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 * Core dependencies.

var path = require('path');
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;

 * Seltron path.

var root = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'selenium/');

 * Selenium.

var server = root + 'selenium-server-standalone.jar';

 * ChromeDriver.

var chromedriver = root + 'chromedriver';

 * Spawn a new Selenium instance.
 * @param {String} type
 * @param {Number} port
 * @api public

function seltron(type, port, fn) {
  var commands = Object.create(null);
  var done = false;
  var process = null;

  if (arguments.length === 2) {
    fn = port;
    port = null;

  port = port || 4444;

  commands.phantomjs = {
    ready: /running on port/,
    main: 'phantomjs',
    args: ['--webdriver',  port, '--ignore-ssl-errors=true']

  commands.firefox = {
    ready: /Started SocketListener/,
    main: 'java',
    args: ['-jar', server, '-port', port]
  }; = {
    ready: /Started SocketListener/,
    main: 'java',
    args: ['-jar', server, '-port',  port, '' + chromedriver]

  if (!commands[type]) {
    return fn(new Error('I do not know how to handle ' + type));

  process = spawn(commands[type].main, commands[type].args);

  process.on('close', function() {
    if (done) return;
    done = true;
    fn(new Error('There was a problem with starting the process'));

  process.stdout.on('data', function(chunk) {
    if (done) return;
    if (commands[type].ready.test(chunk + '')) {
      done = true;
      fn(null, process);

 * Primary export.

module.exports = seltron;