

2 hrs
Test Coverage
from vj4.model import builtin

class Error(Exception):

class HashError(Error):

class InvalidStateError(Error):

class UserFacingError(Error):
  """Error which faces end user."""

  def to_dict(self):
    return {'name': self.__class__.__name__, 'args': self.args}

  def http_status(self):
    return 500

  def template_name(self):
    return 'error.html'

  def message(self):
    return 'An error has occurred.'

class BadRequestError(UserFacingError):
  def http_status(self):
    return 400

class ForbiddenError(UserFacingError):
  def http_status(self):
    return 403

class NotFoundError(UserFacingError):
  def http_status(self):
    return 404

  def message(self):
    return 'Path {0} not found.'

class BuiltinDomainError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Domain {0} is bulit-in and cannot be modified.'

class ValidationError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    if len(self.args) == 1:
      return 'Field {0} validation failed.'
    elif len(self.args) == 2:
      return 'Field {0} or {1} validation failed.'

class BlacklistedError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Address {0} is blacklisted.'

class FileTooLongError(ValidationError):
  def message(self):
    return 'The uploaded file is too long.'

class FileTypeNotAllowedError(ValidationError):
  def message(self):
    return 'This type of files are not allowed to be uploaded.'

class UnknownFieldError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Unknown field {0}.'

class InvalidTokenError(ForbiddenError):

class VerifyPasswordError(ForbiddenError):
  """Error with the `verify password', not password verification error."""
  def message(self):
    return "Passwords don't match."

class UserAlreadyExistError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'User {0} already exists.'

class LoginError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Invalid password for user {0}.'

class DocumentNotFoundError(NotFoundError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Document {2} not found.'

class ProblemDataNotFoundError(NotFoundError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Data of problem {1} not found.'

class RecordDataNotFoundError(NotFoundError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Data of record {0} not found.'

class PermissionError(ForbiddenError):
  def __init__(self, *args):
    if any((p | builtin.PERM_VIEW) == builtin.PERM_VIEW for p in self.args):
      self.__message = 'You cannot visit this domain.'
      self.__message = "You don't have the required permission ({0}) in this domain."
      if len(self.args) > 0 and self.args[0] in builtin.PERMS_BY_KEY:
        self.args = (builtin.PERMS_BY_KEY[self.args[0]].desc, self.args[0], *self.args[1:])

  def message(self):
    return self.__message

class PrivilegeError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    if any((p | builtin.PRIV_USER_PROFILE) == builtin.PRIV_USER_PROFILE for p in self.args):
      return "You're not logged in."
      return "You don't have the required privilege."

class CsrfTokenError(ForbiddenError):

class InvalidOperationError(ForbiddenError):

class AlreadyVotedError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return "You've already voted."

class UserNotFoundError(NotFoundError):
  def message(self):
    return 'User {0} not found.'

class InvalidTokenDigestError(ForbiddenError):

class CurrentPasswordError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return "Current password doesn't match."

class DiscussionCategoryAlreadyExistError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Discussion category {1} already exists.'

class DiscussionCategoryNotFoundError(NotFoundError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Discussion category {1} not found.'

class DiscussionNodeAlreadyExistError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Discussion node {1} already exists.'

class DiscussionNodeNotFoundError(NotFoundError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Discussion node {1} not found.'

class DiscussionNotFoundError(DocumentNotFoundError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Discussion {1} not found.'

class MessageNotFoundError(NotFoundError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Message {0} not found.'

class DomainNotFoundError(NotFoundError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Domain {0} not found.'

class DomainAlreadyExistError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Domain {0} already exists.'

class DomainJoinForbiddenError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'You are not allowed to join the domain. The link is either invalid or expired.'

class DomainJoinAlreadyMemberError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Failed to join the domain. You are already a member.'

class InvalidJoinInvitationCodeError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'The invitation code you provided is invalid.'

class ContestAlreadyAttendedError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return "You've already attended this contest."

class ContestNotAttendedError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return "You haven't attended this contest yet."

class ContestScoreboardHiddenError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Contest scoreboard is not visible.'

class ContestNotLiveError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'This contest is not live.'

class HomeworkScoreboardHiddenError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Homework scoreboard is not visible.'

class HomeworkNotLiveError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'This homework is not open.'

class HomeworkAlreadyAttendedError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return "You've already claimed this homework."

class HomeworkNotAttendedError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return "You haven't claimed this homework yet."

class ProblemNotFoundError(DocumentNotFoundError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Problem {1} not found.'

class TrainingRequirementNotSatisfiedError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Training requirement is not satisfied.'

class TrainingAlreadyEnrollError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return "You've already enrolled this training."

class RecordNotFoundError(NotFoundError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Record {0} not found.'

class OpcountExceededError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Too frequent operations of {0} (limit: {2} operations in {1} seconds).'

class UsageExceededError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Usage exceeded.'

class DomainRoleAlreadyExistError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Role {1} already exists in domain {0}.'

class ModifyBuiltinRoleError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Built-in roles cannot be modified.'

class UserAlreadyDomainMemberError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'The user is already a member of the domain.'

class InvalidArgumentError(BadRequestError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Argument {0} is invalid.'

class NoProblemError(NotFoundError):
  def message(self):
    return 'No problem.'

class BatchCopyLimitExceededError(ForbiddenError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Only {0} problems can be copied in one request, got {1}.'

class UpgradeLockAcquireError(Error):
  def message(self):
    return 'Failed to acquire the upgrade lock. There may be another ongoing upgrade process, or a previous process is exited unexpectedly.'

class UpgradeLockReleaseError(Error):
  def message(self):
    return 'Failed to release the upgrade lock. The database is malformed during the upgrade.'

class DatabaseVersionMismatchError(Error):
  def message(self):
    return 'Database version mismatch, got {0}, expect {1}. You need to invoke database upgrades.'

class SendMailError(UserFacingError):
  def message(self):
    return 'Failed to send mail to {0}.'