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namespace VindiPaymentGateways;

use DateTime;
use WC_Order;
use Exception;
use WC_Product;
use WC_Order_Item_Product;
use WC_Subscriptions_Coupon;
use WC_Subscriptions_Product;

 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CouplingBetweenObjects)
class VindiPaymentProcessor
     * Order type is invalid.
    const ORDER_TYPE_INVALID = 0;

     * Order type is Subscription Payment.

     * Order type is Single Payment.
    const ORDER_TYPE_SINGLE = 2;

     * @var WC_Order
    private $order;

     * @var VindiPaymentGateway
    private $gateway;

     * @var VindiSettings
    private $vindi_settings;

     * @var VindiLogger
    private $logger;

     * @var VindiRoutes
    private $routes;

     * @var VindiControllers
    private $controllers;

    private $single_freight;

     * Payment Processor contructor.
     * @param WC_Order $order The order to be processed
     * @param VindiPaymentGateway $gateway Current payment gateway
     * @param VindiSettings $vindi_settings The VindiSettings instance
     * @param VindiControllers $controllers VindiControllers instance
    public function __construct(WC_Order $order, VindiPaymentGateway $gateway, VindiSettings $vindi_settings, VindiControllers $controllers)

        $this->order = $order;
        $this->gateway = $gateway;
        $this->vindi_settings = $vindi_settings;
        $this->logger = $vindi_settings->logger;
        $this->routes = $vindi_settings->routes;
        $this->controllers = $controllers;
        $this->single_freight = $this->vindi_settings->get_option('shipping_and_tax_config') == "yes" ? true : false;

     * Check if the order contains any subscription.
     * @return int Order type
    public function get_order_type()

        if (function_exists('wcs_order_contains_subscription') && wcs_order_contains_subscription($this->order, array('any'))) {
            return static::ORDER_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION;

        return static::ORDER_TYPE_SINGLE;

     * Find or create a customer within Vindi using the given credentials.
     * @return array Vindi customer array
    public function get_customer()
        $current_user = $this->order->get_user();
        $vindi_customer = [];

        if ($current_user->ID) {
            $vindi_customer = $this->controllers->customers->update($current_user->ID, $this->order);

        if (isset($vindi_customer['id']) && $this->is_cc()) {

        return $vindi_customer;

     *  Create payment profile for customer using bank slip
     * @param $customer_id Vindi customer id
     * @throws Exception
    public function create_payment_profile_bank_slip($customer_id)

        if ($this->is_bank_slip()) {
            $payment_info = $this->get_bank_slip_payment_type($customer_id);
            $payment_profile = $this->routes->createCustomerPaymentProfile($payment_info);

            if (!$payment_profile) {
                $this->abort(__('Falha ao registrar o método de pagamento. Verifique os dados e tente novamente.', VINDI), true);

            if ($this->gateway->verify_method()) {

     * Build the credit card payment type.
     * @param int $customer_id Vindi customer id
     * @return array
    public function get_cc_payment_type($customer_id)
        if ($this->gateway->verify_user_payment_profile()) {
            return false;

        return array(
            'customer_id' => $customer_id,
            'holder_name' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['vindi_cc_fullname']),
            'card_expiration' => filter_var($_POST['vindi_cc_monthexpiry'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT) . '/' . filter_var($_POST['vindi_cc_yearexpiry'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT),
            'card_number' => filter_var($_POST['vindi_cc_number'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT),
            'card_cvv' => filter_var($_POST['vindi_cc_cvc'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT),
            'payment_method_code' => $this->payment_method_code(),
            'payment_company_code' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['vindi_cc_paymentcompany']),

     * Build the bank slip payment type.
     * @param int $customer_id Vindi customer id
     * @return array
    public function get_bank_slip_payment_type($customer_id)
        return array(
            'customer_id' => $customer_id,
            'payment_method_code' => $this->payment_method_code(),

     * Check if payment method is "Credit Card"
     * @return bool
    public function is_cc()
        return 'cc' === $this->gateway->type();

     * Check if payment method is "Bank Slip"
     * @return bool
    public function is_bank_slip()

        return 'bank_slip' === $this->gateway->type();

     * Retrieve payment method code
     * @return string Vindi payment method code
    public function payment_method_code()
        switch ($this->gateway->type()) {
            case 'cc':
                $code = 'credit_card';
            case 'bolepix':
                $code = 'pix_bank_slip';
                $code = $this->gateway->type();

        return $code;

     * Interrupt the payment process and throw an error if needed.
     * Log the message, add it to the order note and send an alert to the user
     * @param string $message The error message
     * @param bool $throw_exception When true an exception is thrown
     * @return bool Always returns false
     * @throws Exception
    public function abort($message, $throw_exception = false)
        wc_add_notice($message, 'error');
        if ($throw_exception) {
            throw new Exception($message);

        return false;

