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# Logging
Roc provides a utility for extensions that can be used to log things to the console, keeping output consistent across all the different packages and plugins.

## How to use
There is two ways to use the logging function from Roc. Either by using the function that is provided on the main export, [as seen here](/docs/ or by importing it directly as below.

import initSmall from 'roc/log/small';
import initLarge from 'roc/log/large';
import initLog from 'roc/log';

import smallDefault from 'roc/log/default/small';
import largeDefault from 'roc/log/default/large';
import initLogDefault from 'roc/log/default';

## Large
_A large error message_

Used for large messages.

### Types
When having a logger each of the types can be used as a property. The logging function takes in a message as the first argument. The second and the third arguments are optional and can be in any order. An optional `Error` and a label text as a string. If `verbose` is enabled the `error.stack` will be displayed, otherwise just `error.message`.

import initLarge from 'roc/log/large';

const log = initLarge(, packageJSON.version);

log.error('Some message', 'Label Text Override', potentialError);

#### `info`
Output: ``  
Color: `cyan`  
Label: Info

#### `warn`
Output: `console.warn`  
Color: `yellow`  
Label: Warning

#### `error`
Output: `console.error`  
Color: `red`  
Label: Error

#### `success`
Output: `console.log`  
Color: `green`  
Label: Success

#### `raw`
Used to specify a logger function on `console`. First argument should be a string that can be either `info`, `warn`, `error` or `log`. The second argument is is the default label text.

log.raw('info', 'Information')('a message', potentialError);

## Small
_A small info message_

Used for small messages.

### Types
Several modes exists that can be used.

When having a logger each of the types can be used as a property. The logging function takes in a message as the first argument and the second and third arguments can be in any order. An optional `Error` and a boolean that determines if a potential symbol should be shown, default to `true`. If `verbose` is enabled the `error.stack` will be displayed, otherwise just `error.message`.

import initSmall from 'roc/log/small';

const log = initSmall(, packageJSON.version);

log.error('Some message', potentialError, showSymbol);

#### `log`
Output: `console.log`  
Color: Default

#### `note`
Output: ``  
Color: `cyan`  
Symbol: `ℹ`

#### `warn`
Output: `console.warn`  
Color: `yellow`  
Symbol: `⚠`

#### `error`
Output: `console.error`  
Color: `red`  
Symbol: `✖`

#### `success`
Output: `console.log`  
Color: `green`  
Symbol: `✔`

#### `raw`
Used to specify a logger function on `console`. First argument should be a string that can be either `info`, `warn`, `error` or `log`. The second argument is an optional color from [`chalk`]( The third argument is an optional symbol to show in front of the message.

log.raw('info', 'blue', '🦄')('a message', potentialError, showSymbol);