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# Changelog

<a name="0.22.1"></a>
## 0.22.1 (2022-10-30)

### Changed

- 🚚 chore(release-action): remove invalid files from release-it config [[54fd1eb](]

### Fixed

- 💚 ci(versioning): add new release workflow to generate releases and emoji to commits [[b8c8329](]

### Miscellaneous

-  Merge pull request [#60]( from vinicioslc/docs/improv-readme-docs [[1362ea9](]
- 📝 docs(readme): remove not allowed svg on readme, distribute sections better for vscocde extensions page [[8a6d064](]
-  Merge pull request [#58]( from vinicioslc/ci/add-emoji-commits-workflow-to-deploy [[55b7ef6](]
-  Merge pull request [#57]( from vinicioslc/ci/auto-merge-workflow [[f7c0db9](]
-  ci: add auto merge action to merge PRs when they succeed in tests [[afd4729](]
-  Merge pull request [#53]( from vinicioslc/fix/typescript-version-refactor [[9aa828a](]
-  style: remove unecessary imports [[e62ab5b](]
-  Merge commit &#x27;3f0c94c7b5ec4e28e8e5652d1ddee85737c10f37&#x27; into fix/typescript-version-refactor [[6998ea2](]
-  Merge pull request [#52]( from vinicioslc/feat/eslint-format [[3f0c94c](]
-  feat: add .eslintrc and rules to format code correctly [[fe54cd1](]
-  refactor(typescript): remove requirement of any explicit return, bump typescript formatter package [[5b3b258](]
-  Merge pull request [#51]( from vinicioslc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/thenify-3.3.1 [[b9de8b5](]
-  build(deps): bump thenify from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 [[1810568](]
-  Update [[efcda0b](]
-  Update [[8ddb714](]
-  Merge pull request [#50]( from vinicioslc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/minimist-1.2.6 [[ef6e86f](]
-  build(deps-dev): bump minimist from 1.2.3 to 1.2.6 [[cf4d44a](]
-  Merge pull request [#48]( from vinicioslc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/trim-off-newlines-1.0.3 [[6cbd168](]
-  Merge pull request [#49]( from vinicioslc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/ini-1.3.8 [[8ab7e44](]
-  Merge pull request [#47]( from vinicioslc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/tar-4.4.19 [[a30d8db](]
-  build(deps): bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 [[747c12e](]
-  build(deps): bump tar from 4.4.13 to 4.4.19 [[e5cdecf](]
-  build(deps): bump trim-off-newlines from 1.0.1 to 1.0.3 [[1c69a46](]
-  Merge pull request [#46]( from vinicioslc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/ajv-6.12.6 [[5ba5772](]
-  build(deps): bump ajv from 6.10.2 to 6.12.6 [[c1c9641](]
-  fix: hotfix for &#x27;undefined&#x27; error message on undefined length checks [[331d7a3](]
-  Merge pull request [#43]( from vinicioslc/fix/dependabot-removed [[d99a8de](]
-  ci: removed automerge [[b07f56c](]
-  Merge pull request [#42]( from vinicioslc/fix/dependabot-removed [[82dda36](]
-  docs: removed unecessary comments [[e3bc9dd](]
-  ci: removed badges for test [[65055a3](]
-  Merge pull request [#41]( from vinicioslc/test/ci-automerge-test [[7e1e26a](]
-  ci: adds github token [[245ea7f](]
-  ci: adds github token [[e8ed210](]
-  ci: changed automerge plugin [[7bf7391](]
-  ci: alterado estrategia de automerge [[876764c](]
-  Merge pull request [#40]( from vinicioslc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/tmpl-1.0.5 [[9dc45a4](]
-  Create codeql-analysis.yml [[480fa1f](]
-  ci: add automerge dependabot updates [[6c6e02d](]
-  ci: fixes automerge version [[e5cf361](]
-  fix: add manualy dispatch actions [[df155e9](]
-  Update automatic-merge.yml [[3cb0af6](]
-  fix: add automerge feature for commits [[07914f0](]
-  build(deps): bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 [[39db346](]
-  Merge pull request [#38]( from vinicioslc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/path-parse-1.0.7 [[32a7689](]