     * Check if the order type is valid and process it.
     * @return array|void
     * @throws Exception
    public function process()

        switch ($orderType = $this->get_order_type()) {
            case static::ORDER_TYPE_SINGLE:
            case static::ORDER_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION:

                return $this->process_order();
            case static::ORDER_TYPE_INVALID:

                return $this->abort(__('Falha ao processar carrinho de compras. Verifique os itens escolhidos e tente novamente.', VINDI), true);

     * Process current order.
     * @return array
     * @throws Exception
    public function process_order()
        $customer = $this->get_customer();
        $order_items = $this->order->get_items();

        $bills = [];
        $order_post_meta = [];
        $bill_products = [];
        $subscription_products = [];
        $subscriptions_ids = [];
        $wc_subscriptions_ids = [];
        $subscriptions_grouped_by_period = array();

        foreach ($order_items as $order_item) {
            $product = $order_item->get_product();

            if ($this->is_subscription_type($product)) {
                $product_id = $product->get_id();

                if ($this->is_variable($product)) {
                    $product_id = $order_item['variation_id'];

                $period = get_post_meta($product_id, '_subscription_period', true);
                $interval = get_post_meta($product_id, '_subscription_period_interval', true);
                $subscriptions_grouped_by_period[$period . $interval][] = $order_item;
                array_push($subscription_products, $order_item);
            array_push($bill_products, $order_item);


        foreach ($subscription_products as $subscription_order_item) {
            if (empty($subscription_order_item))

            try {
                $subscription = $this->create_subscription($customer['id'], $subscription_order_item);
                $subscription_id = $subscription['id'];
                $wc_subscription_id = $subscription['wc_id'];

                array_push($subscriptions_ids, $subscription_id);
                array_push($wc_subscriptions_ids, $wc_subscription_id);

                $subscription_bill = $subscription['bill'];
                $order_post_meta[$subscription_id]['cycle'] = $subscription['current_period']['cycle'];
                $order_post_meta[$subscription_id]['product'] = $subscription_order_item->get_product()->get_name();
                $order_post_meta[$subscription_id]['bill'] = $this->create_bill_meta_for_order($subscription_bill);

                $bills[] = $subscription['bill'];
                $message = $this->cancel_if_denied_bill_status($subscription['bill']);
                if ($message) {
                    throw new Exception($message);

                update_post_meta($wc_subscription_id, 'vindi_subscription_id', $subscription_id);
            } catch (Exception $err) {
                $message = $err->getMessage();
                $this->cancel_subscriptions_and_order($wc_subscriptions_ids, $subscriptions_ids, $message);

        if (!empty($bill_products)) {
            try {
                $single_payment_bill = $this->create_bill($customer['id'], $bill_products);
                $order_post_meta['single_payment']['product'] = 'Produtos Avulsos';
                $order_post_meta['single_payment']['bill'] = $this->create_bill_meta_for_order($single_payment_bill);
                $bills[] = $single_payment_bill;
                $message = $this->cancel_if_denied_bill_status($single_payment_bill);
                if ($message) {
                    $this->order->update_status('cancelled', __($message, VINDI));

                    if ($subscriptions_ids) {

                    $this->cancel_bills($bills, __('Algum pagamento do pedido não pode ser processado', VINDI));
                    $this->abort(__($message, VINDI), true);
            } catch (Exception $err) {
                $this->logger->log(sprintf('Deu erro na criação da conta %s', $single_payment_bill));
                $this->abort(__('Não foi possível criar o pedido.', VINDI), true);

        $this->order->update_meta_data('vindi_order', $order_post_meta);
        remove_action('woocommerce_scheduled_subscription_payment', 'WC_Subscriptions_Manager::prepare_renewal');

        return $this->finish_payment($bills);

    private function check_trial_and_single_product()
        if ($this->order_has_trial_and_simple_product()) {
            $message = __('Não é possível comprar produtos simples e assinaturas com trial no mesmo pedido!', VINDI);
            $this->order->update_status('failed', $message);
            wc_add_notice($message, 'error');

            throw new Exception($message);

    private function check_multiple_subscriptions_of_same_period($subscriptions_grouped_by_period)
        foreach ($subscriptions_grouped_by_period as $subscription_group) {
            if (count($subscription_group) > 1) {
                $msg = 'Não é permitido criar um único pedido com múltiplas assinaturas de mesma periodicidade';
                $this->abort(__($msg, VINDI), true);

     * Create a payment profile for the customer
     * @param int $customer_id Vindi customer id
     * @throws Exception
    protected function create_payment_profile($customer_id)

        $cc_info = $this->get_cc_payment_type($customer_id);

        if (false === $cc_info) {

        $payment_profile = $this->routes->createCustomerPaymentProfile($cc_info);

        if (!$payment_profile) {
            $this->abort(__('Falha ao registrar o método de pagamento. Verifique os dados e tente novamente.', VINDI), true);

        if ($this->gateway->verify_method()) {

     * Check if the payment profile is valid
     * @param int $payment_profile_id The customer's payment profile id
     * @throws Exception
    protected function verify_payment_profile($payment_profile_id)

        if (!$this->routes->verifyCustomerPaymentProfile($payment_profile_id)) {
            $this->abort(__('Não foi possível realizar a verificação do seu cartão de crédito!', VINDI), true);

