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Showing 473 of 473 total issues

Missing semicolon

  const cimock = new ConsoleInterfaceMock()

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

import { ADBInterfaceError } from '../adb-wrapper'

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

import { ConsoleInterfaceMock } from '../console/console-interface/console-interface-mock'

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

import { IConsoleInterface } from '../console-interface/iconsole-interface'

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

import { IConsoleInterface } from './iconsole-interface'

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

  (myArgument: string): Buffer

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

    return this.execConsoleSync(command, options).toString()

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

  private readonly adbTestCommand = 'adb devices'
Severity: Minor
Found in src/domain/adb-resolver/index.ts by tslint

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

== should be ===

        this._returnStack.length == 1 &&

Rule: triple-equals

Requires === and !== in place of == and !=.


Two arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "allow-null-check" allows == and != when comparing to null.
  • "allow-undefined-check" allows == and != when comparing to undefined.
"triple-equals": true
"triple-equals": true,allow-null-check
"triple-equals": true,allow-undefined-check
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
  "minLength": 0,
  "maxLength": 2

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

    this._callback = callback

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

        result = this._returnStack[this._returnStack.length - 1]

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

import { IConsoleInterface } from './iconsole-interface'

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

  cimock.returnInfinity = false

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

      console.error('[LOG] Not founded in common folder', e)
Severity: Minor
Found in src/domain/adb-resolver/index.ts by tslint

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

    throw new ADBNotFoundError()
Severity: Minor
Found in src/domain/adb-resolver/index.ts by tslint

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

  private _storage: any
Severity: Minor
Found in src/domain/adb-path-manager/index.ts by tslint

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

import { ExecSyncOptions } from 'child_process'

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

    this.consoleInstance = instance

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Array type using 'Array<t>' is forbidden. Use 'T[]' instead.</t>

  pushToReturnStack(toReturn: Array<Buffer> | Buffer) {

Rule: array-type

Requires using either 'T[]' or 'Array<t>' for arrays.</t>

  • TypeScript Only
  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "array" enforces use of T[] for all types T.
  • "generic" enforces use of Array<T> for all types T.
  • "array-simple" enforces use of T[] if T is a simple type (primitive or type reference).
"array-type": true,array
"array-type": true,generic
"array-type": true,array-simple
  "type": "string",
  "enum": [

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon


Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.
