import yargs from 'yargs'
import { scanFromFileOnCli } from '../pipelines/scanFromFile'
import { greenBox } from '../infrastructure/boxen'
import flags from './flags'
const execution = async (args: string[]): Promise<void> => {
const yargsInstance = yargs(args)
['qrscanner ./qrCode.jpg', greenBox('This message is written in a QR Code', { margin: 1 })],
['qrscanner ./qrCode.jpg --clear', '\nThis message is written in a QR Code'],
.command('$0 <file>', 'Scan a QR Code from a file')
.positional('file', {
describe: 'Path to the file to scan',
type: 'string',
demandOption: true,
const argv = await yargsInstance.argv
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const { _, $0, file, ...flagsTreated } = argv
return scanFromFileOnCli(file, flagsTreated).catch((error: Error) => {
return yargsInstance.exit(1, error)
export default execution