     * Get the subscription/product expiration time in months
     * @param WC_Order_Item_Product $item
     * @return int
    private function get_cycle_from_product_type($item)
        $cycles = null;
        $product = is_object($item) && method_exists($item, 'get_product') ? $item->get_product() : false;

        if ($item['type'] == 'sign_up_fee') {
            return 1;

        if ($item['type'] == 'shipping' || $item['type'] == 'tax') {
            if ($this->vindi_settings->get_shipping_and_tax_config()) {
                return 1;
            return $this->single_freight ? 1 : null;
        } elseif (!$product || !$this->is_subscription_type($product)) {
            return 1;

        if ($product) {
            $cycles = (int) get_post_meta($product->get_id(), '_subscription_length', true);
        return $cycles > 0 ? $cycles : null;

     * Check if the product needs to be shipped only once
     * @param WC_Product $product Woocommerce product
     * @return bool
    private function is_one_time_shipping($product)
        return get_post_meta($product->get_id(), '_subscription_one_time_shipping', true) == 'yes';

     * Build the array of product(s), shipping, tax and discounts to send to Vindi
     * @param string $order_type Order type. Possible values 'bill' and 'subscription', defaults to 'bill'
     * @param WC_Order_Item_Product|WC_Order_Item_Product[] $product The product to be built. If the order type is 'bill' this will be an array of WC_Order_Item_Product,
     * if it's 'subscription' it will be a single WC_Order_Item_Product.
     * @return array
     * @throws Exception
    public function build_product_items($product, $order_type = 'bill')

        if (!$product) {
            $this->abort(__("Ocorreu um erro ao gerar o seu pedido!", VINDI), true);

        $call_build_items = $this->get_call_build_items_method($order_type);

        $product_items = [];
        $order_items = [];
        $order_items = $this->add_additional_items($order_items, $order_type, $product);

        $product_items = $this->build_items($order_items, $call_build_items);

        if (empty($product_items)) {
            return $this->abort(__('Falha ao recuperar informações sobre o produto na Vindi. Verifique os dados e tente novamente.', VINDI), true);

        $new_item = $this->calculate_discount($product_items);
        return $new_item;

    protected function get_call_build_items_method($order_type)
        $call_build_items = "build_product_items_for_{$order_type}";

        if (false === method_exists($this, $call_build_items)) {
            $this->abort(__("Ocorreu um erro ao gerar o seu pedido!", VINDI), true);

        return $call_build_items;

    protected function add_additional_items($order_items, $order_type, $product)
        $order_items = [];

        if ('bill' === $order_type) {
            $order_items = $this->build_product_from_order_item($order_type, $product);
        } else {
            $order_items[] = $this->build_product_from_order_item($order_type, $product);

        $order_items[] = $this->build_shipping_item($order_items);
        $order_items[] = $this->build_tax_item($order_items);
        $order_items[] = $this->build_sign_up_fee_item($order_items);

        if ('bill' === $order_type) {
            $order_items[] = $this->build_discount_item_for_bill($order_items);

        $order_items[] = $this->build_interest_rate_item($order_items);
        return $order_items;

    protected function build_items($order_items, $call_build_items)
        $product_items = [];

        foreach ($order_items as $order_item) {
            if (!empty($order_item)) {
                $newProduct = $this->$call_build_items($order_item);
                $product_items[] = $newProduct;

        return $product_items;

    protected function calculate_discount($order_items)
        $new_order_items = [];
        $remainder = 0;
        $item = $this->routes->findOrCreateProduct("[WC] Taxa de adesão", "WC-SUF");
        $taxa_id = array(
            'vindi_id' => $item['id']

        foreach ($order_items as $order_item) {
            $new_order_item = $order_item;
            $total_discount = 0;

            $full_price = $this->calculate_full_price($order_item);
            $remainder = $this->apply_discount($order_item, $full_price, $remainder);

            if ($order_item['product_id'] === $taxa_id['vindi_id']) {
                $total_discount = $this->validate_discount_percentage_sign_up_fee($order_item);
                $remainder = $this->apply_remainder($remainder, $full_price, $new_order_item);

            if ($total_discount > 0) {
                $new_order_item['discounts'][] = array(
                    'discount_type' => 'amount',
                    'amount' => $total_discount,
                    'cycles' => 1