-  fix: remove blank assignment [[09aa801](]
-  build(deps): bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 [[86d3624](]
-  build(deps): bump trim-newlines from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 [[d43fd27](]
-  build(deps): bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.5 to 2.8.9 [[4f330de](]
-  build(deps): bump ws from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3 [[f323c26](]
-  docs: bump version [[5fda5c1](]
-  fix: fix memento class errors due contract change [[c93705b](]
-  fix: bump vscode version [[6410cac](]
-  Merge pull request [#34]( from vinicioslc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/lodash-4.17.21 [[eb698b6](]
-  Merge pull request [#36]( from vinicioslc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/trim-newlines-3.0.1 [[11ce94f](]
-  Merge pull request [#35]( from vinicioslc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/hosted-git-info-2.8.9 [[0c9384d](]
-  Merge pull request [#37]( from vinicioslc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/ws-5.2.3 [[d118e2c](]
-  Merge pull request [#31]( from vinicioslc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/y18n-4.0.1 [[5233f5a](]
-  Merge branch &#x27;dependabot/npm_and_yarn/trim-newlines-3.0.1&#x27; of into production [[eecdf89](]
-  Merge branch &#x27;production&#x27; of into production [[5948df6](]
-  fix: remove deprecated package [[4f9d0a7](]
-  Update [[1b753cc](]
-  build(deps): bump trim-newlines from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 [[8b30745](]
-  build(deps): bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 [[6d346e6](]
-  Create stale.yml [[ae8d064](]
-  build(deps): bump y18n from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 [[7138bde](]
-  fix: add markdown badges for sonar cloud [[31938a9](]
-  fix: fixed tests [[17514a3](]
-  ci: fix get tag name version in build pipeline [[f4e1601](]
-  feat: add port selection during actions that closes issue [#30]( [[22039a6](]
-  refactor: add commitlint to git hooks [[d5c3516](]
-  fix(ci-cd): production build version fix [[f5d7eb4](]
-  Update [[f28e9cf](]
-  Merge pull request [#26]( from moozzyk/adb-location-doc [[147bcbe](]
-  Update table of contents [[f6a3414](]
-  docs( add next release details [[a75dc2b](]
-  Merge pull request [#25]( from vinicioslc/vinicioslc/issue23 [[d025e6d](]
-  fix(path-manager): hotfix in class ADBPathManager name wrong [[4ca8d45](]
-  fix(custom-path): fix persistence when custom adb location setted [[3a0220a](]
-  Update [[87b6c73](]
-  Merge pull request [#22]( from vinicioslc/vinicioslc/issue18 [[07ecd4c](]
-  Update [[b7f1f4f](]
-  docs(gif): add gif demostrating how to install apks on devices [[d70306a](]
-  Merge pull request [#20]( from vinicioslc/vinicioslc/issue17 [[192d389](]
-  ci(deploy): improve production deploy strategy with tags [[c45f009](]
-  Merge pull request [#19]( from vinicioslc/vinicioslc/issue16 [[cdea206](]
-  test(apk-installer): add integration test for apk-installer [[18fbbda](]
-  Merge pull request [#15]( from vinicioslc/feat/adb-apk-installer [[64d9602](]
-  docs(apk-install): add documentation about APK install feature, and bumped version also. [[6d157f7](]
-  docs( change some details from how to contribute and commit [[9c368f5](]
-  feat(adb-install): add new pick apk functionality working. [[e29b90f](]
-  docs(contributing): add file for new contributors [[f7ab217](]
-  fix(build): bump yargs-parser version because vulnerabilities [[fba941d](]
-  ci(tests): now jest tests will be runned in pullrequests for production and deleop. [[609e8a8](]
-  ci(build): every deploy tag, must starts with deploy-vX.X.X to trigger build [[30a59c7](]
-  ci(scripts): change ci/cd scripts names and remove master from pipeline. [[0255266](]

