

2 days
Test Coverage
import asyncio
import collections
import datetime
import functools
import itertools

from bson import objectid
from pymongo import errors

from vj4 import constant
from vj4 import error
from vj4.model import builtin
from vj4.model import document
from vj4.model import user
from vj4.model import domain
from vj4.model.adaptor import problem
from vj4.util import argmethod
from vj4.util import misc
from vj4.util import rank
from vj4.util import validator

journal_key_func = lambda j: j['rid']

Rule = collections.namedtuple('Rule', ['show_record_func',

def _oi_stat(tdoc, journal):
  detail = list(dict((j['pid'], j) for j in journal if j['pid'] in tdoc['pids']).values())
  return {'score': sum(d['score'] for d in detail), 'detail': detail}

def _acm_stat(tdoc, journal):
  naccept = collections.defaultdict(int)
  effective = {}
  for j in journal:
    if j['pid'] in tdoc['pids'] and not (j['pid'] in effective and effective[j['pid']]['accept']):
      effective[j['pid']] = j
      if not j['accept']:
        naccept[j['pid']] += 1

  def time(jdoc):
    real = jdoc['rid'].generation_time.replace(tzinfo=None) - tdoc['begin_at']
    penalty = datetime.timedelta(minutes=20) * naccept[jdoc['pid']]
    return (real + penalty).total_seconds()

  detail = [{**j, 'naccept': naccept[j['pid']], 'time': time(j)} for j in effective.values()]
  return {'accept': sum(int(d['accept']) for d in detail),
          'time': sum(d['time'] for d in detail if d['accept']),
          'detail': detail}

def _assignment_stat(tdoc, journal):
  effective = {}
  for j in journal:
    if j['pid'] in tdoc['pids'] and not (j['pid'] in effective and effective[j['pid']]['accept']):
      effective[j['pid']] = j

  def time(jdoc):
    real = jdoc['rid'].generation_time.replace(tzinfo=None) - tdoc['begin_at']
    return real.total_seconds()

  def penalty_score(jdoc):
    score = jdoc['score']
    exceed_seconds = (jdoc['rid'].generation_time.replace(tzinfo=None) - tdoc['penalty_since']).total_seconds()
    if exceed_seconds < 0:
      return score
    coefficient = 1
    for p_time, p_coefficient in sorted(tdoc['penalty_rules'].items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0])):
      if int(p_time) <= exceed_seconds:
        coefficient = p_coefficient
    return score * coefficient

  detail = [{**j, 'penalty_score': penalty_score(j), 'time': time(j)} for j in effective.values()]
  return {'score': sum(d['score'] for d in detail),
          'penalty_score': sum(d['penalty_score'] for d in detail),
          'time': sum(d['time'] for d in detail),
          'detail': detail}

def _oi_equ_func(a, b):
  return a.get('score', 0) == b.get('score', 0)

def _oi_scoreboard(is_export, _, tdoc, ranked_tsdocs, udict, dudict, pdict):
  columns = []
  columns.append({'type': 'rank', 'value': _('Rank')})
  columns.append({'type': 'user', 'value': _('User')})
  columns.append({'type': 'display_name', 'value': _('Display Name')})
  columns.append({'type': 'total_score', 'value': _('Total Score')})
  for index, pid in enumerate(tdoc['pids']):
    if is_export:
      columns.append({'type': 'problem_score',
                      'value': '#{0} {1}'.format(index + 1, pdict[pid]['title'])})
      columns.append({'type': 'problem_detail',
                      'value': '#{0}'.format(index + 1), 'raw': pdict[pid]})
  rows = [columns]
  for rank, tsdoc in ranked_tsdocs:
    if 'detail' in tsdoc:
      tsddict = {item['pid']: item for item in tsdoc['detail']}
      tsddict = {}
    row = []
    row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': rank})
    row.append({'type': 'user', 'value': udict[tsdoc['uid']]['uname'],
                'raw': udict[tsdoc['uid']]})
    row.append({'type': 'display_name',
                'value': dudict.get(tsdoc['uid'], {}).get('display_name', '')})
    row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': tsdoc.get('score', 0)})
    for pid in tdoc['pids']:
      row.append({'type': 'record',
                  'value': tsddict.get(pid, {}).get('score', '-'),
                  'raw': tsddict.get(pid, {}).get('rid', None)})
  return rows