            $new_order_items[] = $new_order_item;

        return $new_order_items;

    protected function validate_discount_percentage_sign_up_fee($order_item)
        $coupons = array_values($this->vindi_settings->woocommerce->cart->get_coupons());
        $total_discount = 0;

        foreach ($coupons as $coupon) {
            $discount_type = $coupon->get_discount_type();
            if ($discount_type === 'percent') {
                $discount_amount = $coupon->get_amount();
                $price = $order_item['pricing_schema']['price'];
                $quantity = $order_item['quantity'];
                $discount = abs(($price * $quantity)) * $discount_amount / 100;
                $total_discount += $discount;
        return $total_discount;

    protected function calculate_full_price($order_item)
        $price = isset($order_item['pricing_schema']['price']) ? abs($order_item['pricing_schema']['price']) : 0;
        $quantity = isset($order_item['quantity']) ? $order_item['quantity'] : 1;
        $total_price = $price * $quantity;
        return $total_price;

    protected function apply_discount($order_item, $full_price, $remainder)
        if (isset($order_item['discounts'])) {
            $discountTotal = array_reduce($order_item['discounts'], function ($total, $discount) {
                if (isset($discount['amount'])) {
                    return $total + $discount['amount'];
                return $total;
            }, 0);
            if ($discountTotal > $full_price) {
                $remainder = $discountTotal - $full_price;
        return $remainder;

    protected function apply_remainder($remainder, $full_price, &$new_order_item)
        if ($remainder > 0) {
            $amount_to_apply = min($remainder, $full_price);
            $new_order_item['discounts'][] = array(
                'discount_type' => 'amount',
                'amount' => $amount_to_apply,
                'cycles' => 1
            $remainder -= $amount_to_apply;
        return $remainder;

     * Retrives the product(s) information. Adds the vindi_id, the type and the price to it.
     * @param string $order_type ('subscription' or 'bill')
     * @param WC_Order_Item_Product|WC_Order_Item_Product[] $order_items. Subscriptions will pass only one order_item and
     * Bills will pass an array with all the products to be processed
     * @return array
    protected function build_product_from_order_item($order_type, $order_items)
        if ('bill' === $order_type) {
            $order_items = $this->build_product_from_order_item_bill($order_items);
            return $order_items;

        $product = $order_items->get_product();
        $order_items['type'] = 'product';
        $product_id = $product->get_id();

        if ($this->is_variable($product)) {
            $product_id = $order_items['variation_id'];

        $get_vindi = $this->get_vindi_code($product_id);
        $order_items['vindi_id'] = $get_vindi ? $get_vindi : $product->vindi_id;
        if ($this->subscription_has_trial($product)) {
            $matching_item = $this->get_trial_matching_subscription_item($order_items);
            $order_items['price'] = (float) $matching_item['subtotal'] / $matching_item['qty'];
        } else {
            $order_items['price'] = (float) $order_items['subtotal'] / $order_items['qty'];
        return $order_items;

    protected function build_product_from_order_item_bill($order_items)
        foreach ($order_items as $key => $order_item) {
            $product = $order_item->get_product();
            $order_items[$key]['type'] = 'product';
            $product_id = $product->get_id();
            if ($this->is_variable($product)) {
                $product_id = $order_item['product_id'];
            $vindi_id = get_post_meta($product_id, 'vindi_product_id', true);
            if (!$vindi_id) {
                $vindi_id = $this->routes->findProductByCode('WC-' . $product_id)['id'];
            $order_items[$key]['vindi_id'] = $vindi_id;
            $order_items[$key]['price'] = (float) $order_items[$key]['subtotal'] / $order_items[$key]['qty'];
        return $order_items;

     * Create the sign-up fee item to be added to the bill.
     * @param WC_Order_Item_Product[] $order_items. Array with all items to add
     * the respective delivered value
     * @return array
    protected function build_sign_up_fee_item($order_items)
        foreach ($order_items as $order_item) {
            if (!is_object($order_item) || !method_exists($order_item, 'get_product')) {

            $product = $order_item->get_product();

            $sign_up_fee = $product->get_meta('_subscription_sign_up_fee');

            if ($sign_up_fee != null && $sign_up_fee > 0) {

                $item = $this->routes->findOrCreateProduct("[WC] Taxa de adesão", "WC-SUF");

                $sign_up_fee_item = array(
                    'type' => 'sign_up_fee',
                    'vindi_id' => $item['id'],
                    'price' => (float) $sign_up_fee,
                    'qty' => $order_item['quantity'],

                $order_item['price'] -= $sign_up_fee;

                return $sign_up_fee_item;

     * Create the shipping item to be added to the bill.
     * @param WC_Order_Item_Product[] $order_items. Array with all items to add
     * the respective delivered value // TODO.
     * @return array
    protected function build_interest_rate_item($order_items)
        $interest_rate_item = [];

        if (!($this->is_cc() && $this->installments() > 1 && $this->gateway->is_interest_rate_enabled())) {
            return $interest_rate_item;

        $interest_rate = $this->gateway->get_interest_rate();
        $installments = $this->installments();
        $cart = WC()->cart;
        $cart_total = $cart->total;
        foreach ($cart->get_fees() as $index => $fee) {
            if ($fee->name == __('Juros', VINDI)) {
                $cart_total -= $fee->amount;
        $total_price = $cart_total * (1 + (($interest_rate / 100) * ($installments - 1)));
        $interest_price = (float) $total_price - $cart_total;

