @param {Number} status code
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.expectStatusCode =
Client.prototype.expectStatus =
Client.prototype.expectCode = function(code) {
  return this;

 * Set a header expectation.
 * @param {String} key
 * @param {String} val
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.expectHeader = function(key, val) {
  this.expect(expect.header(key, val));
  return this;

 * Set a value expectation.
 * @param {String} string path
 * @param {Mixed} value
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.expectValue = function(key, val) {
  this.expect(expect.value(key, val));
  return this;

 * Set a key expectation.
 * @param {String} string path
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public

Client.prototype.expectKey = function(key) {
  return this;

 * Set a body expectation.
 * @param {Mixed} expectation
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api pbulic

Client.prototype.expectBody = function(expected) {
  return this;

 * Sugar syntax for `method`, `url` and `end`.
 * @see Client#method
 * @see Client#url
 * @see Client#end

].forEach(function(method) {
  var key = method === 'DELETE' ? 'del' : method.toLowerCase();

  Client.prototype[key] = function(url, fn) {
    if (fn) this.end(fn);
    return this;

 * Prepares options, serializes request body, and calls setup() for middlware
 * @param {Function} end
 * @api private
Client.prototype.prepare = function(end) {
  var self = this;

  this.options.url = self._base + self._url;

  if (! {
    return this.setup(this.options, end);

  this.serialize(, function(err, body) {
    if (err) return end(err);
    self.options.body = body;
    self.setup(self.options, end);

 * Perform the test.
 * @param {Function} fn
 * @api public

Client.prototype.end = function(end) {
  if (end) return this.prepare(end);

  var self = this;
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    self.prepare(function(err, res, body) {
      if (err) return reject(err);

 * Specify app to be used. If `app` is a function it will create
 * a new HTTP server, if object it will assume that it's a koa, connect, express app.
 * After figuring this out, it will set the base url to point to what the app
 * has returned.
 * @param {Object|Function} app
 * @returns {Client} self
 * @api public
 */ = function(app) {
  var address = null;
  var protocol = null;
  var port = null;
  var server = null;

  if (typeof app === 'function') app = http.createServer(app);
  if (app.address) address = app.address();
  if (!address) server = app.listen(0);

  port = app.address ? app.address().port : server.address().port;
  protocol = app instanceof https.Server ? 'https' : 'http';

  this.base(protocol + '://' + port);

  return this;

 * Perform the HTTP request, parse the response
 * and run the expectations.
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {Function} end
 * @api private

Client.prototype.request = function(options, end) {
  var self = this;
  request(options, function(err, res) {
    if (err) return end(err, res);
    self.parse(res.body, function(err, body) {
      if (err) return end(err, res, body);
      self.verify(err, res, body, end);

 * Call all registered middlewares with `options`.
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {Function} end
 * @api private

Client.prototype.setup = function(options, end) {
  var self = this;
  var middlewares = this.middlewares.slice(0);
  (function next(options, fn) {
    var mid = middlewares.shift();
    if (!mid) return self.request(options, end);
    mid(options, next);

 * Verify the expectations.
 * @param {Object} error
 * @param {Object} response
 * @param {Mixed} body
 * @param {Function} end
 * @api private

Client.prototype.verify = function(err, res, body, end) {
  var expectations = this.expectations.slice(0);

  (function verify(err) {
    var expect = expectations.shift();
    if (!expect || err) return end(err, res, body);
    expect(res, body, verify);

 * Primary export.

module.exports = Client;