# Code of Conduct
This code of conduct outlines our expectations for participants within the QR-Scanner community.
Anyone who violates the same will be banned from the community.
As the project is open-sourced , it is our responsibility to take a pledge that we would follow some protocols and are confined
with the same.
Active participation is expected from anyone who maintains a healthy environment in the community and
have a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body, gender identity, disability, nationality, race and religion.
We are committed to providing a welcoming and inspiring community and expect that our code of conduct to be honoured.
## Our Standards
We believe in creating a positive environment and it includes:
* Use of a polite and professional language
* Being respectful and inclusive of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Appreciating others who willingly contribute
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Constantly improving the community by suggesting new ideas
Examples of unacceptable and inappropriate behaviour include:
* Use of sexual remarks and arrogant attention
* Trolling, derogatory comments and personal attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information without their consent
## Our Responsibilities
This should be noted by the project maintainers who are responsible for clarifying the standards of appropriate behaviour
and are expected to take necessary actions against violation of the code of conduct.
Project Maintainers have the right to remove, edit or reject comments, duplicate code ,
issues that violate this Code of Conduct, or terminate the contributor temporarily or permanently.
## Scope
This code of conduct applies both within the project spaces and whenever one is contributing to some other open-sourced project.
When representing our community use an official project e-mail address,
valid social media account and most importantly polite behaviour.