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import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

import './react-popup.css';

 * PropTypes definition of the props for ReactPopup. Will render the warnings
 * in the console of the type of the passed props doesn't match the defined
 * PropType.

const propTypes = {
  overlay: PropTypes.object,
  popup: PropTypes.object,
  button: PropTypes.object,
  onPop: PropTypes.func,
  onUnpop: PropTypes.func,
  pop: PropTypes.bool,
  disable: PropTypes.bool,
  buttonText: PropTypes.string,
  children: PropTypes.node,

 * A react component that renders a button on the DOM that, when clicked, will display a
 * modal/popup on top of the contents of the current page. The modal will disappear when
 * clicking on the outside of the modal.
 * @prop { object } overlay react styles object containing styles for the background overlay.
 * @prop { object } popup react styles object containing styles for the modal.
 * @prop { object } button react styles object containing styles for the button.
 * @prop { function } onPop function to be executed when the modal appears.
 * @prop { function } onUnpop function to be executed when the modal disappears.
 * @prop { boolean } pop if set to true, will render the popup.
 * @prop { boolean } disable if set to true, will not render the button.
 * @prop { string } buttonText text to be displayed in the button.
 * @prop { node } children contents of the modal.
export default class ReactPopUp extends React.Component {

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      popped: !!props.pop,

  componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) {
    if (nextProps.pop === true || (nextProps.pop === false && typeof nextProps.pop !== undefined)) {
      this.setState({popped: nextProps.pop}, this.handleCallbacks);

   * Function that takes care of not calling this.pop if the this.props.pop is set
   * to true (and therefore has been specified specified).
  handleOverlayClick = () => this.props.pop || this.pop();

   * Function that takes care of correctly calling the appropriate callback based
   * on what is the current status of this.state.popped. Is always used within the
   * callback of this.setState.
  handleCallbacks = () => {
    if (this.state.popped && this.props.onPop) this.props.onPop();
    else if (!this.state.popped && this.props.onUnpop) this.props.onUnpop();

   * Function that controls the state of the modal, switching its state between
   * popped and hidden, and executes the onPop and onUnpop functions (if either of
   * them exist).
  pop = () => {
    this.setState({popped: !this.state.popped}, this.handleCallbacks);

   * Conditionally displays the popup if the state is set to popped.
   * @param { object } styles an object with the styles for overlay and popup.
   * @returns { node | bool } popup JSX or false.
  renderPopUp = (styles) => {
    return this.state.popped && (
      <div className="popup-display">
        <div className="popup" style={styles.popup}>

   * checks for the existance of an object, if it does exist and has a value it
   * returns said value; else, it returns a default value.
   * @param { object } obj style object to check.
   * @param { string } prop property of said object to check.
   * @param { string } def default value of said property (in case it's null).
   * @returns { string } value for said prop or default value.
  renderStyles = (obj, prop, def) => {
    return (obj && obj[prop]) || def

   * Mapping the passed styles (if they have been defined in their corresponding
   * props) and/or setting the styles to their default values (if they don't).
  render () {
    const styles = {
      overlay: {
        width: `${ this.renderStyles(this.props.overlay, 'width', '100%') }`,
        height: `${ this.renderStyles(this.props.overlay, 'height', '100%') }`,
        backgroundColor: `${ this.renderStyles(this.props.overlay, 'backgroundColor', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)') }`,
        position: 'absolute',
        zIndex: 1,
      popup: {
        width: `${ this.renderStyles(this.props.popup, 'width', '450px')}`,
        height: `${ this.renderStyles(this.props.popup, 'height', '650px') }`,
        backgroundColor: `${ this.renderStyles(this.props.popup, 'backgroundColor', 'white') }`,
        boxShadow: `${ this.renderStyles(this.props.popup, 'boxShadow', '0 0 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)') }`,
        position: 'absolute',
        zIndex: 2,
      button: {
    return (
      <div className="react-popup" style={{ zIndex: -1 }}>
        {(this.props.disable || <input style={{zIndex: -1, ...styles.button}} type="button" onClick={this.pop} value={this.props.buttonText || 'show'} />)}

ReactPopUp.propTypes = propTypes;