        $item = $this->routes->findOrCreateProduct("Juros", 'wc-interest-rate');
        $interest_rate_item = array(
            'type' => 'interest_rate',
            'vindi_id' => $item['id'],
            'price' => $interest_price,
            'qty' => 1,
        return $interest_rate_item;

     * Create the shipping item to be added to the bill.
     * @param WC_Order_Item_Product[] $order_items. Array with all items to add
     * the respective delivered value // TODO.
     * @return array
    protected function build_shipping_item($order_items)
        $shipping_item = [];
        $shipping_method = $this->order->get_shipping_method();
        $get_total_shipping = $this->order->get_shipping_total();

        if (empty($shipping_method)) {
            return $shipping_item;

        foreach ($order_items as $order_item) {
            $wc_subscription = VindiHelpers::get_matching_subscription($this->order, $order_item);
            $product = $order_item->get_product();

            $one_time_shipping = $this->is_one_time_shipping($product) && $this->single_freight ? true : false;

            if ($this->is_subscription_type($product) && !$one_time_shipping) {
                $shipping_method = $wc_subscription->get_shipping_method();
                $get_total_shipping = $wc_subscription->get_total_shipping();

            if ($product->needs_shipping()) {
                $item = $this->create_shipping_product($shipping_method);
                $shipping_item = array(
                    'type' => 'shipping',
                    'vindi_id' => $item['id'],
                    'price' => $get_total_shipping,
                    'qty' => 1,
        return $shipping_item;

    private function create_shipping_product($shipping_method)
        return $this->routes->findOrCreateProduct(
            sprintf("Frete (%s)", $shipping_method),

     * Create the tax item.
     * @param WC_Order_Item_Product[] $order_items. Products to calculate the tax amount
     * @return array
    protected function build_tax_item($order_items)

        $total_tax = 0;
        $taxItem = [];

        foreach ($order_items as $order_item) {
            if (get_option('woocommerce_tax_total_display') === 'itemized') {
                if (!empty($order_item['type'])) {
                    if ($order_item['type'] === 'shipping') {
                        $total_tax += (float) ($this->order->get_shipping_tax());
                    } else {
                        $total_tax += (float) ($order_item->get_total_tax());
            } else {
                !empty($order_item['type']) && $total_tax += ($order_item['type'] === 'shipping' ? (float) $this->order->get_shipping_tax() : (float) $order_item->get_total_tax());

        if ($total_tax > 0) {
            $item = $this->routes->findOrCreateProduct("Taxa", 'wc-tax');
            $taxItem = array(
                'type' => 'tax',
                'vindi_id' => $item['id'],
                'price' => (float) $total_tax,
                'qty' => 1,
        return $taxItem;

     * Create discount item for a bill.
     * @param WC_Order_Item_Product[] $order_items. All the products to calculate
     * the discount amount
     * @return array
    protected function build_discount_item_for_bill($order_items)
        $discount_item = [];
        $bill_total_discount = 0;
        foreach ($order_items as $order_item) {
            if (isset($order_item['subtotal']) && isset($order_item['total'])) {
                $bill_total_discount += (float) ($order_item['subtotal'] - $order_item['total']);

        if (empty($bill_total_discount)) {
            return $discount_item;

        $item = $this->routes->findOrCreateProduct("Cupom de desconto", 'wc-discount');
        $discount_item = array(
            'type' => 'discount',
            'vindi_id' => $item['id'],
            'price' => (float) $bill_total_discount * -1,
            'qty' => 1,

        return $discount_item;

     * Create bill product item to send to the Vindi API.
     * @param WC_Order_Item_Product $order_item. The product to be converted to
     * the correct product format.
     * @return array
    protected function build_product_items_for_bill($order_item)
        $item = array(
            'product_id' => $order_item['vindi_id'],
            'quantity' => $order_item['qty'],
            'pricing_schema' => array(
                'price' => $order_item['price'],
                'schema_type' => 'per_unit',

        if (
            'discount' == $order_item['type'] || 'shipping' == $order_item['type'] ||
            'tax' == $order_item['type'] || 'interest_rate' == $order_item['type'] || 'sign_up_fee' == $order_item['type']
        ) {
            $item = array(
                'product_id' => $order_item['vindi_id'],
                'amount' => $order_item['price'],

        return $item;

     * Create subscription product item to send to the Vindi API.
     * @param WC_Order_Item_Product $order_item. The product to be converted to
     * the correct product format.
     * @return array
    protected function build_product_items_for_subscription($order_item)
        $plan_cycles = $this->get_cycle_from_product_type($order_item);
        $product_item = array(
            'product_id' => $order_item['vindi_id'],
            'quantity' => $order_item['qty'],
            'cycles' => $plan_cycles,
            'pricing_schema' => array(
                'price' => abs($order_item['price']),
                'schema_type' => 'per_unit',
        $coupons = array_values($this->vindi_settings->woocommerce->cart->get_coupons());

        if (!empty($coupons) && $order_item['type'] == 'line_item') {
            $product_item['discounts'] = [];

            foreach ($coupons as $coupon) {
                if ($this->coupon_supports_product($order_item, $coupon)) {
                    $discount_item = $this->build_discount_item_for_subscription($coupon, $order_item, $plan_cycles);
                    $product_item['discounts'][] = $discount_item;

        return $product_item;

