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# yawsso

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Yet Another AWS SSO - sync up AWS CLI v2 SSO login session to legacy CLI v1 credentials.

> See also [Release v1.0.0 Notes](

## Prerequisite

- Required `Python >= 3.7`
- Required [AWS CLI v2](
- Assume you have already setup [AWS SSO]( for your organization

## Main Use Case

- Install [latest from PyPI]( like so:
pip install yawsso

- Do your per normal SSO login and, have at least one active SSO session cache:
aws sso login --profile dev

- To sync for all named profiles in config (i.e. _lazy consensus_), then just:

- To sync default profile and all named profiles, do:
yawsso --default

- To sync default profile only, do:
yawsso --default-only

- To sync for selected named profile, do:
yawsso -p dev

- To sync for multiple selected named profiles, do:
yawsso -p dev prod

- To sync for default profile as well as multiple selected named profiles, do:
yawsso --default -p dev prod

- To sync for all named profiles start with prefix pattern `lab*`, do:
yawsso -p 'lab*'

yawsso -p lab*

- To sync for all named profiles start with `lab*` as well as `dev` and `prod`, do:
yawsso -p 'lab*' dev prod

- Print help to see other options:
yawsso -h

- Then, continue per normal with your daily tools. i.e. 
    - `cdk deploy ...`
    - `terraform apply ...`
    - `cw ls groups`
    - `awsbw -L -P dev`
    - `sqsmover -s main-dlq -d main-queue`
    - `ecs-cli ps --cluster my-cluster`
    - `awscurl -H "Accept: application/json" --profile dev --region ap-southeast-2 "https://api..."`

## Additional Use Cases

### Rename Profile on Sync

- Say, you have the following profile in your `$HOME/.aws/config`:
[profile dev]
sso_start_url =
sso_region = ap-southeast-2
sso_account_id = 123456789012
sso_role_name = AdministratorAccess
region = ap-southeast-2
output = json
cli_pager =

- You want to populate access token as, say, profile name `foo` in `$HOME/.aws/credentials`:
region = ap-southeast-2
aws_access_key_id = XXX
aws_secret_access_key = XXX
aws_session_token = XXX

- Do like so:
yawsso -p dev:foo

- Then, you can `export AWS_PROFILE=foo` and use `foo` profile!

### Export Tokens



- Use `-e` flag if you want a temporary copy-paste-able time-gated access token for an instance or external machine.

- Please note that, it uses `default` profile if no additional arguments pass.
yawsso -e | yawsso decrypt
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxx

- This use case is especially tailored for those who use `default` profile and, who would like to PIPE commands as follows.
aws sso login && yawsso -e | yawsso decrypt | pbcopy

- Otherwise, for a named profile, do:
yawsso -p dev -e | yawsso decrypt

- Or, right away export credentials into the current shell environment variables, do:
yawsso -p dev -e | yawsso decrypt | source /dev/stdin

> Note: ☝️ are mutually exclusive with the following 👇 auto copy into your clipboard. **Choose one, a must!** 

- If you have [`pyperclip`]( package installed, `yawsso` will copy access tokens to your clipboard instead.
yawsso -e
Credentials copied to your clipboard for profile 'default'

- You may `pip install pyperclip` or, together with `yawsso` as follows.
pip install 'yawsso[all]'

### Login

- You can also use `yawsso` subcommand `login` to SSO login then sync all in one go.

> 🙋‍♂️ NOTE: It uses `default` profile or `AWS_PROFILE` environment variable if optional argument `--profile` is absent

yawsso login -h
yawsso login

- Otherwise you can pass the _login profile_ as follows:
yawsso login --profile dev

- Due to _lazy consensus_ design, `yawsso` will sync all named profiles once SSO login has succeeded. If you'd like to sync only upto this _login profile_ then use `--this` flag to limit as follows.

> 👉 Login using default profile and sync only upto **this** default profile
yawsso login --this

> 👉 Login using named profile dev and sync only upto **this** dev profile
yawsso login --profile dev --this

> 👉 Login using named profile dev and sync as foo. See above for more details on renaming, limited to one profile. 
yawsso login --profile dev:foo

#### Login then Export token

- Exporting access token also support with login subcommand as follows: 

> 👉 Login using default profile, sync only upto **this** default profile and, print access token
yawsso login -e | yawsso decrypt

> 👉 Login using named profile dev, sync only upto **this** dev profile and, print access token
yawsso login --profile dev -e | yawsso decrypt

### Auto Login then Sync

- Like `login`, you may use `yawsso` subcommand `auto` to SSO login then sync all in one go.
- It will check if SSO session has expired and, if so, `yawsso` will attempt to auto login again.

yawsso auto -h

yawsso auto --profile dev

export AWS_PROFILE=dev
yawsso auto

### Set Region

- You can also set region from the config file to the shared credentials file
- Do like so:

yawsso -r -p dev

yawsso -r -p dev:foo

yawsso -r auto --profile dev

### Encryption

`yawsso` can encrypt and decrypt some arbitrary string from `stdin` using [ROT13]( (_a simple letter substitution cipher_) as follows.

echo 'Hello this is a test' | yawsso encrypt
Uryyb guvf vf n grfg

echo 'Uryyb guvf vf n grfg' | yawsso decrypt
Hello this is a test

(or Pipe through some text corpus)
cat test.txt | yawsso encrypt

(or on Windows)
type test.txt | yawsso encrypt

This is the same as using trivial Unix `tr` command as follows.

echo 'Hello this is a test' | tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m'
Uryyb guvf vf n grfg

echo 'Uryyb guvf vf n grfg' | tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m'
Hello this is a test

Hence, you could also decode `yawsso` exported tokens using `tr` command, like so.

yawsso -p dev -e | tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m'

## Develop

- Create virtual environment, activate it and then:

make install
make test
python -m yawsso --trace version


python -m venv venv
pip install ".[dev,test]" .
python -m yawsso --trace version

- Create issue or pull request welcome

## License

MIT License

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