def _acm_scoreboard(is_export, _, tdoc, ranked_tsdocs, udict, dudict, pdict):
  columns = []
  columns.append({'type': 'rank', 'value': _('Rank')})
  columns.append({'type': 'user', 'value': _('User')})
  columns.append({'type': 'display_name', 'value': _('Display Name')})
  columns.append({'type': 'solved_problems', 'value': _('Solved Problems')})
  if is_export:
    columns.append({'type': 'total_time', 'value': _('Total Time (Seconds)')})
    columns.append({'type': 'total_time_str', 'value': _('Total Time')})
  for index, pid in enumerate(tdoc['pids']):
    if is_export:
      columns.append({'type': 'problem_flag',
                      'value': '#{0} {1}'.format(index + 1, pdict[pid]['title'])})
      columns.append({'type': 'problem_time',
                      'value': '#{0} {1}'.format(index + 1, _('Time (Seconds)'))})
      columns.append({'type': 'problem_time_str',
                      'value': '#{0} {1}'.format(index + 1, _('Time'))})
      columns.append({'type': 'problem_detail',
                      'value': '#{0}'.format(index + 1), 'raw': pdict[pid]})
  rows = [columns]
  for rank, tsdoc in ranked_tsdocs:
    if 'detail' in tsdoc:
      tsddict = {item['pid']: item for item in tsdoc['detail']}
      tsddict = {}
    row = []
    row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': rank})
    row.append({'type': 'user', 'value': udict[tsdoc['uid']]['uname'],
                'raw': udict[tsdoc['uid']]})
    row.append({'type': 'display_name',
                'value': dudict.get(tsdoc['uid'], {}).get('display_name', '')})
    row.append({'type': 'string',
                'value': tsdoc.get('accept', 0)})
    if is_export:
      row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': tsdoc.get('time', 0.0)})
      row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': misc.format_seconds(tsdoc.get('time', 0.0))})
    for pid in tdoc['pids']:
      if tsddict.get(pid, {}).get('accept', False):
        rdoc = tsddict[pid]['rid']
        col_accepted = _('Accepted')
        col_time = tsddict[pid]['time']
        col_time_str = misc.format_seconds(col_time)
        rdoc = None
        col_accepted = '-'
        col_time = '-'
        col_time_str = '-'
      if is_export:
        row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': col_accepted})
        row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': col_time})
        row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': col_time_str})
        row.append({'type': 'record',
                    'value': '{0}\n{1}'.format(col_accepted, col_time_str), 'raw': rdoc})
  return rows

def _assignment_scoreboard(is_export, _, tdoc, ranked_tsdocs, udict, dudict, pdict):
  columns = []
  columns.append({'type': 'rank', 'value': _('Rank')})
  columns.append({'type': 'user', 'value': _('User')})
  columns.append({'type': 'display_name', 'value': _('Display Name')})
  columns.append({'type': 'total_score', 'value': _('Score')})
  if is_export:
    columns.append({'type': 'total_original_score', 'value': _('Original Score')})
    columns.append({'type': 'total_time', 'value': _('Total Time (Seconds)')})
  columns.append({'type': 'total_time_str', 'value': _('Total Time')})
  for index, pid in enumerate(tdoc['pids']):
    if is_export:
      columns.append({'type': 'problem_score',
                      'value': '#{0} {1}'.format(index + 1, pdict[pid]['title'])})
      columns.append({'type': 'problem_original_score',
                      'value': '#{0} {1}'.format(index + 1, _('Original Score'))})
      columns.append({'type': 'problem_time',
                      'value': '#{0} {1}'.format(index + 1, _('Time (Seconds)'))})
      columns.append({'type': 'problem_time_str',
                      'value': '#{0} {1}'.format(index + 1, _('Time'))})
      columns.append({'type': 'problem_detail',
                      'value': '#{0}'.format(index + 1), 'raw': pdict[pid]})
  rows = [columns]
  for rank, tsdoc in ranked_tsdocs:
    if 'detail' in tsdoc:
      tsddict = {item['pid']: item for item in tsdoc['detail']}
      tsddict = {}
    row = []
    row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': rank})
    row.append({'type': 'user', 'value': udict[tsdoc['uid']]['uname'],
                'raw': udict[tsdoc['uid']]})
    row.append({'type': 'display_name',
                'value': dudict.get(tsdoc['uid'], {}).get('display_name', '')})
    row.append({'type': 'string',
                'value': tsdoc.get('penalty_score', 0)})
    if is_export:
      row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': tsdoc.get('score', 0)})
      row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': tsdoc.get('time', 0.0)})
    row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': misc.format_seconds(tsdoc.get('time', 0))})
    for pid in tdoc['pids']:
      rdoc = tsddict.get(pid, {}).get('rid', None)
      col_score = tsddict.get(pid, {}).get('penalty_score', '-')
      col_original_score = tsddict.get(pid, {}).get('score', '-')
      col_time = tsddict.get(pid, {}).get('time', '-')
      col_time_str = misc.format_seconds(col_time) if col_time != '-' else '-'
      if is_export:
        row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': col_score})
        row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': col_original_score})
        row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': col_time})
        row.append({'type': 'string', 'value': col_time_str})
        row.append({'type': 'record',
                    'value': '{0} / {1}\n{2}'.format(col_score, col_original_score, col_time_str),
                    'raw': rdoc})
  return rows

