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Spree Favorite Products

* Spree Favorite Products is an extension that allows the user to mark/unkmark a product as favorite from the product page.

* If a product has variants, user can mark both the product, as well as, any variant as favorite.

* Admin can view which products, as well as, variants have been marked as favorite, and by which users, on the Admin end.

* It gives user the ability to see all products marked as favorite by him/her.

* User can directly add his favorited products to cart

* User can save products for later from his cart.

Try Spree Favorite Products for Spree 3-4 with direct deployment on Heroku:


Try Spree Favorite Products for Spree master with direct deployment on Heroku:



1. Add this extension to your Gemfile with this line:

  #### Spree >= 3.2

  gem 'spree_favorite_products', github: 'vinsol-spree-contrib/spree_favorite_products'

  #### Spree < 3.2

  gem 'spree_favorite_products', github: 'vinsol-spree-contrib/spree_favorite_products', branch: 'X-X-stable'

  The `branch` option is important: it must match the version of Spree you're using.
  For example, use `3-0-stable` if you're using Spree `3-0-stable` or any `3.0.x` version.

2. Install the gem using Bundler:
  bundle install

3. Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator:

  bundle exec rails g spree_favorite_products:install

  #### Spree >= 3.1

  For Building Dependencies:
  appraisal install

  The dummy app can be regenerated by using:
  appraisal spree-3-1 rake test_app

  This will run rake test_app using the dependencies configured for Spree 3.1. Similarly you can use spree-3-2 and spree-master for generating dummy applications using dependencies for Spree 3.2 and latest version of Spree

  appraisal spree-3-1 rspec
  This will run rspec using the dependencies configured for Spree 3.1. Similarly you can use spree-3-2 and spree-master to run rspec using dependencies for Spree 3.2 and latest version of Spree

  #### Spree 3.0 and Spree 2.x

  First bundle your dependencies, then run `rake`. `rake` will default to building the dummy app if it does not exist, then it will run specs. The dummy app can be regenerated by using `rake test_app`.

  bundle exec rspec spec

## See It In Action

<a href="
" target="_blank"><img src="" 
alt="Youtube Video Tutorial" /></a>


1. Fork the repo.
2. Clone your repo.
3. Run `bundle install`.
4. Run `bundle exec rake test_app` to create the test application in `spec/test_app`.
5. Make your changes.
6. Ensure specs pass by running `bundle exec rspec spec`.
7. Submit your pull request.


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