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/* @flow */

import columns from "./Columns";

const restartExplanation =
  "_Changing this setting requires restarting the session._";

export const defaultConfig = (cfg => {
  // workaround for flow: set the order prop to make sure settings are listed in the same order as here
  Object.keys(cfg).forEach((key, i) => {
    (cfg[key]: any).order = i;
  return cfg;
  path: {
    description: `${restartExplanation}<br/>Path to folder where to find notes. Can be an absolute path or a relative path to \`~/.atom\` (defaults to \`~/.atom/notes\`)`,
    type: "string",
    default: ""
  ignoredNames: {
    type: "array",
    default: ["Notes & Settings"],
    items: { type: "string" },
    description: `${restartExplanation}<br/>List of [glob patterns]( Files matching these patterns will be ignored, in addition to the ignoredNames defined in core settings`
  excludeVcsIgnoredPaths: {
    type: "boolean",
    default: true,
    title: "Exclude VCS Ignored Paths",
    description: `${restartExplanation}<br/>Files ignored by the the notes path's VCS system will be ignored. For example, projects using Git have these paths defined in the .gitignore file.`
  sortField: {
    default: "$score",
    type: "string",
    enum: columns
      .map(c => ({
        value: c.sortField,
        description: c.title
        value: "$score",
        description: "Search match score"
  sortDirection: {
    type: "string",
    default: "desc",
    enum: [
      { value: "asc", description: "Ascending order" },
      { value: "desc", description: "Descending order" }
  hiddenColumns: {
    type: "array",
    default: [],
    items: { type: "string" },
      "These columns will not be visible. Right-click on header to see options, or use commands panel (`textual-velocity:toggle-column-name-of-column`)"
  defaultExt: {
    title: "Default file extension",
      "Will be used for new files, unless the text string contains a custom file extension already",
    type: "string",
    default: ".md"
  listHeight: {
      "Height of panel, can also be changed by dragging the bottom of panel",
    type: "number",
    default: 150,
    minimum: 0
  rowHeight: {
    description: "Internal cached value, used to calculate pagination size",
    type: "number",
    default: 20,
    minimum: 8,
    maximum: 80
  xattrs: {
      "xattrs support - note that this appear to be unstable on Atom v1.28+",
    type: "boolean",
    default: false