     * Verify that the coupon can be applied to the current product.
     * @param WC_Order_Item_Product $order_item. The product.
     * @param WC_Coupon $coupon. The coupon.
     * @return bool
    protected function coupon_supports_product($order_item, $coupon)
        $product_id = $order_item->get_product()->get_id();
        $included_products = $coupon->get_product_ids();
        $excluded_products = $coupon->get_excluded_product_ids();

        if (!empty($excluded_products)) {
            if (in_array($product_id, $excluded_products)) {
                // The coupon doesn't support the current product
                return false;
        if (!empty($included_products)) {
            if (!in_array($product_id, $included_products)) {
                // The coupon doesn't support the current product
                return false;

        return true;

     * Create a discount item for a subscription.
     * @param WC_Coupon $coupon. The coupon to be added.
     * @param int $plan_cycles. The amount of cycles that the subscription has.
     * @return array
    protected function build_discount_item_for_subscription($coupon, $order_item, $plan_cycles = 0)
        $discount_item = [];
        $amount = $coupon->get_amount();
        $discount_type = $coupon->get_discount_type();
        if ($discount_type == 'fixed_cart') {
            $total_cart = WC()->cart->subtotal;
            $percentage_item = $order_item['subtotal'] / $total_cart;
            $discount_value = $percentage_item * $amount;
            $discount_item['discount_type'] = 'amount';
            $discount_item['amount'] = (float) $discount_value;
            $discount_item['cycles'] = 1;
            return $discount_item;
        } elseif ($discount_type == 'fixed_product') {
            $discount_value = $order_item['quantity'] * $amount;
            $discount_item['discount_type'] = 'amount';
            $discount_item['amount'] = (float) $discount_value;
        } elseif (strpos($discount_type, 'fixed') !== false) {
            $discount_item['discount_type'] = 'amount';
            $discount_item['amount'] = (float) $amount;
        } elseif (strpos($discount_type, 'percent') !== false ||strpos($discount_type, 'recurring_percent') !== false) {
            $discount_item['discount_type'] = 'amount';
            $discount_item['amount'] = abs($amount / 100 * ($order_item['price'] * $order_item['quantity']));
        $discount_item['cycles'] = $this->config_discount_cycles($coupon, $plan_cycles);
        return $discount_item;

     * Configure the discount cycles that the coupon will be used.
     * @param WC_Coupon $coupon. The coupon to be added.
     * @param int $plan_cycles. The amount of cycles that the subscription has.
     * @return int
    protected function config_discount_cycles($coupon, $plan_cycles = 0)
        $cycle_count = get_post_meta($coupon->get_id(), 'cycle_count', true);
        if ($coupon->get_discount_type() == 'recurring_percent') {
            $subscriptions_coupon = new WC_Subscriptions_Coupon();
            $cycle_count = $subscriptions_coupon->get_coupon_limit($coupon->get_id());
        if ($cycle_count == 0) {
            return null;
        return $this->get_plan_length($cycle_count, $plan_cycles);

     * Get plan length
     * @param int $cycle_count
     * @param int $plan_cycles
     * @return int
    private function get_plan_length($cycle_count, $plan_cycles)
        if (!$cycle_count) {
            return null;

        if ($plan_cycles) {
            return min($plan_cycles, $cycle_count);

        return $cycle_count;

     * Retrieve number of installments from order.
     * If the order contains subscriptions the return will be 1,
     * else it will be the amount selected by the user during checkout.
     * @return int
    protected function installments()
        if (
            'credit_card' == $this->payment_method_code() &&
        ) {
            return filter_var($_POST['vindi_cc_installments'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);

        return 1;

     * Retrieve Plan for Vindi Subscription.
     * @param WC_Order_Item_Product $order_item
     * @return int|bool
    public function get_plan_from_order_item($order_item)
        $product = $order_item->get_product();

        if (isset($order_item['variation_id']) && $order_item['variation_id'] != 0) {
            $vindi_plan = get_post_meta($order_item['variation_id'], 'vindi_plan_id', true);
            if (empty($vindi_plan) || !is_numeric($vindi_plan) || is_null($vindi_plan) || $vindi_plan == 0) {
                $vindi_plan = get_post_meta($product->get_id(), 'vindi_plan_id', true);
        } else {
            $vindi_plan = get_post_meta($product->get_id(), 'vindi_plan_id', true);

        if ($this->is_subscription_type($product) and !empty($vindi_plan)) {
            return $vindi_plan;

        $this->abort(__('O produto selecionado não é uma assinatura.', VINDI), true);