<a name="0.19.3"></a>
## 0.19.3 (2020-08-29)

### Miscellaneous

-  build(production): bump the version to be able deploy in store [[6679186](]
-  (readme): changed donation link and readme text layout. [[97376a4](]

<a name="0.19.2"></a>
## 0.19.2 (2020-08-20)

### Miscellaneous

-  fix(images): correct image links [[8735e3c](]

<a name="0.19.1"></a>
## 0.19.1 (2020-08-20)

### Miscellaneous

-  refactor(folders): refactor folder structure [[24bb563](]
-  fix(typescript build strategy): change compile command from typescript compiler [[9df7f5c](]
-  test(hipothesis proven): proving hypothesis that imports will work. [[9a85901](]
-  test(before-deploy): add tests before deploy [[e451f9f](]
-  (tests): fix tests broken due path name resolving [[3c1fbbb](]
-  style(code): added whitespaces in package.json [[4eeac23](]
-  fix(tests): fix broken tests [[05fb9be](]
-  ci(production-deploy): change the deploy strategy [[6141de0](]
-  Merge remote-tracking branch &#x27;origin/production&#x27; into fix/ip-connection [[46d1b21](]
-  fix(ip-connection): remove the hability of find ip device name [[6d46e7b](]
-  Refactor on folder organization. and some progress in code classification. [[81eb85b](]
-  Merge pull request [#12]( from vinicioslc/master [[b09afe3](]
-  Fixed Production version. [[ca3207c](]
-  Merge branch &#x27;feature/adb-folder-picker&#x27; [[ce8fb74](]
-  New Release Candidate. [[753f168](]
-  Added adb path controller/manager for custom adb path. [[aee14e9](]
-  Improved actions and readme. [[7ae421c](]
-  Atualizado [[a59b4e8](]
-  Refactor and mocked lan helpers class to enable testing. Implemented custom adb path check when search for ADB tool. [[70573a4](]
-  Changed production version strategy. [[e5a56e4](]
-  Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 [[75719b1](]
-  Merge pull request [#10]( from vinicioslc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/lodash-4.17.19 [[3326686](]
-  Hotfix [[1ae1c27](]
-  Added buy me a coffee button. [[106f164](]
-  Hotfix deploy script. [[da2e0d7](]
-  Merge branch &#x27;release/refactor-adb-resolver&#x27; [[ef7d473](]
-  Released commits with new folder structure. [[5e3ea9d](]
-  Renamed ADBController for a coesive class [[3cab08b](]
-  Improved responsability from controller. [[d1942d9](]
-  Moved test files for correct location. [[53623cb](]
-  Refactor in entire plugin concept. [[d6d8b25](]
-  Revert engine change erroneusly. [[14b32f0](]
-  Renamed test case. [[05e2a14](]
-  v1.26.0 Added tests passing correctly. [[5b3d960](]
-  New funcionality to console.mock [[4c58dc8](]
-  Organization Readme. [[c3081cb](]
-  Improved Readme File. [[a89c65d](]
-  Update [[dd06e56](]
-  Starting implement [[8e6f676](]
-  Merge branch &#x27;master&#x27; into refactor-classes-organization [[94751d5](]
-  Merge branch &#x27;refactor-classes-organization&#x27; Fixed [#7]( Added Released version 0.17.2 [[917a3cf](]
-  Hotfix. [[80c1228](]
-  Changed console-interface folder and moved from adb-manager -&gt; adb-wrapper folder. [[887dd57](]
