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Test Coverage
{% paginate blog.articles by 5 %}

{% if current_tags %}
<h1 class="delta">{{ blog.title | link_to: blog.url }} <span class="quiet">&raquo;</span> {{ current_tags.first }}</h1>
{% else %}
<h1 class="delta">{{ blog.title }}</h1>
{% endif %}

<div class="articles">

  {% for article in blog.articles %}
  {% comment %}
    Let's extract a blog image.
    We will look for an image in the excerpt first, and in the blog post itself second.
    We will remove the image suffix to grab as big an image as we can.
  {% endcomment %}
  {% assign article_has_image = false %}
  {% assign img_tag = '<' | append: 'img' %}
  {% if article.excerpt_or_content contains img_tag %}
    {% assign src = article.excerpt_or_content | split: 'src="' %}
    {% assign src = src[1] | split: '"' | first %}
    {% if src %}
      {% assign article_has_image = true %}
      {% assign image_src = src | replace: '_small', '' | replace: '_compact', '' | replace: '_medium', '' | replace: '_large', '' | replace: '_grande', '' %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endif %}  
  <div class="article{% if forloop.first %} first{% endif %}{% if forloop.last %} last{% endif %} clear">
    <h2 class="title">
      <a href="{{ article.url }}">{{ article.title }}</a>
    <h3 class="date">
      <time pubdate datetime="{{ article.published_at | date: '%Y-%m-%d' }}">{{ article.published_at | date: '%b %d, %Y' }}</time>
    <div class="row">
      {% if article_has_image %}
      <div class="third column">
        <a href="{{ article.url }}">
          <span class="square-holder" style="background-image: url({{ image_src }})">
      <div class="two-thirds column">
        <div class="rte fadeout-overflow-bottom grid-margins">          
      {% else %}
      <div class="full column">
        <div class="rte">
      {% endif %}        
          {% if article.excerpt.size > 0 %}
          <div class="no-images">{{ article.excerpt }}</div>
          {% else %}
          <p>{{ article.content | strip_html | truncatewords: 120 }}</p>
          {% endif %}
          <a class="blog-read-more" href="{{ article.url }}">Read more →</a>
    <div class="meta">
      {% if blog.comments_enabled? and article.comments_count > 0 %}
      <span class="meta-comments">
        <a href="{{ article.url }}#comments"><i class="fa fa-comment"></i> {{ article.comments_count }} {{ article.comments_count | pluralize: 'comment','comments' }}</a>
      {% endif %}
      {% if article.tags.size > 0 %}
      <span class="tags">
        {% for tag in article.tags %} 
        <a href="{{ blog.url }}/tagged/{{ tag | handle }}">{% if forloop.first %}<i class="fa fa-tag"></i> {% endif %}{{ tag }}</a>{% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %}
        {% endfor %}
      {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% if paginate.pages > 1 %}
<div class="pagination">
{% comment %}
  When paginating blog articles, a previous article is actually a newer article, not an older one,
  because blog articles are shown and paginated in a reversed chronological order.
  The word 'previous' can be confusing, hence we'll change it.
{% endcomment %}
{{ paginate | default_pagination | replace: 'Previous', 'Newer articles' | replace: 'Next', 'Older articles' }}
{% endif %}

{% endpaginate %}