  constant.contest.RULE_OI: Rule(lambda tdoc, now: now > tdoc['end_at'],
                                 lambda tdoc, now: now > tdoc['end_at'],
                                 [('score', -1)],
                                 functools.partial(rank.ranked, equ_func=_oi_equ_func),
  constant.contest.RULE_ACM: Rule(lambda tdoc, now: now >= tdoc['begin_at'],
                                  lambda tdoc, now: now >= tdoc['begin_at'],
                                  [('accept', -1), ('time', 1)],
                                  functools.partial(enumerate, start=1),
  constant.contest.RULE_ASSIGNMENT: Rule(lambda tdoc, now: now >= tdoc['begin_at'],
                                         lambda tdoc, now: False,  # TODO: show scoreboard according to assignment preference
                                         [('penalty_score', -1), ('time', 1)],
                                         functools.partial(enumerate, start=1),

async def add(domain_id: str, doc_type: int,
              title: str, content: str, owner_uid: int, rule: int,
              begin_at: lambda i: datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(i)),
              end_at: lambda i: datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(i)),
              pids=[], **kwargs):
  if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
    raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')

  if doc_type == document.TYPE_CONTEST:
    if rule not in constant.contest.CONTEST_RULES:
      raise error.ValidationError('rule')
  elif doc_type == document.TYPE_HOMEWORK:
    if rule not in constant.contest.HOMEWORK_RULES:
      raise error.ValidationError('rule')

  if begin_at >= end_at:
    raise error.ValidationError('begin_at', 'end_at')

  if doc_type == document.TYPE_HOMEWORK:
    if 'penalty_since' not in kwargs:
      raise error.ValidationError('penalty_since')
    if kwargs['penalty_since'] < begin_at:
      raise error.ValidationError('penalty_since', 'begin_at')
    if kwargs['penalty_since'] > end_at:
      raise error.ValidationError('penalty_since', 'end_at')
  # TODO(twd2): should we check problem existance here?
  return await document.add(domain_id, content, owner_uid, doc_type,
                            title=title, rule=rule,
                            begin_at=begin_at, end_at=end_at, pids=pids, attend=0,

async def get(domain_id: str, doc_type: int, tid: objectid.ObjectId):
  if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
    raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
  tdoc = await document.get(domain_id, doc_type, tid)
  if not tdoc:
    raise error.DocumentNotFoundError(domain_id, doc_type, tid)
  return tdoc

async def edit(domain_id: str, doc_type: int, tid: objectid.ObjectId, **kwargs):
  if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
    raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
  if 'title' in kwargs:
  if 'content' in kwargs:
  if 'rule' in kwargs:
    if doc_type == document.TYPE_CONTEST:
      if kwargs['rule'] not in constant.contest.CONTEST_RULES:
        raise error.ValidationError('rule')
    elif doc_type == document.TYPE_HOMEWORK:
      if kwargs['rule'] not in constant.contest.HOMEWORK_RULES:
        raise error.ValidationError('rule')
  if 'begin_at' in kwargs and 'end_at' in kwargs:
    if kwargs['begin_at'] >= kwargs['end_at']:
      raise error.ValidationError('begin_at', 'end_at')
  if 'penalty_since' in kwargs:
    if 'begin_at' in kwargs and kwargs['penalty_since'] < kwargs['begin_at']:
      raise error.ValidationError('penalty_since', 'begin_at')
    if 'end_at' in kwargs and kwargs['penalty_since'] > kwargs['end_at']:
      raise error.ValidationError('penalty_since', 'end_at')
  return await document.set(domain_id, doc_type, tid, **kwargs)

