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Test Coverage
module.exports = {
  types: [
    { value: ':sparkles: feat', name: '✨ feat:\tAdding a new feature' },
    { value: ':bug: fix', name: '🐛 fix:\tFixing a bug' },
    { value: ':memo: docs', name: '📝 docs:\tAdd or update documentation' },
      value: ':lipstick: style',
      name: '💄 style:\tAdd or update styles, ui or ux'
      value: ':hammer: style',
      name: '🔨 style:\tAdd or update development scripts'
      value: ':recycle: refactor',
      name: '♻️  refactor:\tCode change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature'
      value: ':boom: fix',
      name: '💥 fix:\t A fix that add some breaking changes'
      value: ':boom: feat',
      name: '💥 feat:\t A feat that add some breaking changes'
      value: ':zap: perf',
      name: '⚡️ perf:\tCode change that improves performance'
      value: ':white_check_mark: test',
      name: '✅ test:\tAdding tests cases'
      value: ':truck: chore',
      name: '🚚 chore:\tChanges to the build process or auxiliary tools\n\t\tand libraries such as documentation generation'
    { value: ':rewind: revert', name: '⏪️ revert:\tRevert to a commit' },
    { value: ':construction: wip', name: '🚧 wip:\tWork in progress' },
      value: ':construction_worker: build',
      name: '👷 build:\tAdd or update regards to build process'
      value: ':green_heart: ci',
      name: '💚 ci:\tAdd or update regards to build process'

  scopes: [
    { name: 'ui' },
    { name: 'service-worker' },
    { name: 'http' },
    { name: 'controller' },
    { name: 'service' },
    { name: 'router' },
    { name: 'store' },
    { name: 'page' },
    { name: 'changelog' },
    { name: 'home' },
    { name: 'planner' },
    { name: 'animations' },
    { name: 'upgrade' },
    { name: 'settings' }

  scopeOverrides: {
    fix: [
      { name: 'merge' },
      { name: 'style' },
      { name: 'test' },
      { name: 'hotfix' }

  allowCustomScopes: true,
  allowBreakingChanges: ['feat', 'fix'],
  // skip any questions you want
  skipQuestions: ['body'],
  subjectLimit: 100