-  Added deploy envs correctly. [[51cd3e9](]
-  Added enviroments to deploy script. [[4b93c07](]
-  Added npx for common comands. [[ee536d0](]
-  Removed tests from deploy branch. [[c15603d](]
-  Merge pull request [#5]( from vinicioslc/release/automated-publish [[86b6e09](]
-  Test publish [[40c270e](]
-  Deploy actions added. [[67f90ff](]
-  Acorn installed. [[c137141](]
-  Fix vulnerability. [[dabd4cc](]
-  Changed vscode ignore [[dcea1d6](]
-  Changed vscode ignore. [[2cbc81b](]
-  Fix version number [[7370f31](]
-  0.16.0 [[b6a0a72](]
-  Revert version. [[ebcfc3e](]
-  Removed Crashing Tests. [[3aa7f35](]
-  0.16.0 [[de57cce](]
-  Added new messaging strategy during connection FIXED [#4]( [[608db22](]
-  Bumped minimist due vulnerability advisor. [[9e563cd](]
-  Merge pull request [#3]( from vinicioslc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/acorn-5.7.4 [[af658ef](]
-  0.15.0 [[6c76ff4](]
-  Improved Message During Connection. [[a4e03cf](]
-  Bump acorn from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4 [[006419c](]
-  0.14.0 [[73196bb](]
-  Hotfix messages. [[4af8b68](]
-  Updated Badges. [[4b63a30](]
-  Improved Readme Syntax [[3b4be61](]
-  Added code quality [[4f26e04](]
-  Removed unused code. [[3a0541d](]
-  - Improved plugin commands location and fixes in commands registry. - Improved Readme [[7209b8b](]
-  0.13.0 [[0d13edd](]
-  Updated [[f3cf435](]
-  0.12.0 [[a93019b](]
-  updated publish command [[6f01e87](]
-  0.11.0 [[dc9a9ba](]
-  Updated badge generator to png support. [[bcdeea0](]
-  0.10.0 [[d8c4af0](]
-  Updated readme [[5fccb82](]
-  0.9.0 [[69c345c](]
-  Changed scripts run order [[e25c251](]
-  Merge branch &#x27;@fix-found-lan-devices&#x27; of [[5bce4b8](]
-  Improved commands registry. [[1ad6584](]
-  Hotfix package.json [[86011de](]
-  Added code coverage badges. [[ff9ffe6](]
-  Improvements in error handling. [[b66f263](]
-  Improvements in code quality [[3fcb3f8](]
-  Changed from toLocaleString() to toString() [[2fc4255](]
-  0.8.3 [[b93c9e3](]
-  Added readme.todo, add exceptions in adb commands. Renamed Functions and extracted more helpers. [[47a63d3](]
-  More refactor and decoupled adb-helpers. [[f8a468f](]
-  0.8.2 [[ac3c49b](]
-  Renamed Extension. [[7b975ba](]
-  Added more tests and some refactor in codebase. [[b74b030](]
-  0.8.1 [[f62e640](]
-  Hotfix [[c5f70b8](]
-  0.8.0 [[e07290a](]
-  Added much more tests. [[d89212f](]
-  Added warning emoji. [[097f315](]
-  New Icon [[7ec8cc8](]
-  0.7.3 [[f57e876](]
-  Fix icon extension. [[1552fe5](]
-  Fix build typescript version [[ecffe24](]
-  0.7.2 [[7ab6127](]
-  0.8.0 [[b0e5802](]
-  Merge branch &#x27;IanSC-master&#x27; [[6c21d5e](]
-  Merge branch &#x27;master&#x27; of into IanSC-master [[fd590f4](]
-  Improved readme disposition. [[cabdaf9](]
-  Refactor markdown layout [[349ab40](]
-  Update [[9d468d6](]
-  Improved layout [[cf54713](]
-  Added github badge. [[27790b9](]
-  Github Actions fixed - Removed [[b0afcc0](]
-  Create blank.yml [[af093de](]
-  - Fix travis ci runing &quot;jest watchAll&quot;. [[3032cf0](]
