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# Textual Velocity

**Archive notice:**

It has been a good run of ~5 years building and using this myself! I hope you have found it as useful as me during this time. Alas, I have outgrown my own project and decided to continue on a more supported platform going forward. As of January 2022 I'm using (plugin for VSCode) which mostly does what this plugin did for Atom (and more).

That said, I am not satisfied with any of the existing options out there and still contemplating alternatives. I intend to build something better, someday, but don't have the time or energy right now. Time will tell.



Your mental notes at your fingertips!

For those of you who used [Notational Velocity]( or [nvAlt]( should feel right at home: it's intended to be an alternative to those applications but with the benefits of the [Atom]( ecosystem.

<img width="748" alt="screen shot 2016-02-04 at 20 05 58" src="">

 - Still WIP, see the [change log]( for what's been done so far, and [v1 roadmap milestone]( for planned/upcoming features.
 - Developed and tested on MacOSX, it _should_ work fine on Linux and Windows too but there's no guarantees right now. Help is appreciated!
 - Due to Atom's purpose of being a _text_-editor only text files are intended to be supported, compared to the single-database option NV offers.

## Usage
Use the `Textual Velocity: Start Session` [command]( to get started, the package is lazy loaded.

By default notes are saved in `~/.atom/notes`, you can change it in the package settings.

While the plugin can be run in any Atom window it's recommended to run it in a [separate instance for easier usage and access to your notes](docs/recommended-usage/

Also, I recommend the following packages, that works great in combination with textual-velocity:
- [quick-file-actions]( - Quickly copy, delete, move, and create new files
- [file-icons]( - Assign file extension icons and colours for improved visual grepping
- [preview]( - Ultimate previewer of source code in Atom.
- [recent-files-fuzzy-finder]( - Find recently opened files easier
- [block-travel]( - Quickly travel up/down between blocks of code