def get_multi(domain_id: str, doc_type: int, fields=None, **kwargs):
  # TODO(twd2): projection.
  if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
    raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
  return document.get_multi(domain_id=domain_id,
                            **kwargs) \
                 .sort([('doc_id', -1)])

async def attend(domain_id: str, doc_type: int, tid: objectid.ObjectId, uid: int):
  # TODO(iceboy): check time.
  if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
    raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
    await document.capped_inc_status(domain_id, doc_type, tid,
                                     uid, 'attend', 1, 0, 1)
  except errors.DuplicateKeyError:
    if doc_type == document.TYPE_CONTEST:
      raise error.ContestAlreadyAttendedError(domain_id, tid, uid) from None
    elif doc_type == document.TYPE_HOMEWORK:
      raise error.HomeworkAlreadyAttendedError(domain_id, tid, uid) from None
  return await document.inc(domain_id, doc_type, tid, 'attend', 1)

async def get_status(domain_id: str, doc_type: int, tid: objectid.ObjectId, uid: int, fields=None):
  if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
    raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
  return await document.get_status(domain_id, doc_type, doc_id=tid,
                                   uid=uid, fields=fields)

def get_multi_status(doc_type: int, *, fields=None, **kwargs):
  if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
    raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
  return document.get_multi_status(doc_type=doc_type,
                                   fields=fields, **kwargs)

async def get_dict_status(domain_id, uid, doc_type, tids, *, fields=None):
  if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
    raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
  result = dict()
  async for tsdoc in get_multi_status(domain_id=domain_id,
                                      doc_id={'$in': list(set(tids))},
    result[tsdoc['doc_id']] = tsdoc
  return result

async def get_and_list_status(domain_id: str, doc_type: int, tid: objectid.ObjectId, fields=None):
  # TODO(iceboy): projection, pagination.
  if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
    raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
  tdoc = await get(domain_id, doc_type, tid)
  tsdocs = await document.get_multi_status(domain_id=domain_id,
                                           fields=fields) \
                         .sort(RULES[tdoc['rule']].status_sort) \
  return tdoc, tsdocs

def _get_status_journal(tsdoc):
  # Sort and uniquify journal of the contest status document, by rid.
  return [list(g)[-1] for _, g in itertools.groupby(sorted(tsdoc['journal'], key=journal_key_func),

async def update_status(domain_id: str, doc_type: int, tid: objectid.ObjectId, uid: int,
                        rid: objectid.ObjectId, pid: document.convert_doc_id,
                        accept: bool, score: int):
  """This method returns None when the modification has been superseded by a parallel operation."""
  if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
    raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
  tdoc = await document.get(domain_id, doc_type, tid)
  tsdoc = await document.rev_push_status(
    domain_id, tdoc['doc_type'], tdoc['doc_id'], uid,
    'journal', {'rid': rid, 'pid': pid, 'accept': accept, 'score': score})
  if 'attend' not in tsdoc or not tsdoc['attend']:
    if tdoc['doc_type'] == document.TYPE_CONTEST:
      raise error.ContestNotAttendedError(domain_id, tid, uid)
    elif tdoc['doc_type'] == document.TYPE_HOMEWORK:
      raise error.HomeworkNotAttendedError(domain_id, tid, uid)
      raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')

  journal = _get_status_journal(tsdoc)
  stats = RULES[tdoc['rule']].stat_func(tdoc, journal)
  tsdoc = await document.rev_set_status(domain_id, tdoc['doc_type'], tid, uid, tsdoc['rev'],
                                        journal=journal, **stats)
  return tsdoc

async def recalc_status(domain_id: str, doc_type: int, tid: objectid.ObjectId):
  if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
    raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
  tdoc = await document.get(domain_id, doc_type, tid)
  async with document.get_multi_status(domain_id=domain_id,
                                       doc_id=tdoc['doc_id']) as tsdocs:
    async for tsdoc in tsdocs:
      if 'journal' not in tsdoc or not tsdoc['journal']:
      journal = _get_status_journal(tsdoc)
      stats = RULES[tdoc['rule']].stat_func(tdoc, journal)
      await document.rev_set_status(domain_id, doc_type, tid, tsdoc['uid'], tsdoc['rev'],
                                    return_doc=False, journal=journal, **stats)

def _parse_pids(pids_str):
  pids = misc.dedupe(map(document.convert_doc_id, pids_str.split(',')))
  return pids