-  Merge branch &#x27;@refactor_adb-actions&#x27; [[79a8abe](]
-  Added [[77688a3](]
-  Fixed icon warning. [[9060570](]
-  Merge branch &#x27;master&#x27; of into @refactor_adb-actions [[12d55dc](]
-  Refactoring progress - More refactor in class structure - Added more tests (Firebase) [[caf8fbb](]
-  - Refactor in class names. - Modularized command. [[94785c3](]
-  Merge branch &#x27;@refactor_adb-actions&#x27; - Added jest as default test suite - Added some modularization on internal classes - more tests. .. [[6e0307c](]
-  - Modularization and refactors in adb-actions class - Added tests for listed devices [[fc3f131](]
-  Merge branch &#x27;@improvement_added-tests&#x27; into @refactor_adb-actions [[0bb05c1](]
-  Added Console Interface Implementation [[da573a9](]
-  Removed logs [[67d7617](]
-  Added Jest as default test suite. [[1a99579](]
-  Added tasks [[ca34250](]
-  Woking found lan devices to connect. [[bf371ae](]
-  - Modularized global keys [[f9a7ec1](]
-  Bumped some package versions. [[ad84d6e](]
-  Added vscode ignore. Added npm pubm (publish minor command) [[4a7d530](]
-  0.7.0 [[03825d6](]
-  Merge branch &#x27;@feature-kill-adb-server&#x27; - Added Kill ADB command - Made Some improvements in - Added one little quick start in [[424bec2](]
-  Added text improvements. [[5979f67](]
-  Added activation event. [[29fb06d](]
-  - Added ADB KIll Server Command [[5390592](]
-  - Improved naming of features and descriptions - Added one simply tutorial to connect to adb trough wifi. [[7ed87b3](]
-  Changed ConnectToDeviceFromList() [[02b250b](]
-  0.6.0 [[1175ebe](]
-  New Commands [[22ba907](]
-  new firebase debug mode [[432976f](]
-  Firebase Commands Added [[80447b7](]
-  Some refactor [[f3bfe43](]
-  0.5.0 [[e33aa42](]
-  Enviroment Warning. [[a77bd49](]
-  0.4.0 [[0e9970a](]
-  New firebase Methods and new description [[f4fd1d2](]
-  Update [[1022398](]
-  Fix Vulnerability [[a493a66](]
-  version bump [[bf93aa1](]
-  Readme update [[6d6e12c](]
-  git ignore file [[12437ec](]
-  0.3.0 [[9686369](]
-  New lan ip listing [[0d61978](]
-  new code style [[6630381](]
-  0.2.1 [[d98ebf7](]
-  New Version [[5c8a46b](]
-  nothing more [[f1dbbc9](]
-  0.2.0 [[23e8aeb](]
-  Removed out dir. [[b48ad0f](]
-  Added port to new adb requirements. [[e5a28f3](]
-  0.1.3 [[4c6e9a7](]
-  Text correction. [[fc33330](]
-  0.1.2 [[47b4080](]
-  0.1.1 [[e6322ec](]
-  Added new graphics. [[f3c1872](]
-  0.1.0 [[c14b0a4](]
-  Added new feature to connect from a list of devices. [[745e31d](]
-  0.0.6 [[901f3c6](]
-  Corrected name. [[c13bbca](]
-  Description [[2d30dd7](]
-  Added alert [[b432c4d](]
-  Updated [[6f89fa5](]
-  Some Corrections for publish [[1078c68](]
-  Added disconnect functionality and code improvements. [[48e86b0](]
-  Improved comunication interface with adb [[c0a821a](]
-  Merge branch &#x27;master&#x27; of [[a2ad74d](]
-  Added basic functionality. [[06c2037](]
-  Update [[6eedb71](]
-  Initial commit. [[32671aa](]
-  Update [[5068904](]
-  Initial commit [[bb2bf9b](]