     * Create a subscription within Vindi
     * @param int $customer_id ID of the customer that placed the order
     * @param WC_Order_item_product $order_item Item to add to the subscription.
     * @return array
     * @throws Exception
    protected function create_subscription($customer_id, $order_item)
        if ($order_item == null || empty($order_item)) {
        $data = [];
        $data['customer_id'] = $customer_id;
        $data['payment_method_code'] = $this->payment_method_code();
        $data['installments'] = $this->installments();
        $data['product_items'] = array();
        $product = $order_item->get_product();
        if ($this->is_subscription_type($product) || $this->is_variable($product)) {
            $data['plan_id'] = $this->get_plan_from_order_item($order_item);
            $wc_subscription_id = VindiHelpers::get_matching_subscription($this->order, $order_item)->get_id();
            $data['code'] = strpos($wc_subscription_id, 'WC') > 0 ? $wc_subscription_id : 'WC-' . $wc_subscription_id;
        $data['product_items'] = $this->get_build_products($data, $order_item);
        $subscription = $this->routes->createSubscription($data);
        if (!isset($subscription['id']) || empty($subscription['id'])) {
            throw new Exception(sprintf(__('Pagamento Falhou. (%s)', VINDI), $this->vindi_settings->api->last_error));
        $subscription['wc_id'] = $wc_subscription_id;
        if (isset($subscription['bill']['id'])) {
            $this->order->update_meta_data('vindi_bill_id', $subscription['bill']['id']);
        return $subscription;

    private function get_build_products($data, $order_item)
        return array_merge(
            $this->build_product_items($order_item, 'subscription')

     * Cancel subscriptions and order in case of error on payment
     * @param array $wc_subscriptions_ids Array with the IDs of woocommerce subscriptions that must be canceled
     * @param array $subscriptions_ids Array with the IDs of vindi subscriptions that must be suspended
     * @param string $message Error message
    private function cancel_subscriptions_and_order($wc_subscriptions_ids, $subscriptions_ids, $message)

        foreach ($wc_subscriptions_ids as $wc_subscription_id) {
            $wc_subscription = wcs_get_subscription($wc_subscription_id);
            $wc_subscription->update_status('cancelled', __($message, VINDI));

        $this->order->update_status('cancelled', __($message, VINDI));

        if ($message) {
            $this->abort(__(sprintf('Erro ao criar o pedido: %s', $message), VINDI), true);

     * Create a bill within Vindi
     * @param int $customer_id ID of the customer that placed the order
     * @param WC_Order_item_product[] $order_items Array with items to add to the bill.
     * @return int
     * @throws Exception
    protected function create_bill($customer_id, $order_items)
        $data = array(
            'customer_id' => $customer_id,
            'payment_method_code' => $this->payment_method_code(),
            'bill_items' => $this->build_product_items($order_items, 'bill'),
            'code' => $this->order->get_id(),
            'installments' => $this->installments(),

        $bill = $this->routes->createBill($data);

        if (!$bill) {
            $this->logger->log(sprintf('Erro no pagamento do pedido %s.', $this->order->get_id()));
            $message = sprintf(__('Pagamento Falhou. (%s)', VINDI), $this->vindi_settings->api->last_error);
            $this->order->update_status('failed', $message);

            throw new Exception($message);

        if ($bill['id']) {
            $this->logger->log(sprintf('Update Bill: %s', json_encode($bill)));

        return $bill;

     * Create bill meta array to add to the order
     * @param array $bill The bill returned from Vindi API
     * @return array
    protected function create_bill_meta_for_order($bill)
        $bill_meta = [];
        $bill_meta['id'] = $bill['id'];
        $bill_meta['status'] = $bill['status'];

        if (isset($bill['charges']) && count($bill['charges'])) {
            $charges = end($bill['charges']);
            $bill_meta['bank_slip_url'] = $charges['print_url'] ?? '';

            if (
                array_intersect([$this->payment_method_code()], ['pix', 'pix_bank_slip'])
                && isset($charges['last_transaction']['gateway_response_fields'])
            ) {
                $transaction = $charges['last_transaction']['gateway_response_fields'];
                $bill_meta['charge_id'] = $charges['id'];
                $bill_meta['pix_expiration'] = $transaction['max_days_to_keep_waiting_payment'] ?? '';
                $bill_meta['pix_code'] = $transaction['qrcode_original_path'];
                $bill_meta['pix_qr'] = $transaction['qrcode_path'];
        return $bill_meta;

     * Check if bill was rejected by Vindi
     * @param array $bill The bill returned from Vindi API
     * @return bool|string
    protected function cancel_if_denied_bill_status($bill)
        if (empty($bill['charges'])) {
            return false;

        $last_charge = end($bill['charges']);
        $transaction_status = $last_charge['last_transaction']['status'];

        $denied_status = [
            'rejected' => 'Não foi possível processar seu pagamento. Por favor verifique os dados informados. ',
            'failure' => 'Ocorreu um erro ao tentar aprovar a transação, tente novamente.'

        if (array_key_exists($transaction_status, $denied_status)) {
            if ($this->is_cc() && $last_charge['last_transaction']['gateway_message'] != null) {
                return $denied_status[$transaction_status] . $last_charge['last_transaction']['gateway_message'];

            return $denied_status[$transaction_status];

        return false;

