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# @blocker/steem-api
![Modern and lightweight JavaScript library to consume the Steem API.](cover.png)

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Modern and lightweight JavaScript library to consume the Steem API.

## Get started

### Install

yarn add @blocker/steem-api node-fetch
# or
npm install @blocker/steem-api node-fetch

You can use any library that supports the [WHATWG fetch]( specification.  

- [github/fetch](
- [isomorphic-fetch](
- [node-fetch](

### Usage

import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import { HttpAdapter, ApiClient } from '@blocker/steem-api'

const adapter = new HttpAdapter({ fetch })
const client = new ApiClient({ adapter })

client.tags.getTrendingTags({ limit: 2 })
  .then(data => {


[demo RunKit](

## ApiClient

*ApiClient* uses [Proxy]( and [Reflect]( to simplify its use.

### Send requests with Proxy feature

Syntax: `client[api_name][method_name](params)`

client.database_api.list_savings_withdrawals({ start: 10, limit: 55 })
  .then(result => {  })
You can omit the `_api` suffix in `api_name` and use [camelCase]( in `api_name` and `method_name`.

client.database.listOwnerHistories({ start: 10, limit: 55 })
  .then(result => {  })

### Send requests without Proxy feature

However it is possible to send requests without using this feature.

There are 3 ways to use the send method.
client.send(api_name, method_name, params)
client.send(full_method_name, params)


client.send('database_api', 'list_savings_withdrawals', { start: 10, limit: 55 })
client.send('database_api.list_savings_withdrawals', { start: 10, limit: 55 })
  method: 'database_api.list_savings_withdrawals',
  params: { start: 10, limit: 55 }

## Adapters
*ApiClient* uses adapters to send requests. Currently the only available adapter is the **HttpAdapter**.

### HttpAdapter

The *HttpAdapter* constructor receives the function an object as an argument, within that object the *fetch* instance must be passed as argument.

import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import { HttpAdapter } from '@blocker/steem-api'

const adapter = new HttpAdapter({ fetch })