def _format_pids(pids_list):
  return ','.join([str(pid) for pid in pids_list])

class ContestStatusMixin(object):
  def now(self):
    # TODO(iceboy): This does not work on multi-machine environment.
    return datetime.datetime.utcnow()

  def is_new(self, tdoc):
    ready_at = tdoc['begin_at'] - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    return self.now < ready_at

  def is_upcoming(self, tdoc):
    ready_at = tdoc['begin_at'] - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    return ready_at <= self.now < tdoc['begin_at']

  def is_not_started(self, tdoc):
    return self.now < tdoc['begin_at']

  def is_ongoing(self, tdoc):
    return tdoc['begin_at'] <= self.now < tdoc['end_at']

  def is_done(self, tdoc):
    return tdoc['end_at'] <= self.now

  def is_homework_extended(self, tdoc):
    return tdoc['penalty_since'] <= self.now < tdoc['end_at']

  def status_text(self, tdoc):
    if self.is_new(tdoc):
      return 'New'
    elif self.is_upcoming(tdoc):
      return 'Ready (☆▽☆)'
    elif self.is_ongoing(tdoc):
      return 'Live...'
      return 'Done'

  def get_status(self, tdoc):
    if self.is_not_started(tdoc):
      return 'not_started'
    elif self.is_ongoing(tdoc):
      return 'ongoing'
      return 'finished'

class ContestVisibilityMixin(object):
  def can_view_hidden_scoreboard(self, tdoc):
    if self.domain_id != tdoc['domain_id']:
      return False
    if tdoc['doc_type'] == document.TYPE_CONTEST:
      return self.has_perm(builtin.PERM_VIEW_CONTEST_HIDDEN_SCOREBOARD)
    elif tdoc['doc_type'] == document.TYPE_HOMEWORK:
      return self.has_perm(builtin.PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK_HIDDEN_SCOREBOARD)
      return False

  def can_show_record(self, tdoc, allow_perm_override=True):
    if RULES[tdoc['rule']].show_record_func(tdoc, datetime.datetime.utcnow()):
      return True
    if allow_perm_override and self.can_view_hidden_scoreboard(tdoc):
      return True
    return False

  def can_show_scoreboard(self, tdoc, allow_perm_override=True):
    if RULES[tdoc['rule']].show_scoreboard_func(tdoc, datetime.datetime.utcnow()):
      return True
    if allow_perm_override and self.can_view_hidden_scoreboard(tdoc):
      return True
    return False

class ContestCommonOperationMixin(object):
  async def get_scoreboard(self, doc_type: int, tid: objectid.ObjectId, is_export: bool=False):
    if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
      raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
    tdoc, tsdocs = await get_and_list_status(self.domain_id, doc_type, tid)
    if not self.can_show_scoreboard(tdoc):
      if doc_type == document.TYPE_CONTEST:
        raise error.ContestScoreboardHiddenError(self.domain_id, tid)
      elif doc_type == document.TYPE_HOMEWORK:
        raise error.HomeworkScoreboardHiddenError(self.domain_id, tid)
    udict, dudict, pdict = await asyncio.gather(
        user.get_dict([tsdoc['uid'] for tsdoc in tsdocs]),
        domain.get_dict_user_by_uid(self.domain_id, [tsdoc['uid'] for tsdoc in tsdocs]),
        problem.get_dict(self.domain_id, tdoc['pids']))
    ranked_tsdocs = RULES[tdoc['rule']].rank_func(tsdocs)
    rows = RULES[tdoc['rule']].scoreboard_func(is_export, self.translate, tdoc,
                                                       ranked_tsdocs, udict, dudict, pdict)
    return tdoc, rows, udict

  async def verify_problems(self, pids):
    pdocs = await problem.get_multi(domain_id=self.domain_id, doc_id={'$in': pids},
                                    fields={'doc_id': 1}) \
                         .sort('doc_id', 1) \
    exist_pids = [pdoc['doc_id'] for pdoc in pdocs]
    if len(pids) != len(exist_pids):
      for pid in pids:
        if pid not in exist_pids:
          raise error.ProblemNotFoundError(self.domain_id, pid)
    return pids

  async def hide_problems(self, pids):
    await asyncio.gather(*[problem.set_hidden(self.domain_id, pid, True) for pid in pids])

class ContestMixin(ContestStatusMixin, ContestVisibilityMixin, ContestCommonOperationMixin):

if __name__ == '__main__':