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package com.github.vitalsoftware.scalaredox.models

import org.joda.time.DateTime
import com.github.vitalsoftware.util.JsonImplicits.jodaISO8601Format
import com.github.vitalsoftware.macros._
import com.github.vitalsoftware.util.RobustPrimitives
import play.api.libs.json._

 * @param VisitNumber ID for the patient visit/encounter. Either this or a timeframe is required. If both are provided, the visit number will be used.
 * @param StartDateTime Beginning of the timeframe for which to request visit summaries. Either this or a visit number is required. If both are provided, the visit number will be used. ISO 8601 Format
 * @param EndDateTime End of the timeframe for which to request visit summaries. The maximum and default timeframe will extend 5 days from the start date. If both are provided, the visit number will be used. ISO 8601 Format
@jsonDefaults case class VisitQueryParams(
  VisitNumber: Option[String] = None,
  StartDateTime: DateTime,
  EndDateTime: Option[DateTime] = None

object VisitQueryParams extends RobustPrimitives

 * This query finds and returns visit summaries for a given patient at the specified health system within the specified
 * timeframe. Include the fields listed in the VisitQuery section in the body of your request. The response will
 * contain these sections: Header, Allergies, Assessment, ChiefComplaint, Encounters, HistoryOfPresentIllness,
 * Instructions, Interventions, Medications, Objective, PhysicalExam, PlanOfCare, Problems, ReasonForReferral,
 * ReasonForVisit, Results, ReviewOfSystems, Subjective, VitalSigns.
 * You must provide the patient's medical record number (MRN) as part of the query. The ID type that corresponds to
 * the MRN varies per health system. You should work with the health system to determine which ID type to send. If you
 * do not already have a patient's MRN on file, you can obtain it using the PatientSearch data model. For testing
 * purposes, the Redox Health System is connected to the NIST Document Sharing Test Facility, which uses the "NIST" ID
 * type for the MRN. The PatientSearch data model will return a NIST ID that you should use with the VisitQuery.
@jsonDefaults case class VisitQuery(
  Meta: Meta,
  Patient: Patient,
  Visit: VisitQueryParams
) extends HasPatient

object VisitQuery extends RobustPrimitives

 * @param Value The diagnosis as free text
 * @param DateTime When the diagnosis was recorded. ISO 8601 Format
 * @param IsNegativeIndicator Absent or false for a normal diagnosis, indicates that the diagnosis is explicitly unlikely when true
 * @param Encodings An array of formal designations for this diagnosis
@jsonDefaults case class Diagnosis(
  Value: String,
  DateTime: DateTime,
  IsNegativeIndicator: Option[Boolean],
  Encodings: Seq[BasicCodeset] = Seq.empty

object Diagnosis extends RobustPrimitives

@jsonDefaults case class Assessment(
  Diagnoses: Seq[Diagnosis] = Seq.empty

object Assessment extends RobustPrimitives

 * Patient class is used in many EHRs to determine where to put the patient.
object PatientClassType extends Enumeration {
  val Inpatient, Outpatient, Emergency = Value
  @transient implicit lazy val jsonFormat: Format[PatientClassType.Value] =
    Format(Reads.enumNameReads(PatientClassType), Writes.enumNameWrites)

trait VisitLike {
  def VisitNumber: Option[String]
  def Location: Option[CareLocation]

 * Information about the visit associate with models.Order and/or models.Result
 * TODO: Running into Function22 and Tuple22 limits here...
 * @param Location Location of the appointment
 * @param Duration Length of visit. In minutes
 * @param PatientClass Patient class is used in many EHRs to determine where to put the patient. Examples: Inpatient, Outpatient, Emergency
 * @param Instructions Appointment instructions
 * @param Balance Patient balance due for this visit. This field depends on whether or not the sending system has billing functionality, and whether they calculate this field.
 * @param AttendingProvider ID of the attending provider. This ID is required for Inpatient Visits
 * @param Guarantor Person ultimately responsible for the bill of the appointment
 * @param Insurances List of insurance coverages for the patient
@jsonDefaults case class VisitInfo(
  VisitNumber: Option[String] = None,
//  AccountNumber: Option[String] = None,
  VisitDateTime: Option[DateTime] = None,
  Duration: Option[Double] = None,
  Reason: Option[String] = None,
  PatientClass: Option[PatientClassType.Value] = None,
  Location: Option[CareLocation] = None,
  PreviousLocation: Option[CareLocation] = None,
  AttendingProvider: Option[Provider] = None,
  ConsultingProvider: Option[Provider] = None,
  ReferringProvider: Option[Provider] = None,
  Guarantor: Option[Guarantor] = None,
  Insurance: Option[Insurance] = None,
  Insurances: Seq[Insurance] = Seq.empty,
  Instructions: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
  Balance: Option[Double] = None,
  Type: Option[String] = None, // Claims[].Visit
  DateTime: Option[DateTime] = None,
  DischargeDateTime: Option[DateTime] = None,
  DischargeStatus: Option[BasicCodeset] = None,
  DischargeLocation: Option[CareLocation] = None,
  StartDateTime: Option[DateTime] = None, // Header.Document.Visit only
  EndDateTime: Option[DateTime] = None
) extends VisitLike

object VisitInfo extends RobustPrimitives

// Note: Presently used only by Flowsheet
 * @param Location Location of the patient.
 * @param AccountNumber An ID that can span several visits often related to the same issue - pregnancy, surgeries, research study, etc.
@jsonDefaults case class BasicVisitInfo(
  VisitNumber: Option[String] = None,
  Location: Option[CareLocation] = None,
  AccountNumber: Option[String] = None
) extends VisitLike

object BasicVisitInfo extends RobustPrimitives