     * Suspend subscription within Vindi
     * @param array $subscriptions_ids Array with the IDs of subscriptions that were processed
    protected function suspend_subscriptions($subscriptions_ids)

        foreach ($subscriptions_ids as $subscription_id) {
            $this->routes->suspendSubscription($subscription_id, true);

     * Suspend bills within Vindi
     * @param array $bills Array with the bills that were processed
    protected function cancel_bills($bills, $comments = '')
        foreach ($bills as $bill) {
            $this->routes->deleteBill($bill['id'], $comments);

     * Finish the payment
     * @param array $bills Order bills returned from Vindi API
     * @return array
    protected function finish_payment($bills)
        $bills_status = [];
        foreach ($bills as $bill) {
            array_push($bills_status, $bill['status']);
        return array(
            'result' => 'success',
            'redirect' => $this->order->get_checkout_order_received_url(),

    private function generate_log_message($bill)
        $fatura = $bill['id'];
        $pedido = $this->order->get_id();
        $message = 'Aguardando pagamento da fatura %s do pedido %s pela Vindi.';
        if ($bill['status'] == 'paid') {
            $message = 'O Pagamento da fatura %s do pedido %s foi realizado com sucesso pela Vindi.';
        $this->logger->log(sprintf($message, $fatura, $pedido));

    private function update_order_status($bills_status)
        $status = 'pending';
        $status_message = '';
        if (sizeof($bills_status) == sizeof(array_keys($bills_status, 'paid'))) {
            $status = $this->vindi_settings->get_return_status();
        if ($this->order_has_trial()) {
            $status = $this->vindi_settings->get_return_status();
            $status_message = __('Aguardando pagamento do pedido.', VINDI);
        $this->order->update_status($status, $status_message);
     * Find or create the product within Vindi
     * and add the vindi id to the product array
     * @param WC_Order_Item_Product $order_item
     * @return WC_Product Woocommerce product array with a vindi id
    protected function get_product($order_item)

        $product = $order_item->get_product();
        $product_id = $order_item->get_id();
        $vindi_product_id = get_post_meta($product, 'vindi_product_id', true);

        if (!$vindi_product_id) {
            $vindi_product = 63;
            if (!$this->is_subscription_type($product)) {
                $vindi_product = $this->controllers->products->create($product_id, '', '', true);
            } else {
                $vindi_product = $this->controllers->plans->create($product_id, '', '', true);
            $vindi_product_id = $vindi_product['id'];

        if (empty($vindi_product_id) || !$vindi_product_id) {
            $vindi_product_id = $this->routes->findProductByCode('WC-' . $product->id)['id'];

        $product->vindi_id = (int) $vindi_product_id > 0 ? $vindi_product_id : 63;
        if ($product->id === null) $product->id = 63;

        return $product;

     * Check if the order has a subscription with trial and simple products.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return bool
    public function order_has_trial_and_simple_product()
        $has_trial = false;
        $has_simple_product = false;
        $order_items = $this->order->get_items();
        foreach ($order_items as $order_item) {
            $product = $order_item->get_product();
            if ($this->subscription_has_trial($product)) {
                $has_trial = true;
                if ($has_simple_product) {
                    return true;
            } else {
                $has_simple_product = true;
                if ($has_trial) {
                    return true;
        return $has_trial && $has_simple_product;

     * Check if the product is variable
     * @param WC_Product $product
     * @return bool
    protected function is_variable(WC_Product $product)
        return (bool) preg_match('/variation/', $product->get_type());

     * Check if the product is a subscription
     * @param WC_Product $product
     * @return bool
    protected function is_subscription_type(WC_Product $product)
        return (bool) preg_match('/subscription/', $product->get_type());

     * Check if the subscription has a trial period
     * @param WC_Product $product
     * @return bool
    protected function subscription_has_trial(WC_Product $product)
        return $this->is_subscription_type($product) && class_exists('WC_Subscriptions_Product') && WC_Subscriptions_Product::get_trial_length($product->get_id()) > 0;

     * Check if the order has a subscription with trial period
     * @return bool
    protected function order_has_trial()
        $has_trial   = false;
        $order_items = $this->order->get_items();

        foreach ($order_items as $order_item) {
            $product = $order_item->get_product();
            if ($this->subscription_has_trial($product)) {
                $has_trial = true;

        return $has_trial;

     * Get trial item quantity, subtotal and total price.
     * @param WC_Order_Item_Product $order_item
     * @return WC_Order_Item_Product
    protected function get_trial_matching_subscription_item(WC_Order_Item_Product $order_item)
        $subscription = VindiHelpers::get_matching_subscription($this->order, $order_item);
        $matching_item = VindiHelpers::get_matching_subscription_item($subscription, $order_item);
        return $matching_item;

    protected function get_vindi_code(String $product)
        try {
            $response = $this->routes->findProductByCode('WC-' . $product);
            return $response['id'];
        } catch (Exception $err) {
            return $product;