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import 'source-map-support/register';

import devip from 'dev-ip';
import colors from 'colors/safe';

import { getSettings } from 'roc';

import { baseConfig } from './config';

let oncePort = true;
let onceDevPort = true;

 * Returns the current dev path.
 * Will use {@link getDevPort} for getting the port.
 * @param {string} [relativeBuildPath] - Relative path to where the build is saved.
 * @returns {string} The complete dev path on the server including the port.
export function getDevPath(relativeBuildPath = '') {
    const devIp = devip() ? devip()[0] : 'localhost';
    const buildPath = relativeBuildPath && relativeBuildPath.slice(-1) !== '/' ?
        relativeBuildPath + '/' :

    return `http://${devIp}:${getDevPort()}/${buildPath}`;

 * Returns the current dev port.
 *It will first default to the environment variable `DEV_PORT` and after that `roc.config.js`.
 * Will give a warning if `DEV_PORT` is defined and the value in the configuration is something other than default.
 * @returns {number} The final port for the dev server.
export function getDevPort() {
    const settings = getSettings('dev');

    if (settings.port !== && process.env.DEV_PORT && onceDevPort) {
        onceDevPort = false;
        /* eslint-disable no-console */
        console.log('You have configured a dev port but the environment ' +
            'variable DEV_PORT is set and that will be used instead. The port that will be used is ' +
        /* eslint-enable */
    return process.env.DEV_PORT || settings.port;

* Returns the current port.
* It will first default to the environment variable `PORT` and after that `roc.config.js`.
* Will give a warning if `PORT` is defined and the value in the configuration is something other than default.
* @returns {number} The final port for the server.
export function getPort() {
    const settings = getSettings('runtime');

    if (settings.port && process.env.PORT && oncePort) {
        oncePort = false;
        /* eslint-disable no-console */
        console.log('You have configured a port but the environment ' +
            'variable PORT is set and that will be used instead. The port that will be used is ' +
        /* eslint-enable */

    return process.env.PORT || settings.port;

* Removes possible trailing slashes from a path.
* @param {string} path - Path to remove possible trailing slashes.
* @returns {string} - Path without trailing slashes.
export function removeTrailingSlash(path) {
    const newPath = path.replace(/\/+$/, '');

    if (!newPath) {
        return '/';

    return newPath;

* Adds a trailing slashes to a path.
* Runs {@link removeTrailingSlash} internally first.
* @param {string} path - Path to add a trailing slashes to.
* @returns {string} - Path with trailing slash.
export function addTrailingSlash(path) {
    const newPath = removeTrailingSlash(path);

    if (newPath !== '/') {
        return newPath + '/';

    return newPath;